Mit Dachs in einem Bierkeller eingesperrt, findet Wiesel Geschmack am Alkohol, wodurch sie noch alberner wird als sie schon ist. Während die Eichhörnchen auf einem Telegrafenmast sitzen, die Kaninchen in einem Graben hocken und Natter mit den Wühlmäusen, Feldmäusen und Spitzmäusen auf dem Golfplatz Verstecken spielt, haben Fuchs und die Vögel alle Hände voll zu tun, die verstreute Bande wieder zusammenzubringen. Aber schließlich sind die Tiere wieder vereint. Gemeinsam erreichen sie den Weißhirschpark.
When escaping the church some of the animals took the wrong turn and ended up in the opposite direction to the rest of the group. However this also happens to be further into the town. Badger and Weasel in a rush to hide, end up in a wine cellar. Weasel is thirsty and drinks from one of the barrels and becomes quite drunk. Badger has to carry her on his back so that he can try and find the others, luckily Owl spots them and leads him back to them. The Rabbits are the last to be found and are discovered in a building site, stuck down a pit with steep sides. Whistler spots them and tries to help them out but they are too heavy. Fox eventually rescues them. Once all the animals are reunited they make the last part of the journey to White Deer Park. All the animals agree that Toad, their guide through the entire journey should be the first to enter the park. They are all greeted by the Great White Stag, who welcomes them to their new home.
Il gruppo si ritrova totalmente smembrato proprio quando il Parco del Daino Bianco è a poche ore di cammino. Gli uccelli volano in lungo e in largo alla ricerca dei dispersi. Tasso e Donnola, di nuovo in città, si sono rifugiati nella cantina di un’enoteca dove Donnola finisce per ubriacarsi. I conigli sono intrappolati in un fossato, mentre i Topolini, le Arvicole e i Toporagni si ritrovano in uno sterminato campo da golf, in fastidiosa compagnia di Vipera. Ma piano piano la comitiva riesce a ricompattarsi, per poter finalmente fare il proprio ingresso alla tanto agognata riserva naturale, dove l’accoglie il Daino Bianco in persona. Egli stesso dichiara che, con la loro impresa, Volpe e i suoi compagni hanno fatto storia.
De dieren zijn in paniek de kerk uit gevlucht. De groep is nu opgesplitst, hoe gaan ze elkaar terugvinden voor het laatste deel in hun reis naar Het Witte Hertenpark?
Dyra frå Dyreskogen er snart framme i Hjorteparken, men dei måtte søkje ly for eit torever i ei kyrkje. Her er alle, med unntak av røyskatten og grevlingen. Dei kom seg inn i ein ølkjellar.