The Nostalgia Critic reviews Transformers The Movie. However, he actually doesn't find anything wrong with this movie.
With the thought of all your favorite cartoon characters coming together for a feature-length episode, how could you go wrong? Well, the Nostalgia Critic shows how wrong it can get when he reviews Cartoon All-Stars to the Rescue, a Saturday morning special, introduced by George H.W. Bush, that teaches the dangers of drug use. However, the Nostalgia Critic feels that most of the cartoons look more like they have been smoking something rather than practicing what they are preaching.
The Nostalgia Critic looks back at the Power Rangers with his review of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. However, with a thin plot, pointless scenes earlier on, and overall not making much sense, the Nostalgia Critic finds this movie to be everything but morphenomenal.
Growing up loving the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Nostalgia Critic decides to revisit the live-action movies. However, with lackluster endings and a terrible third movie, will the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie franchise be as good as he once thought?
Everyone has been scared as a kid. So, the Nostalgia Critic decides to have a Top 11 list of the scariest moments from our childhood. Why Top 11? Because he likes to go one step beyond.
Growing up during the popularity of the Super Mario Brothers games, a movie based on them could not be anything but awesome. However, the Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie and shows that movies are nothing like the games they are based off of and are more terrible than entertaining.
After watching the Cloverfield movie, the Nostalgia Critic vents his anger about what ultimately became of the identity of The Monster. Afterwards, he reenacts the movie using his own hand-held camera.
The Nostalgia starts off this double-episode special by reviewing the movie Street Fighter. Even though it contains Raul Julia's final performance, it still doesn't stop the Nostalgia critic from hating the movie. With a confusing story, Jean-Claude Van Damme's accent, and an overly huge cast, the Nostalgia Critic shows that once again, movies based on videogames are terrible.
The finale of the two-part review special has the Nostalgia Critic reviewing the movie Mortal Kombat. However, with Johnny Cage's one-liners, Raiden's voice, an overly weak CIA agent, an Asian actor throw-in, and a PG-13 rating, the Nostalgia Critic finds more frustration than entertainment from this movie.
With the Looney Tunes and Michael Jordon teaming up for a movie, how can it go wrong. According to the Nostalgia Critic, it can. With the Looney Tunes not being funny, as well as the entire movie feeling like one big advertisement, the Nostalgia Critic shows that some things are better left seperate.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews Pokemon: The Movie. However, with no explanation as to what Pokemon are, as well as being a movie based around violence, yet promoting non-violence, the Nostalgia Critic finds the movie more confusing than entertaining.
After moving up the date of the review due to his feud with The Angry Video Game Nerd, The Nostalgia Critic finally reviews the movie The Wizard. With many sexual and violent themes, as well as the kids talking like adults, the Nostalgia Critic finds it hard to believe that this is a kid's movie. However, will the coolness of Lucas Barton make up for the rest of the movie's faults?
The Nostalgia Critic celebrates the greatness of the Animaniacs by counting down the Top 11 naughtiest moments from the show.
Regarded as one of the worst movies of all time, The Nostalgia Critic decides to review the movie Batman and Robin. With horrible puns and being horribly clichéd, this movie finally makes the Nostalgia Critic fly into a mad rage.
Growing up watching television shows, everyone remembers certain theme songs from their childhood. The Nostalgia Critic counts down the Top 11 catchiest theme songs.
The Nostalgia Critic finds it puzzling why we watch sports movies, even though we know what the outcome of the movie will be. Regardless, he decides to look at some of the sports movies from the 80s and 90s including The Mighty Ducks, Little Giants, Angels in the Outfield, Little Big League, The Sandlot, and other sports movies.
Kids are always warned about the dangers of drugs. However, some PSAs were scarier than informative. Due to growing up with drug PSAs, the Nostalgia Critic decides to countdown the Top 11 drug PSAs.
With nothing better to watch during the timeslot, the Nostalgia Critic reviews Captain Planet, a show that he was pretty forced to watch as a kid. He mocks the premise of the show, as well as vents his hate for the character of Wheeler, due to his annoying Brooklyn accent and his name. Later on, he interviews Ma-Ti, the character with the most useless power of the Captain Planet team, the power of Heart.
The Nostalgia Critic salutes Double Dare as one of the greater shows that once aired on Nickelodeon. Not only does he review the greatness of the show, but he also honors the host, Marc Summers, for hosting a messy show while having obsessive compulsive disorder.
At first thought, combining the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Home Alone movies was an interesting idea. However, the Nostalgia Critic shows that it's just a poor attempt at cashing in on the two franchises when he reviews the movie, 3 Ninjas.
The Nostalgia Critic decides to countdown the Top 11 hottest animated women from his childhood.
At long last, the Nostalgia Critic holds up his end of the deal with The Angry Video Game Nerd by reviewing a horrible video game. The game that he decides to review is Bébé's Kids for the SNES.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie Masters of the Universe, based on the He-Man cartoon series. However, due to homoerotic overtones and a depressing plot, he find that this movie has almost nothing to do with He-Man.
The Nostalgia Critic decides to tear apart the movie Follow That Bird, a Sesame Street movie. However, will he be able to actually talk bad about such iconic characters from his childhood?
The Nostalgia Critic decides to review the television show Saved By The Bell. With horrible canned laughter, dated fashions, and unusual stories, the Nostalgia Critic finds the show more weird than entertaining. He also looks at famous episodes such as Jessie becoming addicted to caffeine pills and Zack stopping an oil corporation from building an oilrig on the campus.
Growing up loving the cartoon, The Nostalgia Critic reviews Tom and Jerry the Movie. However, with Tom and Jerry speaking, becoming good friends, and several musical numbers, he finds out that this movie is nothing but garbage by comparison.
The Nostalgia Critic announces his Top 11 saddest nostalgic moments from the movies and shows of his childhood.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie Surf Ninjas. However, he finds every scene "genius". Is it true that he finds such an awful movie enjoyable, or is something else going on?
The Nostalgia Critic counts down the Top 11 nostalgic animated shows from his childhood.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie Kazaam. However, he finds that due to Shaquille O'Neal's poor acting and a lame plot, this movie is better off not existing at all.
The Nostalgia Critic salutes Drew Struzan, who is well known for creating and painting famous movie posters.
The Nostalgia Critic gives a negative review of the Teddy Ruxpin doll. However, the doll comes to life for revenge.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews Double Dragon, a movie based off of the arcade video game. With cheesy villains, low quality storytelling, and trying to be more complex than the video game, he finds that the movie was made more by producers wanting money than making a good movie.
Wanting to make sure others know of other not-so-well-known nostalgic movies, the Nostalgia Critic counts down the Top 11 most underrated nostalgic classics.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews Howard the Duck, a movie with weird interactions between an anthropomorphic duck and humans. With a movie about a human girl falling in love with a duck, as well as having dark themes for a silly premise, he finds it more confusing than funny or entertaining.
Due to so many viewers requesting that he review Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, the Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie, but finds that the rumors of it being a horrible sequel are very true. With no plot and too many fighting scenes, will this movie make the Nostalgia Critic view the first movie as a masterpiece?
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the 1998 movie, Godzilla. However, does the horrible track record of the people producing this movie mean that this movie will be just as bad as Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow?
Disney has brought children some very memorable villains. So, the Nostalgia Critic counts down the Top 11 Disney Villains of all time.
The Nostalgia Critic decides to review the Super Mario Brothers Super Show, including The Legend of Zelda. However, with inconsistent stories, being a bad parody of other movies, and poor animation, the Nostalgia Critic finds this show to be anything but super.
Being in the Christmas spirit, the Nostalgia Critic counts down the Top 12 greatest Christmas specials.
Suffering from the post-Christmas blues, the Nostalgia Critic reviews Jingle All the Way. With horrible acting, overly crazy situations, and the fact that it stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, he finds that this movie is better left wrapped up than opened on Christmas day.
January is Nickelodeon month, so the Nostalgia Critic decides to first take a look back at the popular nicktoon shows. He takes a look back at Ren and Stimpy, Rugrats, Doug, Rocko's Modern Life, AAAHH!!! Real Monsters, and Hey Arnold.
Continuing with his Nickelodeon month reviews, the Nostalgia Critic looks back at the sitcoms of Nickelodeon, or as he calls them, the Nickoms. He looks back at You Can't Do That on Television, Clarissa Explains it All, Hey Dude, Salute your Shorts, and The Adventures of Pete and Pete.
In honor of Nickelodeon month, the Nostalgia Critic takes a look back at the shows from the SNICK lineup. Among the shows that he reviews are Roundhouse, Are You Afraid of the Dark?, All That, Prometheus and Bob, Action League Now!, and Kenan & Kel.
After failing to find footage for Nickelodeon game shows, the Nostalgia Critic instead reviews the Nickelodeon movie Good Burger. However, with many poor jokes and annoying characters, will reviewing this movie be worth it?
The Nostalgia Critic and The Nostalgia Chick team up to review FernGully: The Last Rainforest. With uninspired characters, scientific inaccuracies, a preachy attitude, and pointless scenes, will this movie be too horrible for even two critics to handle?
The Nostalgia Critic reviews A Kid in King Arthur's Court. Although, with absurd situations, historical inaccuracies, and amateur filmmaking techniques, he finds that this movie turns out to be less entertaining than what it sounds like.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie Good Son. However, this movie is so bad that he lost his voice screaming at it and has to review it using cue cards.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews two shows involving Sonic the Hedgehog, Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, as well as Sonic the Hedgehog. One will be utter trash and one will be brilliant by comparison. Which one is which?
Growing up, everyone has seen a show or movie that has had some kind of really twisted scene. So, the Nostalgia Critic decides to countdown the Top 11 most messed up moments.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie Twister. With it's scientific inaccuracies and boring dialogue, he finds that this movie is the one doing all the sucking.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews The Garbage Pail Kids Movie. With disgusting characters, no plot, and exceptionally poor animatronics, the Nostalgia Critic finds that this movie is something else that belongs in a garbage pail.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie Rock A Doodle. By pointing out its confusing narrative, the horrible acting of the young protagonist, and inconsistencies in the plot, he feels that this movie marks the decline of Don Bluth's career.
The Nostalgia Critic takes on the movie Titanic: The Legend Goes On. However, with unrealistic relationships, bad editing, and a rapping dog, he feels that this movie should have went down with the ship.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie Pagemaster. Although, with poorly developed characters and situations, will he get through the review without being bored to death?
As an April Fools Day special, Chester A. Bum reviews The Neverending Story in the Nostalgia Critic's place.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie Moonwalker, but finds that it's just a big ego-trip for Michael Jackson. However, will one special musical number redeem the movie in his eyes?
The Superman movies are very nostalgic, but even they have had some dumb moments. So, the Nostalgia Critic counts down the Top 11 dumbest Superman moments.
Many users have requested that the Nostalgia Critic review the latest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie. So, he decides to review TMNT. Will he find the movie to be just as good as the originals, or is it beyond his generation?
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie Red Sonja. However, with lackluster performances and Brigitte Nielsen and Arnold Schwarzenegger as the stars, will he find the movie interesting, or just boring and hard to understand?
The Nostalgia Critic reviews both Short Circuit and Short Circuit 2. With two movies starring a talking robot, how could it possibly be bad?
The Nostalgia Critic introduces a new way to review and compare similar movies. This time he compares the original 1989 Batman to the 2008 Dark Knight movie. Which one will emerge as the better Batman movie?
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the show Full House. Despite it being a popular television show, he can't understand how it lasted so long with bland characters and unfunny jokes.
With the movie North being so widely known as being terrible, even by Siskel and Ebert, the Nostalgia Critic can't help but review it. With unfunny jokes and extremely stereotypical and racist ethnicities being portrayed, perhaps he should have passed this one up.
Deciding to put aside their differences and review something together, the Nostalgia Critic and The Angry Video Game Nerd decide to review a documentary about a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles band. However, this movie may be so bad that not even the two of them can handle it.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie Sidekicks. With a kid constantly dreaming about Chuck Norris, the film becomes even more self-indulgent than Moonwalker. Can Chuck Norris save the movie from the wrath of the Nostalgia Critic?
The Nostalgia Critic salutes the Walt Disney show, Gargoyles.
In honor of his first review, the Nostalgia Critic goes back to his original formula for reviewing the latest Transformers movie, Transformers 2.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews Steel. With Shaquille O'Neal's wooden acting when trying to portray a super hero, this movie is going to be easy for the Nostalgia Critic to bash.
If there is one thing that kids know best, it is cereal. So, the Nostalgia Critic counts down the Top 11 cereal mascots.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie Barb Wire, a movie that he thinks was made solely to show off Pamela Anderson's body.
The Nostalgia Critic compares the 1978 animated The Lord of the Rings movie and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Which one will be considered the best Lord of the Rings movie?
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie Last Action Hero. With Arnold Schwarzenegger's accent and how the movie pokes fun at itself, the Nostalgia Critic finds it hard to comment on the movie. However, with so many random star appearances and lack of realism, he still gives it a try.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the show Captain N: The Game Master. Even though he likes Nintendo, it still doesn't make up for the show's undeveloped characters that barely resemble their video game designs, as well as the fact that it constantly plugs Nintendo characters and products.
The Nostalgia Critic decides to review We're Back: A Dinosaur's Story in the style of Hunter S. Thompson.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie Warriors of Virtue. Despite the fact that it promises martial arts and kangaroos, he finds the movie to be incredibly boring.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie Captain America. However, he finds that this super hero is portrayed like a pushover and always getting beaten.
Everyone makes mistakes, and the Nostalgia Critic is no exception. So, he counts down the Top 11 mistakes he's made so far.
After being requested to review an Uwe Boll movie, the Nostalgia Critic decides to review Alone in The Dark. However, the movie is so bad that he loses his voice and is forced to use the Macintalk to speak. Just before he's ready to give up, Spoony and Linkara decide to help him review the movie. Will three critics be enough to review an Uwe Boll movie?
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie Blank Check, a movie that blandly ripoffs many ideas from other movies, especially Home Alone. He also finds that there is a weird romantic relationship involving a kid, Preston, and Shay, a full grown woman F.B.I. agent. With such a bland movie, the Nostalgia Critic finds it hard to enjoy it.
