For thousands of years, the fabled Silk Road, as travelled by Marco Polo, was the link between the people of Europe and the vast riches of mysterious China. Spanning the deserts, grasslands, and seas between Istanbul and the major cities of China, the Silk Road witnessed an ongoing parade of goods and traders, carrying with them their art, religion, and culture. The impact of the Silk Road is immeasurable - giants such as Alexander the Great and tyrants such as Genghis Khan created our world's history while striding along its path!
Now, the Silk Road comes alive, in all its glorious colours, sounds, and historical drama, in an unparalleled documentary achievement. The first co-production of China Central TV and the outside world, this series was ten years in the making, and produced at a cost exceeding 50 million. The entrancing soundtrack made the composer/performer Kitaro a worldwide star, and has sold millions of records to date. Silk Road has been aired to huge critical acclaim in over 25 countries, and remains to this day the highest rated documentary series in Japan's television history.
- Silk Road IV: Central and West Asia
Durante miles de años, la legendaria Ruta de la Seda, tal como la recorrió Marco Polo, fue el vínculo entre los pueblos de Europa y las vastas riquezas de la misteriosa China. La Ruta de la Seda, que atravesaba desiertos, praderas y mares entre Estambul y las principales ciudades de China, fue testigo de un desfile constante de mercancías y comerciantes que llevaban consigo su arte, religión y cultura. El impacto de la Ruta de la Seda es inconmensurable: gigantes como Alejandro Magno y tiranos como Gengis Kan crearon la historia de nuestro mundo mientras avanzaban por su camino. Esta serie, la primera coproducción de China Central TV y el mundo exterior, se realizó durante diez años y tuvo un coste de producción superior a los 50 millones de dólares.