Home / Series / The Great Australian Spelling Bee / Aired Order / Season 2 / Episode 9

Episode 9

Tonight on THE GREAT AUSTRALIAN SPELLING BEE, the penultimate episode: The Grand Final Decider! Of the TOP 5 spellers who have gotten this far, which four spellers will make it through to the Grand Final for 2016? As TRISTAN says, “we are at the business end” of the competition... the words are getting harder and the spellers left are the cream of the crop. Today, one speller will be leaving the competition and the spellers all feel sad, as they have grown so close. Last week, AVA’s best mate ZOE left the competition... she is really missing her and says she is going to spell her way to the Grand Final for her today. As the only two girls left, AVA and ANNIE are happy to have each other. The spellers race into the Arena full of excitement to see the familiar SPELL GATE. ZACH waves his fists in the air yelling “Yes! Yes!” - this is his favourite challenge! His speed spell record when practicing at home is 20 words in a minute. Will ZACH break his own speed record today? And can he maintain his clean slate of never spelling a word incorrectly in the entire competition? GRANT announces that the Challenge today is “SPEED SPELL SHOWDOWN”. For the first time they will be spelling as individuals in the SPELL GATE. TRISTAN is nervous as he thinks it will be harder without any team members to spell with. Expectations for ZACH are high, as the resident Speed Demon has no one to hold him back... Each speller has 60 seconds to spell as many words as they can. If they get a word incorrect, it’s time-up and game over. The top speller in this challenge wins the golden ticket straight through to the Grand Final... the remaining four will battle it out in the final Spelling Bee - their last chance to make it into the Grand Final. ANNIE is first up in the Spell Gate, and flies through her words. The other spellers watch in awe and worry she is setting the bar very high for them all. After a mind-blank on REGIONAL, ANNIE pulls herself together and gets 11 words in 54.07 seconds. Next

  • Network Network 10
  • Created June 28, 2021 by
    Matang Aguila
  • Modified June 28, 2021 by
    Matang Aguila