The Nostalgia Critic compares the film Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory starring Gene Wilder to the 2005 remake, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory directed by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp. Which one will win?
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the film Cool as Ice, staring Vanilla Ice in his first and last acting role.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the sci-fi comedy Suburban Commando, starring Hulk Hogan and talks about how some wrestlers just don't know how to act.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews The Next Karate Kid, a film that shows us that the Karate Kid movies have gotten pretty bad over the years.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the 1995 live-action film, Casper. Will he like it, or will he find that the movie is so terrible that it's terrifying?
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie Superman IV: The Quest for Peace. With cheap effects and several plot holes, this movie may be too awful to be reviewed by just one reviewer.
The Nostalgia Critc reviews the movie Congo that teaches us the difference between real gorillas and guys in ape costumes.
The Nostalgia Critic pays tribute to his favorite critics, Siskel and Ebert. Due to their take on movies and the lasting impression they left on the world, The Nostalgia Critic honors them with a look back at their work.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the 1995 action film Judge Dredd starring Sylvester Stallone.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the 1995 movie Tank Girl, based off the comic book series by the same name. However, this poor adaptation was too long and stupid for the Nostalgia Critic to follow.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the 1998 Christmas film Jack Frost. Will this movie provide Christmas cheer for the Nostalgia Critic, or will its nonsensical story send him into a yuletide rage?
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the 1985 He-Man and She-Ra: A Christmas Special, based on the He-Man and the Masters of the Universe and She-Ra: Princess of Power animated series. Will two super heroes make this a super special or a super failure?
It has been one year since the Nostalgia Critic did his Top 12 Christmas Specials. Now he decides to do a Top 11 of all the Christmas specials that he forgot to mention.
After failing to believe that such a holiday special existed, the Nostalgia Critic is forced to review the universally hated 1978 Star Wars Holiday Special. With such a Christmas bomb on his hands, has the Nostalgia Critic finally met his match?
After surviving the Star Wars Holiday Special, the Nostalgia Critic reviews the 1988 Christmas movie Ernest Saves Christmas. Will this movie make up for the last holiday special, or will it forever sour his view of the Christmas season?
The Nostalgia Critic reviews another Arnold Schwarzenegger film. This time he reviews the 1985 American action film Commando. Will he like it, or will this be yet another Schwarzenegger movie bomb?
The Nostalgia Critic continues his month of Arnold Schwarzenegger reviews with the 1994 comedy movie Junior, in which Schwarzenegger is the first man to become pregnant.
Keeping with his Schwarzenegger reviews, the Nostalgia Critic reviews the 1982 action film Conan the Barbarian. With both Schwarzenegger and Mako starring in the film, will the Nostalgia Critic be able to last through it?
Taking place after his review to Conan the Barbarian, the Nostalgia Critic reviews the 1984 sequel Conan the Destroyer. Will it be better than the first one? Only the Nostalgia Critic can tell you.
The Nostalgia Critic ends his month of Schwarzenegger reviews with the 1999 action/survival horror film End of Days. With a movie that intends to be horrifying, the Nostalgia Critic has more than the plot to worry about.
While you were still learning to spell your name, the Nostalgia Critic celebrates his 100th episode with a review of the 2000 film Battlefield Earth.
Despite torturing himself with the game, the Nostalgia Critic reviews the 1992 animated feature Bebe's Kids.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the 1998 science fiction film Lost in Space. Will he like it or will he want to throw it into the nearest black hole?
With every villain there's a song nearby. So, the Nostalgia Critic counts down the Top 11 villain songs.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the 1998 animated film Quest for Camelot. However, will this movie bring back bad memories of A Kid in King Arthur's Court?
The Nostalgia Critic decides which Nutty Professor movie is the best, either the old one or the new one. Which will prevail?
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the 1996 movie Bio-Dome. Will it be good, or does it belong in its own Bio-Dome?
The Nostlagia Critic finally gets a chance to review a Neverending Story movie when he reviews The NeverEnding Story II: The Next Chapter. Will this movie be his fantasy, or will it be his worst nightmare?
Christopher Walken is a famous actor, but he, like everyone else, has awkward moments. So, the Nostalgia Critic counts down the Top 11 most awkward Christopher Walken moments.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the 1997 Disney movie Flubber. With a character made of green, slimey rubber, how can he not like this movie?
The Home Alone series is one of the most recognizable and unique movie series of the 90s. However, the Nostalgia Critic reviews the worst movie of the series, the 1997 family film Home Alone 3.
King Kong is considered to be one of the greatest movies of all time. So, the Nostalgia Critic decides to see which version, the 1933 or 2005 version, is the best one.
The Nostalgia Critic decides to review the 1991 film, Drop Dead Fred. Though targeted as a children's film, this movie has many adult and dark humor elements. Will this be good or bad for the Nostalgia Critic?
The Nostalgia Critic tortures himself by watching the 1985 animated film, The Care Bears Movie.
This film comes from a time when 3D was just a cheap gimmick... and not the really expensive gimmick it is today.
Free Willy is considered to be a classic family film, yet the Critic struggles to see why...
Considered to be the worst movie Don Bluth ever made... lets watch!
NC finds the concept of the movie too idiotic to find a proper introduction.
The best and coolest cliches ever in film.
Looky Looky I sit through this movie?
The cliches, the obvious stereotypes, the plotholes...this movie has it all! Checkmate!
You're tearing me apart Lisa!
The purple costume against the green jungle setting is the least of this terrible superhero film's problems...
The Nostalgia Critic questions if why a dog and a dolphin can get along, why can't our mom and his dad?
In a special three part NC episode, NC interviews Tom Ruegger, Sherri Stoner, Nathan Ruegger, Paul Rugg, and John McCann from Animaniacs. They discuss the genesis of the show, the characters, the creative aspects and anecdotes.
Part 2 of the Nostalgia Critics Animaniacs Tribute.
Part 3 of the Nostalgia Critics Animaniacs Tribute.
Can Rock Nostalgia Critic rock survive this rocking mess?
The Hulkster is left home alone with two young sadistic killers in this terrible 90's film...
In what is considered to be the silliest of all of the Rocky movies, (seriously, it had a robot!) NC laments about that and how it seemed to make the series jump the shark.
Chairmen of the BORED.
Douchy McNitpick returns to point out more of the Nostalgia Critic's mistakes.
The Nostalgia Critic tries to get through this incoherent mess of a film...
It's been a while... let's look at another Don Bluth movie!
Nostalgiaween begins with the last of the Ernest movies shown in theaters. Not even milk can stop it now!
As Nostalgiaween marches on, NC covers the top 11 Scariest Performances on film!
Let's start the Stephen King movie drinking game!
Nostalgiaween ends with NC doing his best Cinema Snob impression before the man himself arrives on the scene...
The Nostalgia Critic questions ending it all after watching this forgotten 80's stinker...
NC looks at old commercials from the '80s and '90s
NC compares the 1956 10 Commandments movie with the animated feature, The Prince of Egypt (1998)
The Nostalgia Critic tries to make sense of this legendary troubled film...
Was it a flop? No doubt. Was it a bad movie? Well...lets find out.
There have been multiple movies trying to explain the world of monsters from in the closet and under the bed... and, unfortunately, Little Monsters was one of them...
How could one of the greatest stand ups of all time make one of the worst kids films of all time? Here's how...
A Christmas special narrated by Santa Christ, parodying It's a Wonderful Life. The Critic quits his job due to being angry about there being nothing to review for Christmas. Roger, his guardian angel, comes in to show how other people on the That Guy With The Glasses Team live without his existence, only for everyone to be much better off without him.
The critic rewatches and reviews the first five episodes of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon
We must not give in to the Nasty.
After unsuccessfully trying to recruit the Nostalgia Chick to help him like she did with the first movie, the Critic finds it confusing as to how the first film was successful enough to spawn a sequel.
After donning SWAT gear to review the sequel to one of his favorite films, he criticizes how the movie ignores Mrs. Brisby, the inferior animation, and the idiotic plot and characters
Sequel Month is almost over...and the Critic has saved the worst for last. Time for a game of disappearing bears...
Uh, you've got something on your lip.
Only 11?
That's, that's chaos theory.
It's the return of commercials! NC takes a seat in his comfy chair to look at more of the sometimes cool, sometimes downright strange commercials from his childhood.
Go go gadget, refund!
The Critic compares the classic original 1984 film with the impressive 2010 remake
The Critic and his future self head back in time to see if the past really is eaten by giant mudball monsters.
While attending the Animarathon convention, The Critic takes a look at this 1999 film and is completely drained of all creativity.
The Critic looks at the first two episodes of the original X-Men animated series.
Watch the Critic suffer a psychotic breakdown.
Thanks to Van Dam, Rodman, and Rourke, "Frying the Coke" is born...
The Critic lists the Damsels-in-Distress who's only purpose is to be rescued when you wish they'd just be killed.
Do sharks roar? Do they explode when impaled by boats? Lets find out....
Pig Power in the House
Could there really be another animated Titanic movie that's worse than the one with a rapping dog??
The Critic's third and final nostalgic commercial compilation
Remember Little Nemo? No? Probably for the best....
The Critic compares the 1969 and 2010 "True Grit" films
As a mysterious man makes his way to Chicago, the Critic gathers up his friends/co-workers for another epic adventure. Using a map from a recluse named Jaffers, he intends to find Malachite's Hand, a gauntlet with untold power.
The Critic's group is making headway on the quest, finding a forest mentioned in the first riddle. While on their quest, tensions rise among the group.
The Nostalgia Critic accidentally reveals that the map he has is a chain letter, which infuriates the group. Meanwhile, the Cloaks pursue Spoony's group to a nearby child's play ground.
Things heat up as the teams come across more evils on their quest!
More is discovered about the gauntlet and where it came from, but will that lead the team closer to it?
Just who is Malachite anyway?
The final chapter in the epically ridiculous saga!
The Nostalgia Critic takes a look at the latest Transformer movie, but gets an unexpected letter...
You know...for kids!
BMX Bikers from the 80s? I've heard of worst things to make a movie out of.
Is life still like a hurricane?
The NC finishes off the FINAL Care Bears movie! Thank God!
NC reviews one of the biggest family blunders of the 90s!
NC looks at the best episodes of one of the greatest TV shows of all time!
Charlton Heston trying to gun down a Polar Bear? You sure this is fiction?
NC does a "Let's Play" for the first time...God help us all.
This WAS a strange little movie, wasn't it?
A look at the disastrous 1997 adaptation.
The red-headed wonder herself (Lupa) helps the NC review the greatest pairing in cinema history...Dennis Rodman and Dane Cook. Pray for them.
Why do Stephen King Mini-Series bring us so much joy?
Is this one of the worst remakes of all time? If you liked the original, yes.
Did the first one make you motion sick? Just try stomaching the story of this one.
Wrapping up Nostalgia-Ween with one of the strangest sequels ever!
By popular demand, the NC looks at a movie based off his most hated show.
Before you see The Immortals, take a look at what the directed made long, long before.
Take a look at the origins of the hit cartoon!
They'll make a flick out of anything, won't they?
A film of this magnitude must be bitched about through song!
Keanu Reeves and Drew Barrymore? YAY! 1986? NAY!
Yes, this review is done entirely in rhyme.
Time to look at the timeless holiday classic.......Child's Play?
Hey, that doesn't look like Tim Allen!
Star Trek Month has begun! PS - If you're watching this for the first time on Blip and not, there might be a joke you miss at 18:38. So nah.
NC looks at the third film in the Star Trek Legacy!
What DOES God need with a star ship?
Two of the greatest Starfleet captains of all time making eggs! SOLD!
Linkara joins the review, but is this REALLY the worst Star Trek film ever?
The doctor is in? I'm checking out!
The Critic Reviews Ponyo (2008) For His 200th Episode He Thinks About Souskes Mothers Reckless Driving And Ponyos Close Encounters With a Screaming Baby Exorcist Style
The Critic is enraged over this 1996 comedy for one simple reason: "MONKEYS AREN'T FUNNY!"
How the Hell did they get Peter Fonda and Alec Baldwin?
See the next line of mistakes the NC made in his reviews.
The richest kid in the world plays the richest kid in the world...what a stretch.
Nostalgia Critic and Phelous are up to child's play again. Will Chucky take over Andy's body this time? Yes, yes he will and the other movies in the series don't exist. Found on
Help the Critic witness the Feces of the World!
Which adaptation of the Thomas Harris book is better?
Sage joins the review as we see another feast of table scraps from 80s Sci-Fi!
Is the show really more than meets the eye?
Mara Wilson...that is all.
Prometheus has got NOTHING on Alien 4!
Robin Williams directed by WHO?
Only Diamanda can make a strange film stranger.
If Mr. Magoo can't see anything, does that mean he can't see how bad this movie is, either?
Now here's a list you know you can't stay away from.
Back when people still liked M. Night Shyamalan, but God knows why.
No way I'm going after this flick alone!
They're baaaaaaack!
Just a simple story about a man and his Willie.
I wonder if the wizard can get me a new script...
Get your ass to dis review!
Scooby-Doo hits the big screen, while the Critic hits the puke bags! The Critic reviews Scooby Doo (2002) with the help of his future and past selves All good things must come to an end....
Doug Walker - "The Creator" - faces an internal struggle as one very special character from his past comes back to haunt him.
I think this film used too much fertilizer.
Don't act like it hasn't crossed your mind...
Behold, the Passion of the Bay!
Is one of the greatest love stories of all time a big load?
This shit is scary! Scary! SCARY!
Why WAS this so damn weird?
I always said Rogers and Hammerstein needed more dragons...
Why can't we all just live Happily Ever After?
Catwomen unite against the evils of Halle Berry!
Good bye to one of the great lovers of movies.
Is Warner Brothers' latest revision of our timeless characters a hit or miss?
Bad...BAD kitty!
What's it REALLY about?
You asked, so here it is! Did your favorite make the list?
Or are they ALL gonna be like Epic Movie? What happened to all the great spoof movies?
I have a fossil bone to pick with this flick.
