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Season 1

  • S01E01 Understanding Astrology

    • Gaia

    Have you ever wondered where astrology came from, or how it influences our lives? Robert Phoenix answers some of the most common questions about astrology while bringing light to some of its lesser known aspects in this special presentation.

  • S01E02 JFK Assassination and a False Aquarian Age

    • Gaia

    The assassination of JFK may have been the shot heard around the world, but it also incited an alternate timeline for the history of mankind. Since this pivotal moment, we have been plunged into an era of warfare, economic turmoil and surveillance that is leading us to a false utopia. Robert Phoenix explains the astrology of JFK’s assassination and reveals the subtle clues that indicate we are living in a false Aquarian Age in this presentation originally webcast November 22, 2013.

  • S01E03 True Birth Date of Jesus

    • Gaia

    December 25th has long been heralded as the birth date of Jesus. In recent times, this date has become less of a holy occasion and more of an excuse for rampant consumerism and excessive materialism. However, we remember September 11th with somber solemnity and mourning. What if something has occurred where we have actually reversed these times for celebration and mourning?To support this notion, Robert Phoenix presents a natal chart for the birth of Jesus as if it had occurred on September 11, in the year 3 B.C. In examining this chart, he shows that prominent astrological aspects on the chart match major events from the life of Jesus. In addition to the birth of Jesus, many events that shaped the course of our history also took place on September 11. Could it be that there is more to the September 11 date than we may have realized?

  • S01E04 Pluto in Capricorn: Old Devil or Social Deliverance?

    • Gaia

    Pluto is a planet of transformation and new beginnings. These changes can come through growth and renewal, or through the pursuit of power and control. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and provides influence over leadership, stability, and career. When Pluto enters the sign of Capricorn, a new period of global change begins. Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 and the influence of this transit will affect our world until 2023. In order to help us understand what type of changes we can expect, Robert Phoenix examines two transformative periods of human history when Pluto was in Capricorn. He also offers insight into the archetype of Capricorn as it manifests in popular personalities of the modern era in this presentation originally webcast December 27, 2013.

  • S01E05 2014 Astrological Outlook

    • Gaia

    Now that 2013 is coming to a close, we look forward to a new year and new beginnings. But before we explore the astrology of 2014, we must first gain a better understanding of how movements in the heavens are connected to the events on earth. To do this, we need to understand why astrology matters by taking a look at three theories that explain why astrology works.As we get into the astrology of 2014 we see that the year starts off with a bang as Mars enters Libra. It is also a year full of collapse and dynamic changes as the Tower card plays a significant role. The Boomer generation will experience an exciting change as creative energy comes their way. But April 23rd may be the most dynamic day of the year. Join us as Robert Phoenix discusses the major astrological aspects for 2014 with an explanation of how they will affect world events in the coming year.

  • S01E06 Aquarius Radically Exposed

    • Gaia

    The sign of Aquarius has a strange duality in its nature. It could easily represent the apex of humanity holding on to high-minded ideals. However, that same fixed sense of ideology can manifest in ways that are not very ideological. To gain a better sense of what Aquarius is, we take a look at the lives of several Aquarians who have changed the world with their ideologies.Next, we take a look at two of the most prominent shapers of the age: Darwin, who put forth the ideology of survival of the fittest and Ray Kurzweil who is championing the ideology of transhumanism. With the advancement of technology merging with biology we must be very keen on who we are and hold true to our values as human beings so as to not lose our humanity in the encroaching synthetic Aquarian Age.Robert Phoenix exposes what it means to be an Aquarius and how we can hold on to our humanity as the synthetic Aquarian Age manifests through the pursuit of transhumanism, in this poignant program originally webcast January 10, 2014.

  • S01E07 2014 Astrological Forecast: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer

    • Gaia

    2014 has something different in store for everyone. Aries may find more energy while Taureans stretch their limitations. Family time gains importance for Geminis and the tide is turning for Cancerians. In this first of three exploratory episodes, Robert Phoenix breaks down the 2014 astrological forecast for Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer in this presentation originally webcast January 17, 2014.

