Vor dem großen Idol-Festival veranstaltet die Firma ein Trainingscamp für die Mädchen. Und ganz spontan sollen sie noch ein weiteren Song einstudieren, den sie alle gemeinsam singen sollen. Aber auf einen gemeinsamen Nenner zu kommen ist schwerer als gedacht.
With their participation in the summer fest decided, the project members work hard taking lessons at a camp. But when P has to leave for another duty, Minami is given the camp coordinator role. Aside from performing their own solo unit songs, the members also have to learn a new group song but have a rough time trying to get in sync with each other with the choreography. Seeing them struggle, Minami suddenly cancels the group lesson... and initiates an athletic meet under the guise of a "special program"!
아이돌 페스티벌을 향해서 합숙을 하게 된 신데렐라 프로젝트 일행. 무더운 날씨를 이기며 자신들의 유닛 연습에 그치지 않고 단체곡 또한 연습하게 되는데...
O festival de verão se aproxima, e as garotas praticam para a apresentação em conjunto e também para o show individual.