Day 4: Immersion of the Goddess Sakkarai and Nandini reach just in time. A charming love story, set against a tense rivalry, unfolds. Regina and Shanmugam go through a gamut of emotions as they discover the recent past of the children's lives. Sakkarai and Nandini share the difference in their perspectives of the town. The locals toss a big yellow head of the previous year’s idol into the lake.
Day 4: Immersion of the Goddess Sakkarai and Nandini reach just in time. A charming love story, set against a tense rivalry, unfolds. Regina and Shanmugam go through a gamut of emotions as they discover the recent past of the children's lives. Sakkarai and Nandini share the difference in their perspectives of the town. The locals toss a big yellow head of the previous year’s idol into the lake.
Jour 4 : Immersion de la Déesse Sakkarai et Nandini arrivent à temps. Une charmante histoire d'amour se déroule sur fond de forte rivalité. Regina et Shanmugam passent par une palette d'émotions en découvrant le passé récent de leurs enfants. Sakkarai et Nandini partagent leur point de vue sur la ville. Les habitants jettent l'imposante tête jaune de l'idole de l'année précédente dans le lac.