Als er bei einem Erdbeben beide Eltern verliert, begibt sich der kleine Brontosaurus Littlefoot zusammen mit anderen Saurierkindern auf eine gefährliche Reise.
Quando un terremoto uccide i suoi genitori, Piedino, un piccolo brontosauro, si unisce ad altri dinosauri orfani per riuscire a sopravvivere.
Bien avant l'apparition de l'homme sur la Terre vivait une paisible race de dinosaures végétariens et pacifiques, les "mangeurs de feuilles". Mais quand la sécheresse ne les contraignait pas à l'exode, les terribles "dents tranchantes", une espèce de dinosaures carnivores, les attaquaient. Un seul espoir pour sauvegarder la race, rejoindre la vallée des merveilles, où la verdure est abondante. C'est là que commence l'histoire de Petit-Pied, un dinosaure appartenant à la famille des "longs cous" et séparé de ses parents, suite à un séisme. Au cours de son périple, il est épaulé par d'autres espèces reptiliennes : Cera, une "trois cornes", Ducky, un "grande bouche", Petrie, un "volant", et Spike, un "queue à pointes".
Siga numa aventura pré-histórica sem precedentes.Cinco jovens dinossauros reunem forças numa tentativa de alcançarem o lendário vale encantado onde possam viver em paz. Até lá o pequeno grupo enfrenta ousadas aventuras enquanto aprende novas lições de vida e a importância do trabalho em equipa.
Замечательный мультфильм Дона Блата выдержан в лучших диснеевских традициях. Семьи доисторческих животных ищут места богатые зеленью. Во время длительных переходов их подстерегают различные беды, а детеныши подружились между собой. Лидером становится маленький динозаврик.
During the age of the dinosaurs, a massive famine forces several herds of dinosaurs to seek an oasis known as the Great Valley. Among these, a mother in a diminished "Longneck" herd gives birth to a single baby, named Littlefoot. Years later, Littlefoot plays with Cera, a "Three-horn", until her father intervenes, whereupon Littlefoot's mother describes the different kinds of dinosaurs: "Three-horns", "Spiketails", "Swimmers", and "Flyers". That night, as Littlefoot follows a "Hopper", he encounters Cera again, and they play together briefly until a large "Sharptooth" attacks them. Littlefoot's mother comes to their rescue, but receives fatal injuries in the process. An earthquake swallows up the Sharptooth and divides Littlefoot and Cera from their herds. Littlefoot receives advice from his dying mother before she passes away. Confused and in grief, Littlefoot meets an old "Clubtail" named Rooter, who consoles him. He is then guided by his mother's voice telling him to follow the sun to the Great Valley.
Littlefoot e seus amigos formam um grupo de 5 dinossauros órfãos que perderam seus pais em um grande terremoto que devastou o mundo e dividiu a terra em dois grandes continentes. Os 5 dinossaurinhos começam então sua jornada em busca do vale encantado, onde poderão encontrar folhas verdes, já que são herbívoros, e onde estão tudo acabou. No meio do caminho, terão que lidar com a ausência dos pais, os perigos da sobrevivência e os ataques do Tiranossauro Rex.
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