Really? THIS guy is a heart-throb?
Why insult idiots online when the Nostalgia Critic can do it for you?
That ending...that horrible, HORRIBLE ending! The Critic checks out Spielberg's attempt to bring Kubrick's vision to life.
Who's playing who in this argument?
Said to be one of the worst comedies of all time. Turtle!
Yeah it's a good movie, but what's it all about?
For their 20th anniversary, the Power Rangers relive one of their most embarrassing projects. GO GO NOSTALGIA RANGER!
Come on! How much emotional baggage do these people have?
Which moments are the least precious?
When do the little problems become big problems?
Was the fourth season of the Animated Series a fresh new look or an attempt to fix something that was never broken?
What made this annoying show a hit?
They're the greatest Cat and Mouse duo for a reason!
Nostalgia Critic, Paw, Kyle, and brentalfloss take a look at last year's big SONG!
Oh, THAT'S what they mean!
Worst adaption ever? Only one can bring balance to the franchise!
Russel Crowe wasn't the only thing we were laughing at!
I still got a few more things to say about this movie!
As if boy/cougar sex isn't strange enough, what does the ending mean?
WON'T SOMEBODY THINK OF THE CHILDREN...and how Disney can kill them, too?
Doug's new favorite review talked about by the cast.
Yeah it's awesome, but is it out of it's element?
The cast joins again to talk about the Rangers, life, and poor villain dubbing.
Let Nostalgia-ween begin with the always classic Stephen King Mini-Series!
Talk about brain food!
Talk about jumping the shark, this movie has a whole TORNADO full of them.
Are we being too gruesome or not gruesome enough?
Can toast really help you find the Devil? This movie says...YES!
A good Mario product that's NOT the video game?
They're Baaaaaack!
It's everywhere everyday, but does it need to be?
Angry Joe joins the Nostalgia Critic as they fight over the summer blockbuster.
You all have your favorite Santa, but now you can have 12!
How is it a cartoon of Adam Sandler is even less funny than the real Adam Sandler?
Kinds friggin' cruel, isn't it?
Doesn't get any piss-poor than this.
THIS film? Really?
"Let Nicolas Cage Month begin!" It's January, which means Nicolas Cage Month. The Critic starts the ball rolling with John Woo's horrifically outrageously overdone, but so-bad-it's-good, Face/Off. He enjoys what a loose canon Cage is in the film, and John Travolta is no slouch in the overacting department either. Also, Critic and Malcolm have to say farewell to Rachel, who's moved on to bigger and better things.
"When is bad Cage good Cage?" The Nostalgia Critic breaks down the expression "so bad, it's good" by examining how some films can be so incredibly bad and yet still be entertaining, while on the other hand, other films are really bad and not entertaining at all. His findings may shock you.
Nic Cage month continues with Neil DeBute's unnecessary 2006 remake of The Wicker Man. It's...well, it's got Nicolas Cage with his brand of humor, and it's a very, very weird movie. There are killer trucks and bees in it too. Also, Critic meets creepy girl Tamara.
The critic talks about Justin Carmical's influence on the team and how much he shared with everyone. This episode ends with a really heartwarming clip from Justin.
Nicolas Cage month concludes with the 2007 devilishly awful Ghost Rider. It's Cage in all his Cagey goodness as he tries to portray that flaming skull who snatches souls for Satan.
This Valentine's Day, get a box of chocolates to the only one strange enough to stay with you!
The only ghost here is Bill Cosby's movie career.
Are we going a bit overboard here?
Here's a musical version of why you should be.
Dammit Tim Burton! Dammit!
Wow, it was right in front of yus the whole time!
The Nostalgia Critic tears into some beloved and not so beloved childhood memories.
You've seen the movie, but have you seen THESE little details?
The worst animated movie...EVER!
Yes, there are actually 11.
This isn't my idea of fun.
There's so much to do, get it ready just for you!
P-P-P-P-Please don't act like you know them all!
How can you dumb-down a story intended for 3 year olds?
Sure it's the American way, but why?
Was it over hyped now that the hype's over?
We're on a mission from garbage.
A sequel 65 million years in the sucking.
Fear IS real, and this movie is proof of it! The Nostalgia Critic reviews 2013's Smith family affair, After Earth.
Wanna know what went into making the After Earth review? DENIED!
Uwe Boll is back, and so are Linkara and Spoony! The 3 knuckleheads review 2005's Bloodrayne.
Don't you DARE question it! It just works!
Dumb things come in small packages.
Before Bay's Cowabuncha crap, here's a look at the little touches you might have missed from the original!
The NC caves in, but at what cost?
What goes into making DEVIL BONER!
I think this film quotes it best: Shut...up!
Is this film deserving of the backlash that's been growing the past few years?
Mike J joins the ride for this fan requested review. It'll have you scraping at the door!
Oh yeah...we're going there!
The voice of Zuko and Nostalgia Critic duke it out over the honor of Avatar the Last Air Bender.
We expose the naked truth behind Stanley Kubrick's orgy finale.
It's not Nostalgia-Ween without Stephen King! Time to review the only film he DIRECTED!
We all have our favorites, but here are the ones deserving of even more attention.
Vampires, Werewolves, and Nards. What else could you need?
Is the Tim Burton version smarter than it looks?
Nostalgic Commercials have returned, and they're stranger than ever!
The Critic looks at a Shyamalan movie...that he actually likes? He explains the messages that are left to interpretation, the underlying themes of good and evil, and how, even for a Shyamalan film, it's surprisingly subtle and brilliant.
An event five years in the making comes to pass when The Nostalgia Critic and Film Brain finally team up for a crossover review. And what better way to celebrate this union than with a cheesy Chuck Norris film where he turns into a bear.
Those aren't pillows. Those are 16 things about Planes, Trains and Automobiles you may have never noticed before. In light of the Thanksgiving season, the Critic analyzes one of John Hughes' best movies to show long-time viewers what they might have missed.
A terrible song deserves a terrible special.
The music video from the Nostalgia Critic’s Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer review.
Because I (fill in the blank) love Christmas!
More robotic Santas need to kill people.
Well OBVIOUSLY this deserved a sequel.
What was it like to work with Cinema Sins?
The end of Christmas isn’t easy, and this movie doesn’t make it any easier.
Believe it or not, The Nostalgia Critic doesn't like The Matrix. Not just the sequels, he doesn't like the originals. But when confronted by Agent Shmuck, representative of the fanbase, the Critic decides he might as well share with the world his true feelings on the overrated but innovative 1999 sci-fi thriller.
It’s always best to blend in wearing a ton of leather.
The Matrix always seemed like a big cartoon, why not embrace it?
It’s allllll down hill from here.
Everything that has a beginning has an end…Thank God.
There’s a Shmucker born every minute!
Yikes! Is there any truth behind this controversial final episode?
Is it possible to be TOO hyped up?
How many times did Doug do that laugh?
General Zod is in the film…AND IT STILL SUCKS??? Oh yeah, because when I think Haunted Mansion, my first thought is Eddie Murphy!
We all say we’re sick of it, so why do we keep seeing it?
With a new Daredevil series around the corner, and with Ben Affleck set to play Batman next year, the Nostalgia Critic decides to look at the 2003 Daredevil movie. With help from the embodiment of early 2000s comic hero movie clichés, The Angst, the Critic reviews this cliché-ridden, nonsensical pile of madness, and discovers the best thing about it is the flamboyant villain.
The Nerd and Critic take on the Michael Bay mess-terpeice.
Behold, the WORST years for movies ever!
Brilliant commentary or dumb Dick Flick?
Admit it, you would LOVE to see Kanye West as Goliath.
Relive your favorite animany, totally insaney moments!
So why wasn’t Malcolm in this episode?
May 4th may have passed, but there’s no forgetting THIS strangeness.
What was it like to once again film with the Nerd?
Well, there are 4 of them, it’s the Fantastic part I’m questioning.
Cowboys that are COWS! Get it?
Some dreams shouldn’t come true.
How did this movie spark necrophilia?
One of the worst shows of all time?
You know Wachowskis…COME ON!
Dogs and rabbits living together, MASS HYSTERIA! The Nostalgia Critic takes a look at 1997’s cartoon series Sam and Max Freelance Police, in this episode of Was That Real?
The super review where we bare our chests…well some of us.
While it’s still in theaters? But how? The Nostalgia Critic reviews 2015’s box office smash, Jurassic World.
Did your favorite show make the list?
Ready for more of Tim Burton’s monkey business? The Nostalgia Critic reviews 2001’s Planet of the Apes.
Looking at the OUTSIDE of Bill Murray is hard enough. Join the Nostalgia Critic as he reviews 2001’s Osmosis Jones.
Is this a new golden age for children’s entertainment?
I think now’s a good time to remind you to have your pet spayed or neutered. The Nostalgia Critic reviews 2004’s Garfield the Movie.
By popular demand, we figure out if this box office disaster is Adam Sandler’s worst movie yet!
It's one of Jim Carrey's most hated films, but why?
The Black Nerd joins the Nostalgia Critic to take on one Smurfed up movie. 2011’s The Smurfs is reviewed in this episode.
Are we getting too soft or too hard on today's humor?
Yep, MC Hammer had a cartoon show. You can't touch this...but who would want to?
An EPIC review for an EPIC series, but is Fury Road worth all the praise? Oh what a review, what a LOVELY REVIEW!
Few ever talk about it, but this might be the most controversial movie in decades. The Nostalgia Critic looks at 2005’s Thank You for Smoking.
Nostalgiaween begins with a cult classic that no one understands why it’s a cult classic. The Nostalgia Critic reviews 1997’s movie Event Horizon.
We see these films everywhere, but are they overstaying their welcome? Should Found Footage movies stop?
Stephen King combines killer kids and corn, because they go so well together? The Nostalgia Critic reviews 1984’s Children of the Corn.
They’re not great, they’re not awful, so what is it that draws us to them, here are the Top 11 Halloween Guilty Pleasures.
A Halloween classic or a repulsive mess? The holiday’s not over until Nostalgia Critic takes on some witches, and Hocus Pocus.
These times of the year are great, but how come we never celebrate them when we’re supposed to?
It’s nostalgic commercials on the march, let’s see how many of them screwed us up when we were little!
With special guest Don Bluth, Nostalgia Critic is forced to play one of the hardest arcade series of the 80s, Dragon’s Lair. It’s gonna be a long quest.
Tis the season for turtle music! NC kicks off the Christmas season with something that’s sure to turn you green. It’s a Turtle Christmas!
It’s one of the most beloved Christmas Specials ever, but is A Charlie Brown Christmas deserving of its status?
Appearing on several Top 10 Worst Lists, the time has come to look at one of the most despised Christmas movies ever, Christmas with the Kranks.
Cinema Snob helps Critic look over Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, a continuation of the most popular sci-fi movies ever, but how does it hold up to the original?
From M. Night to George Lucas, it's time to find out how darling directors turn in dismal disasters. Why do good director's go bad?
A bad Shyamalan drama makes for a hilarious unintentional comedy! The Nostalgia Critic reviews The Happening.
With so many to choose, the Nostalgia Critic counts down the funniest moments that were probably never meant to be funny in the first place.
Is this the FUNNIEST Shyamalan movie ever made? Nostalgia Critic says...YES! The Nostalgia Critic reviews Lady in the Water.
Which side are you on? And more importantly why is this a thing? Are you a Tangled or Frozen kind of person?
The Nostalgia Critic looks at one of the strangest movies to come out of the 80s, and that's saying quite a bit.
No more staying silent. The time has come to start some dialogue about Fair Use and how it's constantly being trampled on via the YouTube claim and take down system.
If this is what Hell’s army looks like, God’s got it pretty easy. The Nostalgia Critic reviews the Spawn movie from 1997.
We all know him as a screwup, but is Goofy actually one of the greatest comedians ever? Nostalgia Critic exposes the truth!
In the battle between dogs and cats, everybody is a bad boy. Nostalgia Critic looks over the hair raising insanity.
We all know the Jim Carrey hit film, but based on the original material, should it have been more blood hungry and savage? The Nostalgia Critic takes a look at the original Mask comics.
Shark Jumping joins the NC to look at the botched musical from Joel "Bat Credit Card" Shumacher The Nostalgia Critic and company look at the Phantom of the Opera.
With several big trailers getting several big reactions, NC asks just how closely the trailers represent the movies.
One of comedies biggest bombs, but does it even deserve THAT much attention? The Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Adventures of Pluto Nash,
It's one of the most despised team ups ever, but is t really as bad as everyone says it is? You might be surprised.
Angry Joe helps the Nostalgia Critic take a look at the crossover everybody wanted but nobody returned to see again. It’s time for Batman v Superman.
There’s always been a divide between critics and audiences, but why? The Nostalgia Critic takes a look at how this could be.
It’s the overlooked classic that made comic book movies cool again, but does it hold up as well as it did back then?
People love Dark Knight and Batman 89, but has the best Batman movie slipped under our radar? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Batman: Mask of the Phantasm.
The gloves are off...the long sparkly ones anyway. Which Disney Cinderella is the best one?
It's uncomfortable, but everyone's been talking about it. Is this really a bigger problem then we originally thought?
Put on your 3D glasses...wait, you don't have any? Well then sit back for a trip that'll make you wanna scratch your eyes out.
Thought you knew everything about these animated ladies? Well here are 11 theories that will have you looking at them a whole new way!
It's truly, truly, truly pathetic. One of the worst adaptations ever has to be seen to be believed. How does the Jem and the Holograms movie compare the 80s cartoon?
The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat in this crossover that many people didn't even know existed.
Scooby and the gang are back and the Critic is back to rip it to shreds!
Everyone says it's bunk, but how much of the classic movie is real and how much is false? How true is Amadeus?
The hit that launched a thousand squeakquels. Is this CGI abomination as bad as everyone says?
It sounds too crazy to be true, but are there films out there that actually do too good of a job?
I ain’t afraid of no reboot! The Nostalgia Critic tackles the 2016 Ghostbusters movie.
He scared us as a toy, but wait until you see Teddy move!
Before Will Smith was in Suicide Squad, he was committing career suicide with this stinker.
