Leafa bringt Kirito richtig fliegen bei und erklärt ihm, wie er zur Spitze des Weltenbaumes gelangen kann. Als sie sich abmeldet, wird ihre wahre Identiät gelüftet.
Lyfa thanks Kirito for saving her and teaches him how to fly properly. They then travel to the Sylph Territory (Sylvein) where they meet one of Lyfa's party members, Recon. Lyfa and Kirito go to an inn and have a conversation about how Kirito can get to the top of the World Tree. Seeing Kirito's determination to reach the top of the tree, Lyfa decides to help him and asks him to meet her at the inn the next day. When Lyfa logs out, it is shown that she is actually Suguha. Meanwhile, Asuna is seen in a gigantic bird cage at the World Tree, held by the game master, Oberon the Fairy King. She recognizes Oberon as Sugou, who insists on calling her "Titania". He reveals to Asuna how he captured the minds of 300 players before they were logged out from SAO including her own, as part of his research on memory control. He threatens to alter Asuna's memories if she does not cooperate with him and then departs, leaving Asuna in despair and quietly begging for Kirito to save her.
Leafa, une joueuse de la race Sylphe, est attaquée par des chasseurs Salamanders, mais est sauvée par un Spriggan du nom de Kirito qui s'interpose soudainement. Kirito est accompagné d'une pixie privée répondant au nom de Yui. il s'avère avoir des compétences impressionnantes mais ne semble pourtant pas en savoir long sur ALO. Leafa s'interroge sur son manque de connaissances du jeu, mais pour le remercier de lui avoir porté secours, elle décide de lui en apprendre davantage sur le monde de ALO, et l'emmène à la capitale des Sylphes, Sylvain.
Lyfa ringrazia Kirito per averla salvata e lo accompagna a Sylvein dove lui le rivela l'intenzione di scalare l'Albero del Mondo. Nel frattempo Asuna riceve la visita di Re Oberon.
우연히 구해준 것을 계기로 키리토는 리파로부터 이런저런 게임속 설명을 듣게 된다. 그리고 세계수에 다다를 방법이 결코 쉽지 않다는 것을 알게 되는데...그럼에도 불구하고 어떻게든 아스나를 구하고자 하는 키리토에게 리파는 왠지 모를 호감을 갖게 된다.
Enquanto Kirito descobre mais sobre o jogo e a inimizade entre as raças através de Leafa, Asuna descobre a verdade sobre seu personagem através do Rei Fada.
Cuando Kirito descubre más sobre el juego gracias a Leafa y al odio entre razas, Asuna descubre la verdad sobre su rol gracias al Rey de las Hadas.
Enquanto Kirito descobre mais sobre o jogo e a inimizade entre as raças através de Leafa, Asuna descobre a verdade sobre seu personagem através do Rei Fada.