After the Magic Chevalier is over, the season turns to fall. While Ray and his class are getting excited about their plan for the cultural festival, they get word that Rebecca has been engaged to an upper-tier noble called Evan Bernstein. Ray goes to congratulate her, but gets the feeling that she is not her usual self. On top of that, Dina Sera asks Ray to watch over Rebecca, so he begins his investigation into Evan. However, the situation behind this way bigger than Ray could have imagined...
O noivado de Rebecca Bradley pega muitos de surpresa e desperta a curiosidade de algumas pessoas.
À l’approche du festival de l’école, le projet de café avance bien. Ray et ses amis ont toutefois un autre sujet qui les préoccupe : les fiançailles de Rebecca.
Die Klasse von Ray will zum Kulturfest ein Maid-Cafe bereitstellen und die Vorbereitungen sind im vollen Gange. Da erfährt Ray von einer überraschenden Verlobung und stellt Nachforschungen an.
Se acerca el festival cultural y Ray y su clase deciden montar una cafetería con sirvientas, para lo cual tendrán que trabajar todos unidos.