From the clip series to the live action films, we take a look at every Looney Tunes movie that has ever hit the silver screen.
Entertainment is getting stranger, but it's also getting more profound. Is there a connection between the strange and the inspired?
Here it is, after years of requests, we're finally watching the WORST of the animated Titanic musicals, Tentacolino!
How is Frozen the same rating as Raiders of the Lost Ark? Is it time for the ratings system to be updated?
After years of being asked, the Nostalgia Critic looks at the animated dud that bored the world...but was it worth the hate?
Everybody praises it around Halloween time, but more and more people don’t get why. Is Nightmare Before Christmas really as good as they say?
Aliens are popping out the back door. This looks like a job for Scooby Doo! Only Stephen King would write this.
The dark and mysterious show was a hit for many of us, but which ones were the best episodes?
Is the crossover we all wanted also the one we're all regretting? The Nostalgia Critic reviews Freddy vs Jason!
Why can a bad few minutes destroy a good couple of hours?
Angry Video Game Nerd, Black Nerd, and the Nostalgia Critic look at the Turtle movie that was supposed to please every Turtle fan!
Believe it or not there was a time when a Tiny Toons episode was written by 13 year olds. How did it happen?
The ads of the 80s and 90s are one of a kind, and Nostalgia Critic is back to look at what made them so enjoyably crazy!
With all the Disney sequels nobody asked for on DVD and in theaters, here are some that would actually be cool to see!
Dr. Claw as Santa? Yep, this was a thing, and it's just as crazy as it sounds.
Nostalgic commercials are back, and we’re looking at the Top 12 best Christmas ones, old and new!
Heck with Scrooge, THIS is the twerp you wanna hate around Christmas. Nostalgia Critic takes on I’ll Be Home for Christmas.
Chris Stuckmann teams up with Nostalgia Critic to see if the latest Star Wars spin off is worth being such a hit. Chris and Doug review Rouge One - A Star Wars Story!
There’s so many bad ones, but Nostalgia Critic takes a look at which sequels deserve the most credit as being the best!
How many bad and clichéd plots can a film squeeze in? This squeakquel goes for as many as possible. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel.
There’s so many bad ones, but which sequels are hands down the worst of the worst? Nostalgia Critic gives you his picks for Top 11 Worst Movie Sequels.
Just when you thought you couldn’t feel more blue, the Smurfs return to force their horrors down our throats. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at, The Smurfs 2.
The orange hairy fungus is back, and this time he’s looking to drag England into his web of dumb. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Garfield 2: A Tail of Two Kitties.
There’s good ones, but most sequels are bad. Is there a reason so many don’t out-do the original?
Having sex with cartoons leads to all sorts of problems, a bad movie being one of them, but is there more to this film than it seems? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Cool World.
Disney villains these days don’t have the same evil presence as the classic ones. Why is that? Nostalgia Critic takes a look.
The remake surprisingly got a lot of respect, but is it any match for the original cult classic? Old vs New is back and Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Evil Dead.
Can you believe these were the endings to hit films? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at the strangest choices for how films wrapped up.
This film has grown a large following, but despite it being beloved, are there a FEW things that might be off about it? The Nostalgia Critic reviews the animated movie Balto.
So many good actors have bad voices, is it time we just say their singing pipes should be tuned?
With the Fantastic 4 constantly being botched on the big screen, is this the one that’s the absolute worst? The Nostalgia Critic reviews Fant4stic.
Did a kids’ show really have the best ending to one of the greatest villains of all time? Maybe Batman Beyond really was beyond.
Time stands still in this early 2000 time capsule. Is it as bad as so many people let on though? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Clockstoppers.
Everyone knows the fairy tale, but this is as creepy crazy you can go with such a simple story. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at the weirdest Jack and the Beanstalk.
Did you ever want to know how Fred and Wilma met? Of course not, nobody cares, but here it is anyway in the most pointless of prequels. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Flintstones in Viva Rock Vegas.
People love it or hate it. Is it worth all the fuss? Nostalgia Critic looks at the insanity of Suicide Squad!
It’s gone from the most hyped to the most hated, but did the Killing Joke really offend as much as people say?
The raunchy animated sitcom might have been a Saturday morning romp for children. Nostalgia Critic takes a look.
Let’s look back at one of the biggest crossovers that led to the most underwhelming of responses. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Alien vs. Predator.
Nostalgia Critic wants to try something different this time around. Can he predict what happens in a Transformers movie WITHOUT actually seeing it?
The world seems to love it, but can the Nostalgia Critic find some humorous flaws to break through those armor bracelets?
They’re everywhere, and they’re not slowing down, but when is it actually right to revisit a classic?
It’s been TEN YEARS since Nostalgia Critic begun! As a way of saying thanks, he’s looking at one of his most requested films. God help him.
So many people have an attachment to this movie, but in a good way or a bad way? The Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Cats Don’t Dance.
Before he was everyone’s favorite smashing machine, Hulk had a strangely rocky start. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at this awkward misfire.
This really happened? It sure did! Our favorite cat and mouse with our favorite candy man to make our biggest blunder.
Just because it’s dark and weird doesn’t mean it’s good. Nostalgia Critic looks at the strange madness that nightmares are made of, Monkeybone.
The most over the top American kids movie is back. It’s crazy, it makes no sense, and it’s amazing! Nostalgia Critic looks at a real American hero!
Some Jerk with a Camera joins the review, seeing why Nicolas Cage as Mickey Mouse surprisingly doesn’t work. Nostalgia Critic & Some Jerk take a look at The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.
It’s the reboot Disney fans are talking about, but is the first episode worth your time?
Chasing the dragon has never been so unexciting. How did a hit book become dull fantasy? Nostalgia Critic ventures forth to find out.
No more getting hyped, no more great music, no more opening credits? Nostalgia Critic takes a look and sees if movie intros are changing for better or worse.
It hopped its way to big money, but left a big wad of dung in our memories. Nostalgia Critic looks at the madness of Kangaroo Jack.
90s kids love it, but why? Is it simply nostalgia, or is there really more to it? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at A Goofy Movie.
Before Ryan Reynolds broke box office records, he broke comic fans hearts with this CGI bore. Nostalgia Critic looks at what went wrong with Green Lantern.
It ran over and over on Cartoon network, now Nostalgia Critic looks at the awkwardly animated Halloween staple, Scary Godmother.
The cinematic smash that scared millions. Is it as good as people say… or… at least better than the original?
It’s loved by some, hated by others. What is Nostalgia Critic’s take on the remake of the original masterpiece?
It’s high swinging adventure, but does the Brendan Fraser hit hold up after all these years? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Mummy.
The Angry Video Game Nerd joins Nostalgia Critic in looking at one of the most botched horror remakes. Monster Madness continues!
Little Kuriboh and MasakoX join the fight against the worst anime adaptation of all time, Dragonball Evolution. It kicks you right in the Dragon Nards.
The story of Rufio is finally revealed, and Nostalgia Critic sees if it lives up to the awesomeness that such a character deserves!
It’s that time of year again! Time to look at the madness of advertisements both old and new. Get ready for weirdness!
A movie based on the popular icons? Could it be there was an animated movie before the live action movie? Nostalgia Critic sees if it’s any good.
The worst Christmas Special ever? Maybe, and Critic has seen some of the worst. See what all the horror is about with this CG abomination!
Muppets, Sesame Street, and Fraggle Rock all in one special? It’s a Christmas Weird-acle! Nostalgia Critic looks at the holiday spectacle to see if it still holds up.
People seem to love it or hate it. Is the sequel to one of the biggest Christmas hits ever a good follow up, or should it have been left alone?
Audiences seem split on the sci-fi epic, can Chris Stuckman and Cinema Snob determine if this is good or bad? They join the Nostalgia Critic to help review Star Wars Episode VIII – The Last Jedi.
It’s known as one of Tim Burton’s biggest blunders, but it’s also getting a bit of a following. Is it worth it? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Mars Attacks!
The game was a ground breaker, but is the movie a good representation, or like every other video game movie? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Lara Croft: Tomb Raider.
You read that right, GOOD movies, and yes, there’s 11 of them. Think Nostalgia Critic is lying? Check out the list and see if you agree.
The hit cartoon makes it to the big screen, and we’re so glad? Nostalgia Critic looks over the “live action” version of Yogi Bear.
The Dr. Seuss movies have been pretty bad, but this one is said to be the…least bad. Are people right? NC takes a look at Horton Hears a Who.
The Last Angry Geek joins the review of one of the strangest Batman movies made. Some have a soft spot for it, but is there really anything of worth?
The insanity returns with a look back at the animated series, along with the people who made it as crazy as it is. Join the madness and see what made this show so unique.
With a pun that bad you know the movie has to be even worse. Let’s find out and see just how awful it is. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked.
Disney Live Action Remake Month starts with one of their earliest hits. Just because it made a lot of money though doesn’t mean it’s so magical.
Audiences and critics didn’t enjoy Alice’s second adventure, but Nostalgia Critic sees if it was better or worse than the first one.
Critics and audiences seem to love it, but of course the Nostalgia Critic has some problems with it. What could he possibly dislike about the 2016 live action remake of The Jungle Book?
Audiences either loved it or hated it, but the NC has some harsh words about this beastly live action remake.
Since the release of its trailer, people have gone nuts with hating this film. Well, Nostalgia Critic takes a look and sees if it’s worth all the hate.
Jack and Jill is the only film to win a Razzie in every category. One of the most despised flicks ever made! Let's hope Nostalgia Critic can get through it.
Everybody loves An American Tail, but its sequel had a lot of people scratching their heads. Can the Nostalgia Critic figure out why?
Is it a dumb sci-fi film, clever commentary, or both? Nostalgia Critic looks at the gory bug buster that always gets people talking! Let's check out Starship Troopers.
The Emoji Movie is one of the most hated films of recent years, and after so many requests, Nostalgia Critic is finally gonna take a look at this hunk of poop emoji.
The third Scooby Doo film goes back to when the gang first met, but the Critic doesn't think it can break the bad Scooby movie curse. Let's see how it plays out!
After so many requests, NC takes a look at the surprise hit that nobody could figure out, The Boss Baby. Confusing, weird, & totally insane, this is a load that needs to be seen to be believed.
One of Frank Miller's biggest blunders is reviewed by the Nostalgia Critic. What the Hell was the mindset behind some of these choices? Let's take a look at The Spirit.
Saddle up your unicorn, the self-aware comic book character from the 90s is back! Nostalgia Critic takes a look at what separates him from other fourth wall breakers. Let's check out Deadpool 2.
How could Disney have put out such a rotten egg? From unfunny jokes to straight up mean-spiritedness, this is a flick that clucked up hard. The Nostalgia Critic reviews Chicken Little.
The nostalgic video game got a movie, and by God does it not fly. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at this rotten egg of a flick, Angry Birds.
Before Brad Bird had the Incredibles, one of his big claims to fame was the Simpsons, and their incredible strange music video. Does it still hold up? NC takes a look at, Do the Bartman.
Saturday Mornings were never more awesome! From Tiny Toons and Batman to X-Men and Animaniacs, The Nostalgia Critic is taking a look at the best (and worst) Fox Kids had to offer!
Is this a series of films that actually gets better and better? Nostalgia Critic takes a look and sees if these flicks eventually got good.
Sean Connery's last movie is...well, his last movie for a reason. The comic book flop gets a lot of hate and Nostalgia Critic takes a look at why. The NC reviews, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
Don Bluth has made some great films, but does Anastasia’s comic relief fall in that category? The Critic looks at the odd little spin-off that takes flight in Bartok the Magnificent.
These movies have gotten a good reputation over the years, but they weren't always seen that way. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at by far the silliest of these movies and the most over the top, Mission Impossible 2.
Japan's OVA has great animation, but the story is as, well, a speedy blue hedgehog. See where this blue blur of a mess went wrong. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Sonic the Hedgehog Movie (1999).
One of the bloodiest first shooters gets the dumbest of first movies. Find out how even the Rock couldn't save this dud of a flick. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Doom.
Audiences seem split on their latest adventures, some love it, others are left scratching their heads. What does the Nostalgia Critic think of Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?'s complicated.
Before the reboot got audiences fighting, see the Ghostbusters film where the slime hit the fan. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Ghostbusters 2.
It’s the action super-teens fighting the waffle eating trouble makers. Which one will last years after they’re gone though? Old vs New returns with an episode on Teen Titans.
It's a new kind of bad, one never thought possible. Has this film elevated awful to a new art form? What has been unleashed? Nostalgia Critic takes on Tom Green's, Freddy Got Fingered.
A lot of kids grew up with it, but is this nostalgic hit as good as you're remembering it, or lying through its teeth? Nostalgia Critic sees if Big Fat Liar still holds up.
Well, it IS the only Fantastic Four sequel we ever got, but that's not saying much. Nostalgia Critic looks at a dud of a second movie for a dud of a first movie.
We grew up with so many good and so many bad intros, but which ones deserve to be remembered? Nostalgia Critic takes a look!
Killer cats AND killer corn? It's Stephen king alright! Nostalgiaween kicks off with what might be the funniest Stephen King adaptation yet, Sleepwalkers.
The Nostalgia Critic counts down the Top 11 Best Stephen King movies, after years of ripping on him.
With all these monsters together you'd think this would be epic as Hell! Too bad we have to focus on Wolverine's hand-me-downs. The Nostalgia Critic reviews 2004’s, Van Helsing.
Will the ultimate galactic battle get in the way of pizza boys wearing hats? It's that kind of movie, and Nostalgia Critic sees if anything about Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem works.
A killer tire. It's finally come to this. How can someone make a movie about a killer tire? The Nostalgia Critic looks at how and, more importantly, why as he reviews 2010's Rubber.
The show was a big hit, but can the film match its popularity? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Cartoon Network's first cinematic movie The Powerpuff Girls Movie.
It made a ton of money, but Nostalgia Critic has a lot to say about possibly the worst Jurassic Park there is. See why he sees it as such a dino turd. Let's check out Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom.
Giant Oprahs, cabbage women, and cakes of all sorts, what a trip! Nostalgia Critic looks over the oddness of one of Disney's biggest misfires, A Wrinkle in Time.
