Kazuto sucht Agil auf, von dem er ein Photo erhalten hat, auf dem Asuna als Elfe zu sehen ist. Agil erklärt, dass der Screenshot aus einem Online-Rollenspiel namens Alfheim Online stammt. Kurz entschlossen setzt Kazuto erneut seinen Nervegear-Helm auf!
Kazuto visits Egil, who explains that the photo he sent came from ALfheim Online, an MMO where players take the role of fairies capable of flight. He goes on to explain that the figure resembling Asuna was spotted somewhere on the game's World Tree. Noticing Sugou's company is behind the game, Kazuto decides to once again don his Nervegear and take up his role as Kirito in ALfheim Online. Upon selecting his character race as a Spriggan and diving in, he enters a strange warphole which leads him to a forest, where he finds to his surprise that his stats are identical to his SAO avatar's. He also discovers that he still has the SAO in-game item containing Yui's data, which he activates to bring Yui into ALfheim as a Navigation Pixie. Yui deduces that the game is made using a copy of SAO's servers, which was why all common skills and stats from SAO had been carried over to Kirito's ALfheim avatar. As Kirito gets used to his flight controls, a couple of players named Lyfa and Recon are seen fighting against some enemies. As Recon is defeated and Lyfa is outnumbered, Kirito crash lands before her and steps in to help defeat the assailants.
Arrivé au bar d'Agil. Kazuto veut en savoir plus sur la photographie qu'Agil lui a envoyée. une capture d'écran provenant du nouveau VRMMORPG appelé ALfheim Offline (ALO). On y aperçoit une jeune fille ressemblant fortement à Asuna. En découvrant que la compagnie qui a lancé ALO est RECTO, société pour laquelle travaille Sugô, Kazuto est persuadé qu'Asuna est piégée à l'intérieur du jeu. Sans perdre de temps, il se connecte à ALO sous le pseudonyme de Kirito, et découvre que, pour une raison inconnue, son nouveau personnage a conservé toutes ses statistiques de SAO.
Kazuto fa visita ad Egil, che gli mostra un'immagine tratta dal MMO Alfheim Online, dove sembra essere ritratta Asuna. Kazuto, notando che dietro il gioco c'è la società di Sugou, decide di utilizzare nuovamente il Nervegear e di collegarvisi per cercare di scoprire la verità.
요즘 한창 인기몰이를 하는 알브헤임 온라인 안에 아스나를 닮은 캐릭터가 있다는 정보를 듣고 키리토는 바로 집으로 돌아가 알브헤임 온라인 안에 접속하는데... 처음인데도 불구하고 비정상적인 스테이터스 수치는 차치하고, 인벤토리를 뒤져 그 아이템을 찾는다.
Um novo MMO permite aos usuários voar e encoraja os jogadores a matar. Kirito entrou nesse novo jogo à procura de Asuna e é agradavelmente surpreendido com o que encontra.
Kirito se encuentra con Agil, quien le había enviado una foto sospechosa de una mujer que se parece a Asuna. Agil le cuenta sobre un nuevo juego en el que podrá encontrar algo sorprendente.
收到電郵後的和人來到酒吧找艾基爾,艾基爾拿出了從VRMMORPG遊戲「Alfheim Online」(ALO)內擷取到的圖像,這些相片令和人非常在意,因為相片中出了一個相信是明日奈的女性。因為「ALO」是由須鄉的公司開發,所以和人相信明日奈是被困在遊戲世界裡。和人馬上以桐人的名字在「ALO」內註冊,但不知為何新創造的角色竟然會繼承了「SAO」的角色資料……
Um novo MMO permite aos usuários voar e encoraja os jogadores a matar. Kirito entrou nesse novo jogo à procura de Asuna e é agradavelmente surpreendido com o que encontra.