  • S01E08 2014 Astrological Forecast: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

    • Gaia

    We continue our examination of 2014 for each of the signs. This time, Robert Phoenix breaks down the 2014 astrological forecast for Leo, Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. This may be a great year for Leos as they gain in personal power. Plutonian energy empowers Virgos’ spiritual quests. Libras hang in a precarious balance as Mars brings in lots of energy and Scorpios find a new self emerging from the fire. Originally webcast January 24, 2014.

  • S01E09 2014 Astrological Forecast: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces

    • Gaia

    Our examination of the New Year concludes as Robert Phoenix breaks down the 2014 astrological forecast for Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Saturn brings renewal for Sagittarians. Mysteries deepen as Pluto radiates the essence of Capricorn. It is a dangerous time for Aquarian lovers and Pisceans will find themselves swimming downstream as they ride high on spiritual currents. Originally webcast January 31, 2014.

  • S01E10 Russia’s Astrological Karma

    • Gaia

    Russia has long been a land of intrigue and obscurity, especially when it comes to politics and social order. This was still true when Russia reinvented itself in 1991 and when the charismatic Vladimir Putin rose to power in 1999. Plus their Astrological charts indicate that their destinies are inexplicably intertwined.While the Motherland yearns for the future, ghosts from its past continue to resurface; serving as a reminder that unfinished business must be settled. These internal and external conflicts will continue to shape perceptions of Russia’s identity in ways we cannot yet imagine. 2014 appears to be a transformative year for Russia with the coming Olympics and the arrival of a Cardinal Cross in April.Robert Phoenix explains what we can expect for Russia in the coming years as its Aquarian karma continues to clash with its Capricorn destiny in this presentation originally webcast February 7, 2014.

  • S01E11 The Art of Astrology Part 1: Signs

    • Gaia

    Many people think that astrology is just reading the daily horoscope in the newspaper. However Astrology holds a greater depth of information for those who seek to understand their motivations and relationships. Robert Phoenix provides a guiding light to navigate beyond the constellations as he explains the fundamentals, strengths, weaknesses and higher octaves of each of the 12 astrological signs in this presentation originally webcast February 14, 2014.More than just the dates on a calendar, or stars in the sky, we will explore the interplay of elements and energy types for each sign. From that information we gain an insight to strengths and weaknesses, challenges and talents inherent in every sign. These attributes are best exemplified with cultural icons and personalities that are the embodiment of what the signs represent. All of these pieces culminate to reveal the lifelong lesson, or the Higher Octave, that each sign seeks to accomplish.

  • S01E12 The Art of Astrology Part 2: Houses

    • Gaia

    Just as the constellations live in the ever revolving night sky, the signs of the Zodiac live in the ever revolving great wheel. The moment you set eyes upon your natal chart, the first thing you will see is a circle divided into 12 sections and the strange symbols placed within them. Those sections are called houses, and the symbols within those houses indicate the locations of signs and planets at the moment of your birth.Thus your natal chart represents the astrological heavens at the moment of your birth and serves as a reflection of the life you are to lead. In order to learn what all of this means, you must first understand the foundation upon which it is all built: the twelve houses of the great wheel. Robert Phoenix takes us on a guided tour through each of the twelve houses to explain their meanings and planetary rulers, while revealing the evolutionary cycle of the great wheel in this presentation originally webcast February 21, 2014.

  • S01E13 The Art of Astrology Part 3: Aspects

    • Gaia

    The placement of planets on the great wheel is just one property of astrological influence. As the planets make their way around the great wheel, their cosmic dance through the signs intertwines and interweaves the subtle energies that influence our lives. No planet exists in isolation, nor is its influence made independently. The interplay of their energies comes to life as they connect with each other at specific angles, known as aspects.Sometimes those aspects are challenging and provide us with lessons to accomplish. Other aspects come easily, like a long lost talent suddenly returning. To better understand these subtle influences, Robert Phoenix explains the five major aspects, or angles, that reveal the interplay of planetary energies guiding and inspiring our lives in this presentation originally webcast February 28, 2014.