Mr. T Cereal, Terminator toys, and of course Shaq Fu! What else would you want to see ads for? Let's take a look at some nostalgic commercials!
Why does everyone want to destroy this movie? Well with dumb lines, tacky dances, and Matthew Broderick, this one comes pretty close. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at A Christmas Story Live!
Lots of kids watch it every year, but to the Nostalgia Critic, this is a grim, weird as Hell special! Let's take a look at The Search for Santa Paws.
It's universally panned by critics and audiences everywhere. Is it worth all the anger? YES! YES, IT IS!
The hit computer game made an infamous movie. Is it your run of the mill bad or Foodfight bad? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Elf Bowling the Movie.
It made an awesome game, but the film version brought on a different kind of pain. Nostalgia Critic checks out Max Payne.
The MCU has hit after hit, but their villains have been dud after dud. Somehow though, they recently got better and better. What're they doing now that's different from before?
It failed to win over audiences and critics, but is there more to this Robo-reboot than meets the eye? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at the 2014 remake of RoboCop.
We all know them but never talk about them. Where did they come from? Who’s idea was it? Do the green ones really make you…you know? The Nostalgia Critic answers all these questions and more about your favorite chocolate candy, M&Ms.
It's called the film that almost killed Disney, but how much of this animated black sheep is good and how much is not? The Nostalgia Critic takes a look at 1985's Black Cauldron.
These two left a lot of great arguments and bickering moments, but which ones made us laugh the hardest? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at the funniest moments from Siskel and Ebert.
Christopher Walken, talking grizzly's, and country music? How could anything in this go right? Well, believe it or not, Nostalgia Critic finds a few things right in, The Country Bears.
This art-house darling has a lot of people wondering, is this a deep classic or pretentious slosh? Can it be both? Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on Donnie Darko.
One of the greatest action cartoons ever is looked over by the Nostalgia Critic and the developers of the show (Eric Lewald and Julia Lewald). What strange stories do they have about making this amazing animated series? Let's take a look at X-Men: The Animated Series.
Everyone loved it when it came out, it launched a billion-dollar movie franchise, but did this series have as promising a start as you remember? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at, X-Men.
Many call it the best X-Men movie, but Nostalgia Critic has some problems with it that a lot of people choose to ignore. Let's take a look at X2: X-Men United.
One of the most hated X-Men movies might not actually be as bad as you think...I mean, it's still bad, but fun bad...maybe? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at X-Men: The Last Stand.
Here it is, the bottom of the barrel, what most people call the worst X-Men movie. Can the Nostalgia Critic get through it without digging his claws into the screen? It's time for X-Men Origins: Wolverine!
Nostalgia Critic gets a visit from his own "best friend", but what will he think of the latest project from Greg Sestero and Tommy Wiseau? Let's take a look at Best F(r)iends.
Before Willy Wonka, this was arguably Tom and Jerry's most popular adventure. Perhaps it didn't quite give the brains it was promised though. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Tom and Jerry and the Wizard of Oz.
It's the best known Easter Bunny movie, mostly because it's one of the ONLY Easter Bunny movies! Let's see if it's worthy of the holiday icon's jelly bean droppings. The Nostalgia Critic reviews Hop.
E.B. White's strange book is given the bland treatment and a...Shyamalan script? Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on the 1999 hit, Stuart Little.
For many, Toonami was their intro to anime. The Nostalgia Critic is shown the impact one of Cartoon Network's most famous programming segments...with TOM too, of course.
The sequel to the "true story" of Balto certainly takes more liberties than the original. Let's see if it pays off in the end or if this is a sequel worth putting down. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Balto II: Wolf Quest.
One of the biggest bombs of all time based on one of the biggest game franchises of all time. Let's see if there's any redeemable value to the CG weird-fest Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within.
It got a lot of critical and audience praise, but Nostalgia Critic has some major issues with this biographical miss. Let's take a look at Man on the Moon.
Kidnapping wolves, evil bankers, and yet somehow it's the exact same story. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at how this sequel/reboot is less than practically perfect in every way. Let's take a look at Mary Poppins Returns.
Since it's release it's been called "the Citizen Kane of awful." With a huge celebrity cast, can Nostalgia Critic find anything of value in this gross-out stinker? Let's take a look at Movie 43.
Once it was seen as the worst Alien movie, now it's seen as...just a bad one. What went wrong with the riskiest Alien movie ever made? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Alien 3.
So it's come to this, the Barney the Dinosaur movie. After years of people asking, NC is out to discover why we all hated this purple abomination so much. The Nostalgia Critic reviews Barney's Great Adventure.
The Olympians never looked so...average. Nostalgia Critic looks at another Young Adult series that never got the franchise it was hoping for. Let's take a look at Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief.
Keanu Reeves may be a huge hit again, but there was a time when his career was less than heavenly. Constantine is one of those devilish low points.
The nostalgic teen spy gets her own film, and fans are none too happy what happened to their butt-kicking heroine. Nostalgia Critic takes a look to see if anything is redeemable with Kim Possible.
On the 25th anniversary of one of Disney's biggest hits, Nostalgia Critic takes a look and sees if it's warranting all the praise it's gotten for so long. Let's take a look at The Lion King.
It's the Guillermo del Toro movie everyone forgets he directed, let's see if it holds up to the standards this Oscar winning director holds so high. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Blade 2.
Aladdin, Lion King, Dumbo, Beauty and the Beast. We're all sick of them, yet somehow these films continue to pull in the big bucks. What's the secret and why do we keep falling for it? Why do Disney remakes keep making money? Find out on this episode of the Nostalgia Critic.
A review with cats?!? You can't get more internet than that! Critic and Snob bring their kitties along to look at one of the worst remakes Disney has made, and that's saying a lot! Let's take a look at 1997's, That Darn Cat.
One of the biggest crossovers! The stone age meets the age of the future, but is it the match made in heaven kids hoped for? Find out as the Nostalgia Critic reviews The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones.
It's vampires vs werewolves, you know, SUPER serious stuff! So how come nobody ever cracks a smile? The Nostalgia Critic looks at the beginning of the cult franchise, Underworld.
One of the worst Disney sequels ever! How did this happen to a great...good...decent enough movie? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Mulan II.
This is it! The LAST Chipmunks movie! Can Nostalgia Critic get through this series without losing his mind? Let's take a look at Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip.
Yikes! This movie's as anti PC as it can get! Does that work for or against it? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at the insanity that is The Pest.
The lead singer of Slipknot joins the surreal review of the surreal movie. It's not like a film like this deserved anything normal. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Pink Floyd's The Wall.
A giant parrot, hallucinating Jasmine, and Casper the Friendly Genie? It's another Disney remake alright, and despite this one being a crowd pleaser, the Nostalgia Critic is anything but amused as he reviews 2019's Aladdin remake.
Man eating pigs, brain food, and people in goblin costumes. This came from a 'Best Picture' movie? Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on the 'Silence of the Lambs' sequel, Hannibal.
A strange sequel to an already strange movie. Let's see how the Nostalgia Critic reacts to Pennywise's latest madness in IT Chapter Two.
The first Tales from the Crypt movie! After so many years does it still hold the same gory campiness we all know and love? Find out as the Nostalgia Critic reviews, Tales From the Crypt - Demon Knight.
The director of the Zombieland movies takes his shot at a serious movie...I think. Nostalgia Critic looks at the comic book hit Venom.
With the 50th anniversary of Scooby Doo, it only makes sense to look at the film everybody loves the most! But does it hold up since the last time you saw it? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Scooby Doo on Zombie Island.
A gathering of heroes deserves a gathering of critics! Nostalgia Critic invites CinemaSins, the Cinema Snob, and maybe a few other cinema related friends to look at the underwhelming "almost" blockbuster, DC's Justice League.
Arguably Disney's most popular film in years! But does it have the magic so many audiences said it did, or does it run cold after awhile? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Frozen.
Sexy bunnies, creepy pandas, and a guy in a red rabbit suit. Of course this is how people advertise to us! Nostalgia Critic looks over the latest batch of commercials.
The hit film might have more brilliance than even the film makers are aware! Is it possible the caped crusader is actually in the clown prince's mind? Did Joker imagine Batman?
Another cinematic Grinch for Universal to ruin. How does the Seuss masterpiece get botched this time? Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on The Grinch (2018).
Holiday in Handcuffs is hands down the craziest romantic trash ever associated with Christmas, but does that make it the best or the worst? Find out as the Nostalgia Critic reviews this insane Christmas romantic comedy.
It's the Christmas sequel most people say doesn't deliver, but let's see if there's any laughs that unintentionally come from this. The Nostalgia Critic reviews Disney's Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause.
You can't celebrate Christmas without Die Hard! It's the holiday classic unlike any other, and Nostalgia Critic takes a look at what makes it so awesome!
The final installment in the new Star Wars trilogy has a lot of people split. Let's see if the Nostalgia Critic can figure out why. Time to take a look at Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
There's been a lot of talk about the despised Star Wars prequels getting more love than the new films coming out. Is Jar-Jar somehow better than BB-8?
Beverly Hills Chihuahua was number one at the box office for two weeks, TWO WEEKS! What on Earth was in it that made people subject themselves to such punishment?
With the changes happening to digitally "fix' films before and after they come out, are films going the same route as many buggy video games?
It's the Nic Cage smash that knew how to smash! What does the Nostalgia Critic think about the 90s all-star blockbuster, Con Air?
The raunchy, sleazy, anti-woke and anti-PC show was more ahead of its time than people give credit for...even though it didn't always look that way. Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on the classic 90s show, Duckman.
This movie is bonkers, but in a good way or a bad way? See the crazy movie that came out before the hit TV show! Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Supergirl.
We always hear about actors making other people's lives Hell for a role, but is it really worth it? Nostalgia Critic looks at the pros and cons of method acting.
Spider-Month begins with the film that started it all! Sam Raimi's Spider-Man seems to getting mixed responses recently, but are they warranted? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at how well they held up.
It's said to be one of the best comic book movies, but a lot more have come out since then. Does this film still weave a strong web? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Spider-Man 2.
It's the Raimi Spider-Man flick that ended all Raimi Spider-Man flicks, literally. The hate this movie gets is massive, but Nostalgia Critic is going to see if it's still warranted after all these years. Let's take a look at Spider-Man 3.
It's the first (and second to last?) Marc Webb Spider-Man movie! It's gotten quite the backlash in the past few years but Nostalgia Critic is wondering if it's worth all the anger. Let's take a look at The Amazing Spider-Man.
It's the worst Spider-Man movie ever made! Let's see if it's worth all the bad hype. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Amazing Spider-Man 2.
The nostalgic dolls made bank at the box office, but does it have lasting power or are you already sick of your kids playing it over and over? Nostalgia Critic looks at the hit film Trolls before the sequel World Tour comes out.
The classic storybook character comes to the big screen again, we think, we're not sure what this is. It's crazy, we definitely know that, and impossible to look away when you start watching. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Dolittle.
Frozen 2 won a ton of people over, but the Nostalgia Critic seems to be missing the boat. What is he missing? Take a look to figure out.
The old crew is back, well, some of them, to bring us a sequel nobody asked for. Nostalgia Critic checks out the messy explosion of the no doubt expanding franchise. Is Independence Day: Resurgence worth a watch? Find out now!
Though 3D animation has dominated the market for awhile, is there anything we're missing by not giving 2D another chance? Nostalgia Critic breaks down his thoughts on CG vs Hand Drawn Animations on a new editorial.
The 80s cult hit Critters made people scream with laughter and fear, but mostly laughter. Nostalgia Critic sees if it's still as entertaining so many years later.
It's been requested for years, so Nostalgia Critic finally looks over the animated kids film from ten years ago. It's...interesting to say the least. Let's see what all the fuss is about with Alpha and Omega.
It was the biggest film of all time for years, so why does nobody care about it? Nostalgia Critic looks back at how James Cameron's sci-fi adventure holds up over ten years later. Let's take a look at Avatar.
In the sequel to the family smash, Stuart gets friendly with a bird, but what will the children look like? Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on the early 2000s followup. Let's take a look at Stuart Little 2.
How can the most famous superhero of all time be turned into such a super bore? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at why the man of steel failed to take flight over a decade ago. Let's take a look at Superman Returns.
The trio have lasted a surprisingly long time in the public's eye. Let's see if Nostalgia Critic finds anything of value years later with Totally Spies! The Movie.
The Daredevil spinoff didn't wow as many audiences as it would've liked. Let's see if it's as offensive as many comic fans say it is. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Marvel's Elektra.
Though it got mixed reviews and wasn't the hit some hoped for, there's still a ton of awesomeness that isn't appreciated enough in this anime adaptation! Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Alita: Battle Angel.
Nobody knows what to make of it. Is it dark or light? Clever or dumb? Beautiful or hideous? Nostalgia Critic looks over the late 90s slapstick family film Mouse Hunt.
Yep, this was a thing. Just when Micheal Bay thought he could make a movie out of any toy that went "boom," a different kind of bomb happened instead. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Battleship.
It's one of Disney's darkest films, as well as one of Nostalgia Critic's favorites! So what works so well about it and what crumbles like a stone gargoyle? Let's take a look at The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
It's one of Disney's highest grossing movies, yet so many people hate it. Let's find out why the remake of a timeless classic fell hard off of Pride Rock. The Nostalgia Critic reviews the live action Lion King from 2019.
By popular demand (and incredible resistance), Nostalgia Critic takes a look at the Sesame Street film based on one of the most annoying red crazes. Let's finally take a look at The Adventures of Elmo in Grouchland.
Everyone knows the Peter Jackson version, but years earlier animation director Ralph Bakshi gave his unique take on the famous story. Is it worth looking up? Yes...for the most part. The Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Animated Lord of the Rings movie.
It's become a family sci-fi classic, with lots of laughs and lots of heart. Let's see if it still has the same power it did when it came out so many years ago. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Iron Giant.
Before Bill & Ted Face the Music comes out the Nostalgia Critic looks back at the strange, but "excellent" adventures of our favorite valley boys!
The original Mulan did well on the big screen, but has won even more fans over the years. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at why a seemingly passable Disney film has hooked so many fans.
