Saito rettet Louise aus den Händen der Rebellen, doch Louise bekommt sogleich eine neue Mission von Henriettas Berater, die die Flucht der Königin und aller anderen sichern soll. Vor dem Beginn der Mission will Louise noch etwas Wichtiges mit Saito erledigen. Diese Mission kommt jedoch mit einem hohen Preis...
Louise is secretly approached by one of Henrietta's advisors and is asked to hold the enemy off while the Queen escapes. Knowing that it is a suicide mission, Louise plans to send Saito to safety, but not before marrying him. Catching wind of her plan, Saito uses a sleeping potion on Louise after they wed and asks Julio to take care of her and sets out to meet Albion's advancing troops. Louise faints before she can tell him she has always and still loves him. Despite his valiant efforts, Saito falls in the battlefield. Back at the academy, Louise collapses in grief at Saito's death, however, suddenly the magical flower that is connected to Saito unexpectedly comes back to life. Louise runs out and meets Saito who is very alive. When Saito fell, the Fairy, who resembles an Elf, saved him, revived him from death and healed him back health. While explaining, Saito mentions the fairy's large breasts which then Louise uses as an excuse, flies into a jealous rage, forgets about being sad about him and starts trying to explode Saito yet again.
I soldati cadono vittima di un sortilegio e scoppia una rivolta a South Gotha, a cui fa seguito un attacco dell'esercito di Albion. Louise allora decide di usare il proprio potere per permettere a Henrietta e agli altri di mettersi in salvo in sicurezza. Ma quando è il momento di lasciarsi, Saito decide che sarà lui a fermare l'avanzata nemica per lei.
Las fuerzas aliadas de Tristain abandonan desesperadamente South Gotha, puesto que fue dominada por los rebeldes. En el puerto de embarque el obispo le pide secretamente a Louise que sea el anzuelo, debido a que se acerca un ejército de 70 mil hombres que si no son detenidos llegarán pronto al lugar de huida.