  • S01E14 The Virtual Aquarian Age

    • Gaia

    We live on the cusp of two worlds as a virtual reality is overtaking our physical reality. This transition becomes evident as digital media replaces CDs, DVDs and books. We will continue to see a decline in goods manufacturing and an increase in digital purchases. Leading this charge into a new era is Ray Kurzweil and Google as they work to build the perfect robotic beast for the world to come.All of this is expected as Uranus treks through Aries and we continue to see educational and technological innovations. The last time this happened, in 1927-1935, the world saw the rise of technological advancements that shaped our modern era. However, all of this change can be a big distraction, drawing our attention away from the big picture of morality and spirituality.Robert Phoenix reminds us of the big picture and offers advice to help us stay connected to our spirituality as we connect to the encroaching virtual Aquarian Age in this presentation originally webcast March 7, 2014..

  • S01E15 Babalon Working Revealed Part 1

    • Gaia

    In 1946, three mystics gathered to perform a series of magickal rites over three months. Taking advantage of a unique astrological phenomenon, they set out to bring forth a great goddess to supplant the ruling patriarchy. Two of these mystics were Jack Parsons, who founded the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. The third was Marjorie Cameron who was to become the embodiment of Babalon, herself. There is no doubt the accomplishments of these mystics transformed the science and spirituality of the modern era. Yet we still have not fully understand the lasting implications of their mystical practices.Robert Phoenix presents a rough sketch of these Babalon Workings, along with the astrological correspondences, to reveal the true intention of the rites and the ongoing impact on the future of humanity in this presentation originally webcast March 14, 2014.

  • S01E16 Babalon Working Revealed Part 2

    • Gaia

    The Babalon Working of 1946 cast a shadow of influence that will last well into the 21st century. Look no further than mainstream entertainment to find clear examples of the divine feminine asserting her place within an overly powerful patriarchy. Movies and television programs provide an increasingly prominent platform for the goddess Babalon to express her Will unto the world.Other popular forms of entertainment, such as sports events provide an outlet for esoteric expression. There may be hidden messages of mystical workings right before our eyes, yet many are blind to such dealings. Robert Phoenix guides us through the signs of these changing times by revealing modern characterizations of the lady in red and occult symbolism hidden in popular entertainment in this presentation originally webcast March 21, 2014.

  • S01E17 Neptune and Chiron in Crisis

    • Gaia

    Fukushima, fracking and chemtrails are all a part of a crisis that is not limited to the environment. All of this began in February 2011 when Chiron began its long journey through Pisces. With Neptune also in Pisces, we are presented with an opportunity for a spiritual understanding of these difficult times.For those born between April 1960 and January 1969, you are experiencing a Chrion return. This can promote a crisis of faith as old illusions are being wiped away. You are being called upon as spiritual warriors and you are not alone in your fight as Neptune continues to increase feelings of compassion and connectedness.Robert Phoenix reveals the implications of this Neptunian and Chironic crisis as well as the lessons of compassion and understanding which can resolve it in this presentation originally webcast March 28, 2014.

  • S01E18 Secrets of Dr. Parnassus

    • Gaia

    When it was released in 2009, The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus caught the glint in our eyes and tapped into the souls of audiences everywhere. Beyond its surreal façade, symbols and personalities of the Imaginarium converge with life and death to become a meta-matrix experience. The characters of the movie become reflected by real world personalities and events.Parnassus was Heath Ledger’s final Film, just after The Dark Knight. In each film, he became the embodiment of the hanged man and the fool. Channeling these archetypical energies would have a profound impact on his psyche. Could his final journeys on film and in life be good and evil playing out their final redemption?Robert Phoenix explores the astrology of this film and reveals the Akashic connection of its characters and synopses to real-world personalities and events in this presentation originally webcast April 4, 2014.

  • S01E19 Spiritual Warriors of the Aquarian Age

    • Gaia

    Sagittarius is typically a sign that seeks the truth in all things from daily life to philosophical ideals. Pluto reveals the foundation of each generation’s philosophy, as per the sign it is in. Thus the power of Pluto in Sagittarius calls this millennial generation, born 1995-2008, to confront the truths hidden within the depths of establishment.Churches, governments and any other long established institutions are under the ever watchful eye of the millennials. The more this generation learns about the restrictions imposed upon them, the harder they will push back. Thus, a revolution is beginning to take place that will take down the old systems in order to build new regimes. What lies ahead for us all will only be revealed in time.Robert Phoenix reveals what we can expect from a revolutionary generation that could become spiritual warriors or storm troopers of the Aquarian Age in this presentation originally webcast April 11, 2014.