One of the most bizarre, uncomfortable, yet somehow empty films about a strong guy looking after kids. On top of that, it has 'My Little Pony?' Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Playing with Fire.
It has 0% on Rotten Tomatoes, one of the most immature movies ever how come Nostalgia Critic has a soft spot for it? Let's take a look at Problem Child.
After years of mocking Pokémon, NC finally gives a fair chance to one of their hit movies. Will he be won over? The Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Detective Pikachu.
It may not be Dark Phoenix, but this X-Men film irked the Critic in some bad ways. What is it that made this film it's very own apocalypse? Find out now as the Nostalgia Critic takes a look at X-Men: Apocalypse.
In honor of Joel Schumacher (yes we said honor), Nostalgia Critic is looking at one of his best movies to start off Nostalgiaween. Let's take a look at The Lost Boys
It's Stephen King time! Let's look over one of his most popular stories as well as most popular mini-series about a deadly disease. Because yeah, it's that kind of year. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Stand.
For it's 30th anniversary Nostalgia Critic looks over the twisted classic from Roald Dahl before it's rebooted like everything is. Let's take a look at 1990 dark fantasy comedy The Witches.
The 2019 film may have been a hit, but does it really deliver the right kind of spooks the nostalgic stories were known for? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.
Kevin Smith's bizarre horror film is gaining a bit of a following. Nostalgia Critic says it's for mostly a good reason. Let's take a look at Tusk.
Barbie, Mario, and the Muppets show their hilarious (and disturbing) colors in another nostalgic commercial collection. Let's see if Nostalgia Critic can get through this year unharmed (spoiler: he doesn't).
It's not only one of the highest selling direct to video movies, but it's a sequel to one of the biggest films of all time. What does Nostalgia Critic think of the animated followup? Let's find out as NC takes a look at The Lion King II: Simba's Pride.
It's almost ten years old, and critics still can't stand this film. Can Nostalgia Critic find some deeper meaning to it or is it as bad as people say? Let's take a look at Zack Snyder's Sucker Punch.
Whether you love it or hate, this holiday horror film is becoming more and more popular. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at why the film is catching on over the holiday season. Let's start Christmas off right with Krampus.
Over the years it's become a holiday classic, but NC asks if it's really one of the best versions. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Muppet Christmas Carol.
It's on almost EVERY worst Christmas Movies List, so what is it about this film that drives everyone up the tree with this yule tide nightmare? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Deck the Halls.
YES this is a Christmas movie, nose bites and all! Is it a perfect Christmas movie? Well, it's perfect for 2020. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Batman Returns.
The first Home Alone movie sent straight to TV. Can you see why? Nostalgia Critic gives this haphazard sequel the thrashing it deserves. Let's take a look at Home Alone 4.
Will Smith as a fish is pretty damn creepy, thank goodness the film is awful too. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Shark Tale.
She may look like an innocent doll, but in the 70s the strangest version of Raggedy Ann made tons of people ask what the Hell they just watched. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at the freakiest Raggedy Ann Movie.
It has one of the laughably worse cg effects ever, but does The Mummy Returns entertain on the same level as the first one? Nostalgia Critic looks at the laughable insanity.
Nostalgia Critic is trying something new, doing a career dive into the people he finds the most fascinating. The first one he looks at is one of his biggest influences growing up, Jim Carrey.
It's the crossover you never knew you wanted, but with Batman fighting Shredder, Harley Quinn as a hyena, and even a T-REX, how can anyone not love this? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Batman vs. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
This film has grown a bit of a following, so how come so many people both remember it and don't remember it at the same time? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at why this film is so forgettably unforgettable. Let's take a look at Shane Acker's, 9.
George Lucas has had some stinkers over the years, but a fantasy jukebox musical? This is a new kind of weird. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Strange Magic.
Nostalgia Critic starts Terminator Month with the 80s smash hit that started a franchise of killer robotic Austrians! Is it as good as you remember? Let's take a look at The Terminator!
Continuing Terminator Month, NC looks over easily the best one of them all! Does anything about this film not work so many years later? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Terminator 2: Judgment Day.
Ah when things started to go downhill. The third film may have some memorable moments, but does it hold a candle to the first two? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines.
It's the first (and last) Terminator spin-off film without Arnold. The result? It needed more Arnold. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Terminator Salvation.
This is it, the WORST Terminator movie, at least according to the NC! What makes what should've been an epic return such an epic blunder? Let's find out as Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Terminator Genisys.
It's got Arnold, James Cameron, AND Linda Hamilton back! What could go wrong? Surprisingly quite a bit. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Terminator: Dark Fate.
He's got a twisted dark side that few people talk about, yet is all over the films he directs. Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on one of Hollywood's most underrated dark directors. Let's take a career dive into Danny DeVito.
Some people love it, some people hate it, but Nostalgia Critic has his own strange take on this very odd sequel. Check out what he has to say about Wonder Woman's retro return! Let's take a look at Wonder Woman 1984.
Few people saw it, but it's one of the funniest and strangest movies ever made! What is it that makes it so crazy and why do so few people know about it? Nostalgia Critic takes a look Freaked.
Everyone talks about Ten Commandments, but this animated gem doesn't get enough love. Join Nostalgia Critic in looking over why this is a classic in so many ways people don't give enough credit for. Let's take a look at The Prince of Egypt.
After two hit movies, the Blade movies end on a sadly sour note. What went wrong to make this film suck more than it's vampires? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Blade: Trinity.
It's awful Disney remake time again! Let's see how they missed the mark this time with a film that was practically gift wrapped to be epic. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Disney's Mulan (2020).
She's a polarizing director that people either love or hate. What does the Nostalgia Critic think about the strange and bizarre world of this Broadway director gone Hollywood?
Tom and Jerry has had a rough history. Does this mix of live action and animation finally do right by them? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Tom and Jerry: The Movie.
It's the last of the live action Scooby Doo Movies! Does it end on a high note or like Shaggy is it just straight up high? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Scooby-Doo! Curse of the Lake Monster.
There's never been anything like it, and probably never will again. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at the amazing, hilarious, and sometimes terrifying animated and live-action classic, Who Framed Roger Rabbit.
The obscure kids show looks a LOT different in their first movie. Does the child friendly series work as a gory horror film? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Banana Splits Movie.
It's based on a hit book with tons of copyrighted characters and tributes to pop how come so few people talk about it? Nostalgia Critic looks at why Ready Player One never quite got a huge fandom.
After the smash hit original, many audiences didn't get into to the "Here We Go Again" follow-up. Nostalgia Critic might be able to find one or two good things about this often discarded sequel. Let's take a look at Men in Black II.
The classic Don Bluth epic won over millions of kids, but there might be more to it that a lot of children didn't catch on to. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at An American Tail.
It's always been the black sheep of the Python films, but does that make it better or worse? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at their third and final film, Monty Python's The Meaning of Life.
It's the musical that horrified millions, well, thousands...maybe. This box office bomb will forever live in infamy but Nostalgia Critic and Cinema Snob ask is that necessarily a bad thing?
1990 was a strange time, especially for a cartoon from the 60s made in the 80s talking about the future. Does it get too much hate though? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Jetsons: The Movie.
It was critically panned and made little money, but 20 years later there might be something to this animated black sheep. Nostalgia Critic looks and sees if Atlantis: The Lost Empire got treated unfairly when it came out
It's one of those movies people love to debate if it's good or not. The truth is, both sides are kind of right. Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on this odd superhero parody, Mystery Men.
It's another X-Men movie everyone says is the worst. Are there some redeeming qualities about it? Yes, but not many. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at X-Men's Dark Phoenix.
We all know the reputation that Disney's Direct to DVD sequels have, but this one is not only one of the strangest, but one of the most entertaining. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Cinderella III: A Twist in Time.
We've seen films that can be ruined by an ending, but how about films where they save the day? Nostalgia Critic talks about the movies that would've been okay at best, but their final act makes them memorable as Hell!
It's one of the first times CG was used to make realistic cartoon effects. Several decades later though, is it still the laugh riot we all remember? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Mask.
It's won over audiences for years, even though it was only a modest success when it came out. So what is it about this film that puts everyone in the Halloween spirit? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas.
It scared people away from their TVs for years. How does the iconic horror film measure up so many years later though? Join Nostalgia Critic as he takes a look at The Ring.
It's the first appearance of Scooby Doo favorites the Hex Girls. Will NC be drawn to their music like so many other fans? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost.
It's based on a Stephen King story, yet has nothing to do with it, yet has all the Stephen king clichés! What went on with the only King story King himself wanted no connection to? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Lawnmower Man.
It used to be all over streaming platforms, but was it actually any good? Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on this bizarre ballerina movie. Let's take a look at Leap!.
It got torn apart by critics but audiences seemed to have a good time. What does Nostalgia Critic think of the latest romp between Bugs Bunny and a basketball superstar? Let's take a look at Space Jam 2: A New Legacy.
With the Netflix show winning everybody over, the movie seems be getting a bit of backlash. Nostalgia Critic argues there's more to it than some let on. Let's take a look at Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events.
From McDonald's to Cocoa Pebbles, the nostalgic commercials are back to be reviewed and questioned to no end!
We all roll our eyes at Disney's direct to DVD movies, but when Christmas is involved, c'mon, how bad could it be? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas.
Christmas classic or creepy as Hell? Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on the film that either gives people pleasant dreams or horrifying nightmares. Lets take a look at The Polar Express.
Yes, Home Sweet Home Alone might be popular to hate now, but before that, there was another non-theatrical sequel that a lot of people forget about...for good reason. Nostalgia Critic checks out Home Alone 5: The Holiday Heist.
She may have taken the internet by storm, but Grumpy Cat's Christmas special is insert bad cat pun here. Hey, that's still better than the writing in the film! Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever.
Is it a Christmas movie? Yes! But not a very good one. Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on one of Ben Affleck's first Hollywood bombs. Let's take a look at Reindeer Games.
M Night is back with a new bag of crazy clichés! Let's celebrate whatever strangeness he has planned this time! Time to take a look at M. Night Shyamalan's Old.
It flopped at the box office, and truth is you can see why, but is there more to this film in terms of how creatively insane it is? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn).
Nostalgia Critic wants to love this movie, but a few things are holding him back. Is there any hope that this off beat western might be off beat enough for him? Let's take a look at Nickelodeon's Rango.
Nostalgia Critic wants to love this movie, but a few things are holding him back. Is there any hope that this off beat western might be off beat enough for him? Let's take a look at Nickelodeon's Rango.
Nostalgia Critic takes a look at the (hopefully) final Scooby-Doo movie. Though in a bizarre twist, there's no Scooby Doo. It's time to check out Daphne & Velma.
It was a critical and box office disaster. What is it about this prequel to a classic children's story that rubbed everyone the wrong way? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Pan.
It's been over 20 years since the animated king of the jungle hit the big screen, but does it have as much bite so many years later? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Tarzan.
What happens when you mix Nicolas Cage and Disney...and it's not G-Force? You get a pretty far fetched but enjoyable adventure! Nostalgia Critic takes a look at National Treasure.
This sequel is messed up! Nostalgia Critic talks about one of his favorite dark children's films from the horrifying decade of the 80s. Let's take a look at Return to Oz.
Dark Knight Month begins with Batman Begins! After the franchise was nearly destroyed cinematically, how did Nolan get things back on track?
It's the Batman movie that changed comic book films forever! What is it that makes this film the awesome masterpiece that it is? Nostalgia Critic checks out The Dark Knight.
The final part of Nolan's trilogy didn't impress the Critic when it came out. Ten years later has time healed any of the wounds? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Dark Knight Rises.
Tim Burton's monster hit may have brought back Batman to his dark roots, but how does it hold up over 30 years later? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Batman 1989.
Dark Knight Month wraps up with what many consider the most authentic Batman movie. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Batman: Mask of the Phantasm.
Well, this is a coincidence. NC happened to be reviewing this movie just as the slap heard around the world happened. Will he have time to make as many Will Smith jokes as the internet already has? Let's find out as Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Hancock.
This was a thing? And it came out in 2020? That figures. How on Earth did something so creatively bankrupt get green-lit? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Bobbleheads: The Movie.
20 years after it's release Disney has surprisingly made a lot of money on this small little film. What are Nostalgia Critic's thoughts two decades later? Let's take a look at Lilo and Stitch.
Pauly Shore as Pinocchio? Everyone thought it was a joke, but it's all too real. Nostalgia Critic has to see it to believe it. Let's take a look at Pinocchio: A True Story.
Nickelodeon's longest running show...for awhile, was also a hit movie. But is the film about babies only made FOR babies? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Rugrats Movie.
It's one of the biggest movies in recent years! Let's see what Nostalgia Critic has to say about Spider Man and Doctor Strange's first decent into the multiverse. Let's take a look at Spider-Man: No Way Home.
By popular demand, Nostalgia Critic gives the Freakshow Cinema treatment on an innocent looking movie that surprisingly gets pretty intense. Let's take a look at The Brave Little Toaster.
It's said to be the Western for people who don't get into Westerns, but does the Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday flick still hold up after so many years? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Tombstone.
Zack Snyder tells a story about owls? It's nowhere near the strangest thing he's done, but let's see if it works. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole.
One of the weirdest sci-fi action flicks to say the least. How does Bruce Willis fight off singing Smurfs and women wrapped in lasagna? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Fifth Element.
The tubby orange cat has been around forever, but is there any substance to the late 80s and early 90s series? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Garfield and Friends.
Robert Pattinson turned out to be a good Batman, but there's more than that making this one of the best Batman films. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Matt Reeves, The Batman.
For being the outcasts, people sure do love this creepy and kooky family. Nostalgia Critic says the Sonnenfeld films are what capture their spirit the best and he's gonna explain why. Let's take a look at The Addams Family movies.
It's been 40 years since Don Bluth's masterpiece came out, and Nostalgia Critic got one of the animators (Philo Barnhart) to join him in talking about this amazing film. Let's take a look at The Secret of NIMH.
Believe or not there was a time when these movies ruled the world. Was it a craze that was worth so many impressions? Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on the Austin Powers movies.
It's one of the biggest flops audiences love to make fun of, but is there anything redeemable about this meme machine? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Morbius.
