Lincoln is excited to stay up late with his best friend Clyde to watch the RIP Hardcore Midnight Marathon, but his plans are ruined when his dad institutes an early curfew. They come up with the idea to use the Loud sisters to get Dad out of the house to celebrate his half-birthday, but just as they think their plan worked, Lisa’s robot Todd malfunctions and Lincoln must decide what being a good man is really about.
Lincoln est impatient de regarder l'émission de minuit de Rip Hardcore avec son ami Clyde, mais ses plans sont contrariés lorsque papa décide d'instaurer un couvre-feu pour aller au lit.
Lincoln freut sich darauf, mit seinem besten Freund Clyde McBride lang aufzubleiben und den RIP Hardcore Midnight Marathon zu schauen, doch seine Pläne werden zunichte gemacht, als sein Vater eine frühe Sperrstunde durchsetzt.
Per ottenere il distintivo da Macho Man, Lincoln deve assistere in TV alla maratona notturna di Rip Hardcore.