대범과 여름은 시간이 지날수록 점점 가까워지고, 그런 둘을 지켜보던 지영에게서 여름은 대범에 관한 뜻밖의 얘기를 듣게 된다.
Yeo-reum's old boyfriend was not someone she could talk to when she really needed to. But with Dae-beom, she feels like she can share everything. Bom deserves proper care from her parents as a juvenile, and the lack of it puts her in a vulnerable position. With no place to spend the night, Bom lingers outside Yeo-reum's place. Yeo-reum doesn't ask why she's here and puts her arms around her.
Yeo-reum e Dae-bum esclarecem um mal-entendido. Kim Bom sofre bullying na escola, mas a situação é ainda pior em casa.
Yeo-reum y Ahn Dae-bum aclaran un malentendido. Kim Bom es acosada en la escuela, pero sus problemas en casa son aún peores.
Yeo-reum et Ahn Dae-bum dissipent un malentendu. Kim Bom se fait harceler à l'école, mais fait face à des problèmes encore plus graves à la maison.
Yeo-reum und An Dae-beom schaffen ein Missverständnis aus der Welt. Kim Bom wird in der Schule gemobbt, hat zu Hause aber noch viel schlimmere Probleme.