The atomic age was born when the first nuclear bomb exploded in July 1945. The blast from this test sent waves across the desert and throughout mankind’s destiny. In that moment, everything changed for America, global politics and the people who developed nuclear technology. As major transit in 2015 return to the same influential positions the held in 1945, we must ask if we have learned from our history or are doomed to repeat it?It is interesting to note that the first nuclear test took place in White Sands, NM, on the 33rd parallel - a number most significant to many esoteric organizations. As it turns out, many major events, that have affected the world, also took place on or near the 33rd, some of them directly related to nuclear technology. Perhaps we can discover a connection between them when we take a look at their lasting effects upon the world at large.Robert Phoenix offers a glimpse into our potential future by examining the astrology of the Trinity test and other major nuclear related events in the world in this presentation originally webcast May 9, 2014.