Seigi sieht mithilfe Wisemans Maschine BBs Vergangenheit. Dadurch erfährt er die Wahrheit über Arya und den Putsch.
Justice follows the course of BB's memories, watching the man's younger self leave the US Army and offer their tattoo research information to the Kingdom of Selinistan as a gift. His goal was to grant Izzy's wish to see all tattoos in the world disappear, and searching for a way to do so in Selinistan, where tattoo research had progressed the farthest, was the method he chose. But when he infiltrated the base of Selinistan's tattoo research, BB learned a shocking truth...
L'histoire s'attarde sur l'arrivée de BB au Sélinistan. Celui-ci découvre la sombre vérité sur les origines et les motivations d'Âryabhata.
En este episodio conocemos el episodio de BB en el Reino y cómo descubrió lo que allí hicieron con los tatuajes.
Grazie al macchinario del professor Wiseman, facciamo un tuffo nel passato di BB, per scoprire i veri motivi per cui abbandonò l'esercito americano e Bluesy per unirsi a Brahman.