For many, it's the naughty version of fairy tales, but NC might have a point of view that could be a little different than what you expected. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at the Shrek movies.
It came out ten years ago and won Pixar the Oscar for Best Animated Feature. Yes really. So why is this film not quite the crowd pleaser everyone was hoping for? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Brave.
Nicolas Cage fighting Chuck E Cheese animatronics? Come on! That has to be good, right? Well are you a Five Nights at Freddy's fan? It doesn't matter. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at the Willy's Wonderland.
It's one of the most successful book series of all time, so why does the movie leave the Nostalgia Critic so disturbed? Let's take a look at Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
With a fourth film announced, Nostalgia Critic looks back at the film series that truly does teach you not to judge by appearances. Let's take a look at the Kung Fu Panda franchise.
Neo returns for one last shot "Woah" in the Matrix. Is there any hope for this series NC didn't even get that into from the start? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Matrix Resurrections.
It's the ghost with the most! What is it about this strange Tim Burton classic that wins everyone over, even though it seems like the last film that would do so? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Beetlejuice.
It was hated by critics, but made a bundle at the box office. So what is it about this film that seems to win over audiences yet piss off the NC so much? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Jurassic World Dominion.
One of the most famous trilogies ever gets looked over by the Nostalgia Critic. Which is his favorite and which one his least favorite, and do you agree? Let's take a look at the Back to the Future movies.
Since 2009 many have grown to love the characters from this film, but at the time it was hard to make people go see it. Does it hold up over the years or did it deserve to under perform at the box office? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Disney's The Princess and the Frog.
It's been over ten years since the first film came out, and three sequels followed. What got these movies so popular and is it deserving of it's popularity? Nostalgia Critic kicks off Nostalgia-Ween with the Hotel Transylvania Movies.
People hated it when it came out, but it's growing a bit of a following. Is this almost forgotten Peter Jackson flick worth remembering? Let's take a look at The Frighteners.
The trailer got a lot of people angry. The movie? Well, it's a long story. Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on Rob Zombie's The Munsters.
It's Stephen King Time! Time to get back to NC's roots of not only talking about another of King's adaptations, but one that people have grown to love and NC has only grown to hate. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Stephen King's The Mist.
NC was 20 when this movie came out, so is he gonna be a sour puss about this "kids stuff" or is he gonna find anything charming about it? Nostalgia Critic takes a look Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius.
It's Fox's attempt at creating a Disney Princess movie! How well did it work though? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at one of Don Bluth's biggest productions, Anastasia (1997).
Lord and Miller give their shot at a children's book classic. Does it have the laughs and imagination all these years later? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.
It's time to review some of the memorable and strangest commercials we grew up with! Will there be disturbing coffee ads? Yes there will!
It may look cheap, but this fairy tale retelling has quite a fan base, both of love and hate. Which side does NC fall on? Find out now as Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Hoodwinked.
The film has grown a big following but also a lot of annoyance. What does Nostalgia Critic think of the divided holiday classic? Let's take a look at Elf.
A motion capture CGI film with Jim Carrey as Scrooge? Sounds nightmare inducing...and it is, but not for the reasons you'd think. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at A Christmas Carol.
A lot of us grew up with it, but what is it about this lasagna loving kitty that makes us think of Christmas? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at A Garfield Christmas.
They made SIX of these!?! Ugh! Is this sequel the worst of them all or is there some saving grace? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Home Sweet Home alone.
This animated kids film bug bombed hard. Can the Nostalgia Critic find anything of value or will he squish it? Let's take a look at The Ant Bully.
Nostalgia Critic has had some interesting thoughts about The Sword in the Stone over the years. Some good, some bad, somehow though, it still stays with him. He takes a look at why that is.
The 2000s hit made a lot of, but Nostalgia Critic finds he's just might not be a Charlie's Angels fan.
It's been over ten years since the last Twilight movie came out. After so much time, have these films gotten any better? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Twilight Saga.
Adam Sandler has a universal controller that controls the universe. Why couldn't he use it to make a funnier movie? Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on a good Sandler drama, but a bad Sandler comedy. Let's take a look at Click.
The Jumanji spinoff didn't do well at the box office but it is growing a bit of a following. What are Nostalgia Critic's thoughts on this space adventure?
It started one of the biggest cinematic universes of all time, but 15 years later, is Iron Man still the hero we deserve? Nostalgia Critic takes a look.
It's Pirates Month on Nostalgia Critic, and he starts by looking over the Disney film that many thought would be a disaster. No, no, that would be the sequels. Let's take a look at Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl.
Pirates Month continues! It's the follow up to one of the biggest surprise hits Disney ever had. Can it capture the magic of the original? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.
It's said by many to be the worst Pirates movie. After so many years, has it gotten any better? Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
Can the pirate movies survive beyond the so called trilogy? Not really, but when has that ever stopped Disney? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides.
The final installment of the Pirates...NOT Trilogy is here! Does it end on a high note? Well, have you been watching the Pirates sequels? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.
They're some of the highest grossing movies of all time...but why? Nostalgia Critic looks over this bizarrely iconic franchise. Let's take a look at the Despicable Me and Minions movies!
One of the surprise hits of 2022 is given a look by the Nostalgia Critic. Does he get into it as much as critics and audiences do? Time to check out Puss in Boots: The Last Wish.
Nostalgia Critic has made it clear how much he can't stand the Disney Live Action Remakes, but does that mean none of them could ever work? Let's look at the Top 11 ones that might have a chance.
Over 15 years have passes since this film came out. Has it aged like the show? Do we want it to age like the show? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Simpsons Movie.
This kid friendly dog film is over 30 years old and apparently hated by a lot of audiences. Does Nostalgia Critic agree with their anger? Let's take a look at 1992's Beethoven.
The robot girl went viral and turned in some box office gold. Is the Small Uncanny Valley Wonder worth all the attention? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at M3gan.
Cartoon Network has always been unique, but did the channel bumpers and promos REALLY play that big a part? Nostalgia Critic thinks so and he's going to explain why.
With the remake coming out, Nostalgia Critic calls upon one of the original Disney films' animators, Philo Barnhart, to help him look over the animated classic. Join us as we take a look at Disney's The Little Mermaid (1989).
With Brendan Fraser winning an Oscar, it only makes sense to look back on a film...that, he was in. Nostalgia Critic checks out Dudley Do-Right.
It's the block of programming that introduced so many kids to their favorite animes, superheroes, and zany cartoons! Let's see what Nostalgia Critic and the gang have to say about Kids WB.
Almost 20 years ago, a film was released that had everyone shouting "Of course this exists!" See if the Nostalgia Critic is any nicer to it than 2004 was. Let's take a look at White Chicks.
Wait, did Nostalgia Critic review this? Feels like he did? Maybe click on the video to know for sure.
It's the animated film that holds the record for most swear words. Is there more to this film than just dropping f-bombs. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at the South Park Movie.
With it almost being 20 years since the movie came out, NC asks the help of YouTuber PhantomStrider to make sense of one of the most iconic but also strangest franchises. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie.
Before the Disney Renaissance, there was a movie that people often forget about but still deserves a lot of love. Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on this 80s Disney classic, The Great Mouse Detective.
It scored big at the box office but not particularly with critics. What is it about this film that won over some but not others? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Super Mario Bros Movie.
It's a character that's won over most of the world, so how come the movie hasn't won of nearly as many? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Bean.
25 years ago Jim Carrey broke into drama with the world renowned Truman Show. Though it's clearly an amazing film, how come Nostalgia Critic can't get into it as much as everyone else?
The Gen Xers that never age and never learn are given their big screen debut. Does it hold up all these years later? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Beavis and Butt-Head Do America.
The classic cat and mouse duo have been talked about a lot by the NC, but what are their all time best shorts? Nostalgia Critic gives his picks for Top 11 Tom and Jerry Episodes.
With the NC being such a Stooge Head, does the movie reflect the iconic trio? Well...for a bit of time. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Three Stooges movie.
Though not loved by critics and audiences at the time, the animated comedy has grown a following over the years. Where does NC fall on the Dreamworks film? Find out now as Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Road to El Dorado.
With the passing of Paul Reubens, Nostalgia Critic takes a look at the films that helped make his most famous character a household name. Let's take a look at the Pee-Wee Movies.
It's the Disney film that introduced us to a timeless character, and...maybe some other things that weren't intended. What is the strange fascination people have with the film, and exactly HOW strange is it? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Disney's Robin Hood.
Jim Carrey gave Universal one of their biggest hits of all time. Does it still hold up over 20 years later? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Liar Liar.
It's one of the biggest bombs of the year (in a year with a ton of bombs), so where did things go wrong with DC's fastest blunder? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Flash.
Nostalgia-Ween begins with a house that has real personality. Nostalgia Critic looks at the 2006 animated flick, Monster House.
It's the stop motion movie that gave kids nightmares, but they were the most creative nightmares! Nostalgia Critic looks at the Halloween classic, Coraline.
Despite it never getting a theatrical release, this has become a staple of Halloween over the years. Does NC think it's worth the praise? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Trick 'r Treat.
Stephen King has another case of "What the heck were you thinking" with a simple story that of course goes insanely complicated. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Stephen King's Thinner.
20 years ago one of the most...existing Peter Pan movies existed. What does Nostalgia Critic think of it's...existence? Let's take a look at Peter Pan (2003).
The Disney remakes never seem to stop, but can NC find anything good in this latest installment? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Little Mermaid.
30 years after the smash comedy hit theaters, does the Robin Williams film still hold as many laughs as it did back then? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Mrs. Doubtfire.
It's time for those nostalgic shorts that make us happy with laughter, scream in horror, and if there's time, sell something. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at more nostalgic commercials.
Christmas comes early this year (it's not at all because Doug accidentally scheduled his videos wrong), so Nostalgia Critic looks over the one good Home Alone movie, the original!
Sure a man with cutlery for limbs equals Christmas, why wouldn't it? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at the Tim Burton holiday(ish) classic, Edward Scissorhands.
It's one of the few Tom and Jerry AND Nutcracker adaptations a lot of people say works alright. Seeing how Nostalgia Critic is a fan of both, will it win him over?
The creator of Animaniacs Tom Ruegger joins the Nostalgia Critic in talking over their one and only movie! Time to take a look at Wakko's Wish.
It's been overplayed, overhyped, overexposed, over everything! With all that said, is it still a good movie after 40 years? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at A Christmas Story.
It's Nostalgia Critic's FIRST Steven Seagal movie! Somehow all these years he's never reviewed one, and now he's looking over arguably the funniest one, On Deadly Ground.
It's been 20 years since this movie came out, and boy did people not like it back then. Is there any hope for this film based on the 70s cartoon? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Fat Albert.
The original Disney classic gets revisited over 30 years later. What still holds up about this Arabian Night? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Aladdin (1992).
We're familiar with who the meanest Disney villains are, but how about the ones that make us laugh the most? Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on this animated rogue's gallery.
The bizarre comedy from 2002 has gotten a lot of requests for Nostalgia Critic in the past. Will he get into it's odd humor or will it leave a punch to the gut? Let's take a look at Kung Pow: Enter the Fist.
Few films leave an impact like this one did on the Nostalgia Critic. What is it about Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse that blew him away? Let's find out now!
Do you play the game or does the game play you? It's the film that wasn't loved by critics yet everyone is still familiar with. What are Nostalgia Critic's thoughts on the board game hit? Let's take a look at Jumanji.
It's the start of Supermonth! Let's get things going with the film that arguably started superhero movies, Superman.
It's possibly the first superhero sequel ever made! How does it hold up in comparison to the original classic? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Superman II.
After one of the best superhero movies of all time, it only makes sense to get one of the worst of all time. Superman 3 is panned for a lot of reasons, most of them Nostalgia Critic is glad to rip apart.
Nostalgia Critic wraps up Supermonth with one of the most successful re-edits in history. Let's take a look at Zack Snyder's cut of Justice League.
Every time Nostalgia Critic does a commercial special there's always a lot of Bill Cosby ads that show up. Well this time, he's giving them the spotlight.
It's the Star Trek movie fans didn't know they wanted. So how come NC isn't as won over by the film as many others are? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Galaxy Quest.
Disney's 100 year anniversary turned out to be one of their biggest blunders in a year of big blunders. What was it about the film that didn't connect with so many? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Wish.
Don Bluth's dino classic has been striking a chord with NC recently. What is it about the film that resonates with him so much? Find out now as Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Land Before Time.
Sean Connery as a dragon? Yep, that was a thing, and it's about as 1996 fantasy as it can get. Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on DragonHeart.
George Miller's strangest (and that's saying a lot) choice for a film to direct. Did Nostalgia Critic ever get into this tap dancing hit? Let's take a look at Happy Feet.
It's been 20 years since Will Smith fought a robotic invasion, but is there any humanity that shines through in this emotionless thriller? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at I, Robot.
It's the film everybody hated the ending of when it came out, but are there some redeeming qualities about Spielberg's alien epic? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Tom Cruise's, War of the Worlds.
It's the latest in Sony's attempt to make Spider-Man movies without Spider-Man! Where the others failed though, this one spectacularly fails! Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Madame Web.
It wasn't a big hit with critics and audiences, but Nostalgia Critic might have a bit of a soft spot for one of the few Disney sequels he found alright. Let's take a look at Peter Pan's sequel, Return to Never Land.
It's over 35 years old yet still holds a place in our hearts. How has it stayed with us this long? Nostalgia Critic takes a look The Princess Bride.
Nostalgia Critic has seen a lot of crazy, low budget films, but this one meets a new standard. How on Earth did this film come to be? Let's take a look at Joshua and the Promised Land.
Nostalgia Critic reviewed this movie awhile ago on DisneyCember, but was he too hard on it back then? Let's take another look over ten years later at Disney's Treasure Planet.
This comedy hit turns 30 this year, but how much of it's stupidity actually has some real brains to it? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Dumb and Dumber.
20 years after Pixar's super family hit the screen, NC is seeing if they still earn the name the REAL Fantastic Four. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at The Incredibles.
It cut ties between Dreamworks and Aardman Studios, but Nostalgia Critic thinks there's more to it than people give credit. Let's take a look at Flushed Away.
