Iltutmish greift Lisa und ihre Kameraden in ihrer Basis an. Izzy und Justice versuchen, Lisa zu retten.
After getting a taste of his own powerlessness in the previous battle, Justice returns to his intense training with Blue Rose, led by Izzy, to master the use of his tattoo. Meanwhile, the recently silent private tattoo force serving Princess Arya, the Brahman, finally makes its move by attacking the White Rose team headed by Izzy's friend Lisa.
Seigi s'entraîne à maîtriser son glyphe et progresse très vite. Izzie s'étonne également des résultats sportifs de Tôko, avant de partir aider Lisa, attaquée par Schrödinger Cat.
Han pasado dos semanas desde que Seigi se uniera a Izzy en su labor de recuperar los tatuajes. No obstante, su enemigo no se quedará de brazos cruzados y atacará de forma rápida y despiadada.
Pare proprio che i Brahaman abbiano messo nel mirino Lisa, la bella collega di Izzy. Tuttavia per i perfidi sgherri della Principessa Aryabhata non sarà semplice avere la meglio sul suo devastante potere.