  • S01E20 The Many Charts of Obama

    • Gaia

    What is President Obama really like under the public façade that he so deftly displays? Astrology may provide insight, but only if the correct birth data can be determined. This is not a matter of his place of birth, but rather a question of date and time. To better ascertain this information, we will examine three different natal charts.Up first is the natal chart for Obama’s official birth date and time, which does not seem to fully correlate to his character. However, if we look at a chart with an alternate birth time, we gain a better understanding of his personality and life’s work. Lastly we look at a very controversial chart, which some say is Obama’s true chart. In this chart we will uncover the traits of someone who is a representative of a Luciferian Aquarian revolution.Robert Phoenix explores the personality traits from three potential natal charts for President Obama in an attempt to reveal who he really is in this presentation originally webcast April 18, 2014.

  • S01E21 Ukraine in the Membrane

    • Gaia

    The current events in Ukraine have dominated mainstream news outlets and rocked the global boat of politics. No doubt the outcome of this revolution will bring long-term consequences for much of the world. But what are the forces behind this revolution really up to? To discover this, we must look deeper into the subject at hand and realize that Ukraine is only one part of a grander scheme.Doing so, we will discover that the motivations of the revolutionary architects are part of an arc dating back to the beginning of the First World War. This evidence suggests that the decedents of an ancient lineage may be attempting to reclaim their homelands. We must also consider the possibility that certain global politicos could be enacting such schemes for their own personal benefit.Robert Phoenix examines the astrology of the recent Ukrainian revolution as well as the charts of the people behind these events in order to reveal various long term strategies thrust upon the people of Ukraine in this presentation originally webcast April 25, 2014.

  • S01E22 Cosmic Dance of Mars and Venus

    • Gaia

    As above, so below, holds true for all things including masculine and feminine forces. Mars and Venus are the cosmic representatives of the forces that hold sway over our earthly emotions and passions. These influences affect each of us in our daily interactions with others.Venus, the feminine, rules the emotional aspects of relationships and indicates how you relate to other people. Mars, the masculine, represents passion, fire and creativity and indicates the levels of passion and energy we use to pursue our goals.Robert Phoenix helps us gain insight into our relationships by explaining how the interplay of Mars and Venus affects attraction and expression in this presentation originally webcast May 2, 2014.

  • S01E23 Atomic Astrology

    • Gaia

    The atomic age was born when the first nuclear bomb exploded in July 1945. The blast from this test sent waves across the desert and throughout mankind’s destiny. In that moment, everything changed for America, global politics and the people who developed nuclear technology. As major transit in 2015 return to the same influential positions the held in 1945, we must ask if we have learned from our history or are doomed to repeat it?It is interesting to note that the first nuclear test took place in White Sands, NM, on the 33rd parallel - a number most significant to many esoteric organizations. As it turns out, many major events, that have affected the world, also took place on or near the 33rd, some of them directly related to nuclear technology. Perhaps we can discover a connection between them when we take a look at their lasting effects upon the world at large.Robert Phoenix offers a glimpse into our potential future by examining the astrology of the Trinity test and other major nuclear related events in the world in this presentation originally webcast May 9, 2014.

  • S01E24 Astrological Survival Guide

    • Gaia

    It is an era of global financial crisis as the specter of worldwide war and regime change looms nigh. Ruling over these turbulent times we find Uranus in Aries, Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn. A major concern is that many people are blithely lulled into compliance through mainstream media. However, those wise to the influences of these transits can choose to use them as tools for personal empowerment rather than enslavement.Each of these transits has dark and beneficial aspects. Uranus is Aries is a sign of the military industrial state, and it gives us free creative energy. Neptune in Pisces helps offers compassion when tapping into higher spiritual awareness. Pluto in Capricorn rules the corporatocracy and helps us make commitments to face these challenges. A secret weapon in all of this is Chiron in Pisces which offers a key to understanding and healing your own pain.Robert Phoenix offers an astrological survival guide for personally connecting with your destiny by accessing these transformative powers and live an authentically joyous life in this presentation originally webcast May 16, 2014.