Nostalgia Critic, it turns out, has never seen a Friedberg and Seltzer parody, so he decides to look at the worst one recommended to him. Yes, it will break him. Grab the popcorn and lets take a look at Disaster Movie.
Everybody loves the book, but some are split on the live action movie. What are Nostalgia Critic's thoughts? Let's take a look at Charlotte's Web.
It's one of the most expensive movies ever made, so how did it turn out the biggest Indiana Jones bomb ever made? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny.
Megamind is the Dreamworks movie that surprisingly gets a lot of talk, and Nostalgia Critic is trying to figure out why. Let's dive into this supervillain therapy session.
It's Pixar's second movie yet very few people talk about it. Is it underrated or is there a reason this film gets squished in the lineup? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at A Bug's Life.
Is every "Movie-Movie" an absolute stinker? Well this one is...kind of better. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Superhero Movie.
It's been 40 years since the original comedy smash came out (feel old yet?), but Nostalgia Critic is wondering if it's still the classic he remembers it being. Let's dive into Ghostbusters.
Have the Cubs gotten so bad they're hiring kids to pitch? Apparently they did in the 90s. Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on the nostalgic baseball comedy, Rookie of the Year.
We've seen a million movies about big guys looking after little kids, but did the original hit have anything good, or was it a rotten box lunch? Join Nostalgia Critic as he takes a look at Kindergarten Cop.
NostalgiaWeen begins! Nostalgia Critic takes a look at a campy cult classic that has a lot of people asking if he got any laughs out of it. Let's check out Killer Klowns from Outer Space (1988).
Liaka has released a lot of movies around Halloween, with this and Coraline being their best known, but which one is better? Nostalgia Critic continues NostalgiaWeen with ParaNorman.
Time to get in touch with our feminine and masculine sides. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at one of his favorite slasher movies, Sleepaway Camp.
Everyone saw through the emptiness of this film, but why does it leave such a bad impression with so many? Nostalgia Critic continues Nostalgia-Ween with Hallow Man.
Over 20 years ago McDonald's released a VHS series that was a surprisingly big hit. Does Nostalgia Critic think it's worth the attention both then and now? Let's take a look at The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald: Scared Silly.
When the film first came out, Nostalgia Critic liked it but didn't love it. Is it possible he might have missed something the first time around? Let's take another look at Logan.
Even though he's never played the game, Nostalgia Critic can see from a mile away why this box office bomb was a disaster. Let's take a look at the video game movie flop, Borderlands.
It's that time again! Nostalgia Critic looks over old nostalgic commercials and figures out what the Hell people were on when they were pitching these ideas.
Nostalgia Critic continues his journey through the worst "Movie Movies" and watches what has made it on a ton of 'Worst Movies Ever' lists. Does Meet the Spartans deserve all the hate? Let's find out!
It's the Christmas movie that's...only a Christmas movie in the last few minutes. Does that count? Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on the hit family film, Paddington.
Okay it's more of a Christmas/Easter/Tooth Fairy movie, but Santa's in it, so we're looking it over this year! Nostalgia Critic gives his thoughts on DreamWorks, Rise of the Guardians.
Big surprise the Nostalgia Critic didn't grow up watching this one, but after years of people asking around Christmas, he's finally giving his thoughts on Barbie's first DVD adventure, Barbie in the Nutcracker.
It's Christmas AND it's been 40 years since Gremlins came out. Let's see what Nostalgia Critic thinks of this "kinda" Christmas classic.
The 2000 hit didn't seem to win over a ton of critics or audiences, but is there anything about it that's as good as getting a day off of school? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Snow Day.
It's Shyamalan time! Nostalgia Critic looks over how the king of awkwardness turned his movies into a family outing. Let's take a look at Trap.
It just passed it's 20 year mark, but did this early 2000s flick deserve any of the love or hate it got? Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Marvel's The Punisher.
Matthew Broderick plays a mouse and it's surprisingly not the worst part of The Tale of Despereaux. Nostalgia Critic takes a look at this awkward little flick.
Disney's classic that won over audiences and critics gets another look by the Nostalgia Critic. Does Beauty and the Beast hold up as well as it did over 30 years later? Lets find out!
Nostalgia Critic tries something new by talking about how well a nostalgic arcade game can be a decent adaptation. Let's take a look at The Simpsons Arcade Game.
Somehow Martin Lawrence has never been given the Nostalgia Critic treatment. This one makes the most sense to do. Let's take a look at Big Momma's House.
It's the start of Lord of the Rings Month! Nostalgia Crtic takes a look at the Peter Jackson movies, including (sadly) the Hobbit films. First up, The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
Nostalgia Critic goes from a good LOTR film to a great one with part two, but does it still have its enchanted issues? Let's take a look at The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers.
It's the final part of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and often said to be the best. Does Nostalgia Critic agree? Let's take a look at The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
After the massive success of one of the best trilogies of all time, Nostalgia Critic looks at a trilogy that's...well, there. Let's check out The Hobbit movies.
Confused by the lack of clarity from the Cloverfield trailer, the Nostalgia Critic speculates about what the monster of the movie could be. Is it Donkey Kong, is it the Puff of Smoke from lost, is it Jesus, is it the Bad Robot icon, or is it a combination of the above. The Nostalgia Critic tries his best to find out.
The Nostalgia Critic decides to attend the midnight launch of the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book. With so many Harry Potter fans waiting, as well as being dressed up as their favorite Harry Potter characters, the Nostalgia Critic can't resist interviewing and teasing them.
After having so many viewers post comments about how much his reviews are similar to those of the Angry Video Game Nerd, the Nostalgia Critic responds to the Angry Video Game Nerd by saying that he is the superior talent. However, in the process he begins an everlasting feud with his rival, The Angry Video Game Nerd.
After hearing The Angry Video Game Nerd's response to his video, the Nostalgia Critic is confused by his polite and complementing response. So, the Nostalgia Critic decides to decode the message and find out what he really meant.
After finding out that the Angry Video Game Nerd is reviewing The Wizard, after posting on his site the day before that he was going to review that movie, the Nostalgia Critic lashes out once again against the Angry Video Game Nerd.
Doug and Rob discuss the making of the Wizard.
Doug discusses the making of Batman and Robin.
After hearing the Angry Video Game Nerd's insulting response, the Nostalgia Critic challenges him to review a horrible nostalgic movie.
The Nostalgia Critic surprises The Angry Video Game Nerd at one of his own live appearances at a game store. The two decide to mock fight outside, along with Captain S. Who will win, and who will be left in the dust?
Doug discusses the making of Captain Planet.
Doug, Rob, and Bargo discuss the making of 3 Ninjas
Since he's not a girl, the Nostalgia Critic proclaims that he can't effectively review girl movies and television shows. So, he announces a contest to help him find his Nostalgia Chick, the one to take over this job.
Doug and Rob discuss the making of Tom and Jerry The Movie.
The Nostalgia Critic breaks the three-way tie by choosing Lindsay Ellis as his Nostalgia Chick, but what will become of the other two runners-up?
Doug, Rob, and Bargo discuss the making of Surf Ninjas
Doug and Bargo discuss the making of Teddy Ruxpin.
The Angry Video Game Nerd interrupts one of the Nostalgia Critic's transmissions and challenges him to one final battle. The catch is that the Nostalgia Critic has to come to him.
This is it. The final battle between The Nostalgia Critic and The Angry Video Game Nerd takes place in the Nerd's room. Who will ultimately emerge as the greater talent?
The Nostalgia Critic documents his road trip from Chicago to Philadelphia to take on the Nerd along with his brother. How will he be able to keep himself busy on the trip, knowing what awaits him at his destination.
The Nostalgia Critic looks back at his feud with The Angry Video Game Nerd by playing clips and showing off fan art based off of the feud.
This video shows behind-the-scenes footage and the making of the final battle between the Nostalgia Critic and The Angry Video Game Nerd.
As the Nostalgia Critic enjoys another good morning, he runs into The Angry Video Game Nerd and another battle begins. However, when the Nostalgia Chick, Kyle Justin, The Spoony One, Benzaie, and many others join in the fight, it turns into a team brawl between the gamers and the critics. Which team will emerge triumphant?
After complaining about so many movies, Doug decides to reveal the top 20 movies that he likes the best. This is the first half of his countdown.
Continuing with the countdown of his top 20 favorite movies, Doug reveals the best of the best. This is his top 10 favorite movies of all time.
The Nostalgia Critic reviews the movie Halloween III. He finds that it is one of the strangest sequels that he has ever seen since it has nothing to do with the previous movies in the series. He also finds the movie to be very boring and not very scary.
Doug and Rob discuss the making of the Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog.
The Nostalgia Critic sings a special song about all the stress people have to go through during the holidays.
Doug discusses the making of Superman 4.
Doug and Rob discuss the making of the Star Wars Holiday Special.
Doug decides to review the made-for-tv animated movie, Turtles Forever. The reason he's not reviewing the movie as the Nostalgia Critic is because this movie is something that Doug really likes. With both the 1987 and 2003 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles animated series groups teaming up for this 25th anniversary special, Doug has a lot to say about it.
Doug and Rob discuss the making of Moonwalker.
Fanny McBigBottom and Waverly Long-johns discuss the making of the Nostalgia Critic's Bebe's Kids (SNES) review...
Doug discusses the making of Battlefield Earth.
Doug discusses the making of Cartoon All Stars to the Rescue.
Doug and Rob discuss the making of Quest for Camelot.
Doug and Rob discuss the making of Captain N.
The Nostalgia Critic confronts Kevin Baugh with the offer to surrender Molossia to him. When Kevin silently ignores him, Critic calls the Channel Awesome crew into battle. When the first attack on Molossia goes horribly wrong, the crew decide to gear up, and get ready for an all-out raid on the micronation.
The night before the invasion, the NC attempts to convince Spoony to "give in to the madness"....
When the Nostalgia Critic is confronted with several problems within the nation, and ignores them in favor of watching television, Fritz Von Baugh begins to sow seeds of dissent among the new government officials.
Mistrust is abound as the team decides to turn against the Critic...
Dr. Insano is unleashed upon the unsuspecting Nostalgia Critic. But when the ensuing battle supposedly claims a life, the team is forced to resort to their original plan....
The attack launched by the critics sends the Nostalgia Critic fleeing into his home, only for Phelous to have him cornered.....
Tommy Wiseau's image must be protected...even from himself...
Doug discusses the making of Animaniacs Tribute Part 1
Doug discusses the making of Animaniacs Tribute Part 2
Doug discusses the making of Animaniacs Tribute Part 3
Doug and Rob discuss the making of Care Bears.
Doug and Brad discuss the making of Leprechaun.
Doug discusses the making of You're a Rotten Dirty Bastard: Christmas Special.
Doug and Rob discuss the making of IT.
Doug and Rob discuss the making of Neverending Story 3.
Doug and Rob discuss the making of Secret of NIHM 2.
Doug discusses the making of Fear and Loathing in ShadowCon.
Doug discusses the making of Ferngully.
See which movies and shows Doug will never look at EVER for a Nostalgia Critic review.
Doug discusses the making of The Top 11 Batman The Animated Series Episodes.
Doug and Rob discuss the making of The OTHER Animated Titanic Movie.
Part 1 of Doug's Top 20 Favorite TV Shows.
Part 2 of Doug's Top 20 Favorite TV Shows.
Doug (in character as Profion) and Rob discuss the making of Dungeons and Dragons.
Doug and Alison discuss the making of Simon Sez.
Doug, Brent, and Lindsay discuss the making of Moulin Rouge.
Doug discusses the making of Lets Play Bart's Nightmare.
Doug and Phelan discuss the making of Child's Play.
Doug and Lewis discuss the making of Star Trek Insurrection.
Doug discusses the making of Ponyo.
Doug discusses the making of The Grinch.
Doug and Bennett discuss the making of Starchaser.
Doug and Holly discuss the making of A Simple Wish.
The Nostalgia Critic and Phelous finish their Child's Play review trilogy.
The Final Adventure begins!
The Final Adventure Continues!
The Final Adventure continues to...continue!
The final adventure continues to continue...with it's...continuing.
In the continuation of the final part of the continuation we continue to continue into the...continuation.
We're continuing to continue the final continuing of the final adventure...continue.
We are now nearing the end of the continuing part of the final continuing continue to continue.
The end.
From TGWTG Volume 2 - the formally DVD only episode of NC, now available for all to watch
Doug and Rob talk about the making of the Reefer Madness review.
Rob and Doug take a look at the last episode.
Which ones are Doug's favorite?
From the Best of TGWTG Volume 2 DVD. Doug reviews the SNES game - Blues Brothers
Doug discusses the making of Blues Brothers SNES.
The worst of the worst that the NC has ever had to look at. Be warned, the number one spot goes on for QUITE a bit...
Doug and Hope discuss the making of Digimon the Movie.
Hey kids, love Rambo? NOT ANYMORE! See the NC review from the Volume 1 DVD. One of the strangest remakes ever!
Doug and Rob discuss the making of Turkish Rambo.
Doug counts down his top 11 favorite funniest moments from the Nostalgia Critic.
A Volume 3 DVD Exclusive, now available for all to watch!
Did you ever want to know how an Episode of Nostalgia Critic was made?
See the Nostalgia Critic review the Angry Video Game Nerd Movie. What did the critic think of it?
What did the Nostalgia Critic think of the collection of shorts?
The Nostalgia Critic lays out the plot for Frozen 2, or at least, his version of it.
Live review of Breaking Dawn 2, featured on the "Nostalgia Critic Reloaded" DVD.
Doug Walker's other characters remember The Nostalgia Critic. From yhe "Nostalgia Critic Reloaded" DVD.
Live acting, animated, it all counts! Here’s Doug’s favorite films from one of his favorite studios!
Couldn’t get an NC to you guys this week, but here’s a look at some of Doug’s favorite moments from film ever!
A sneak peak at Nostalgia Critic’s big review. Plus Doug does a trailer reaction of his own trailer…wait what?
The cast & crew talk about the 10 year anniversary of the Nostalgia Critic.
Doug talks about playing Nostalgia Critic for TEN amazing years! You all make it possible and we couldn't be more thankful!