술에서 깬 아침, 여름은 본인의 통장잔고가 0원이 된 사실에 당황한다. 잃어버린 전재산을 찾기위해 전날 밤의 기억부터 떠올리며 고군분투하는데...
Yeo-reum wakes up feeling sick in the morning and tries to remember what exactly happened last night. While doing so, she realizes that she has withdrawn all the money she had in the bank account. She scavenges the streets of Angok to find the missing plastic bag of money. Later, Dae-beom comes to look for Yeo-reum to tell her something before it's too late.
De ressaca e sem um centavo no bolso, Yeo-reum tenta lembrar o que fez na noite anterior com a ajuda de um bibliotecário.
Con resaca y sin dinero, Yeo-reum intenta recordar los acontecimientos del día anterior con la ayuda de un bibliotecario.
Lorsqu'elle se réveille sans le sou et avec la gueule de bois, Yeo-reum tente de reconstituer les événements de la veille avec l'aide du bibliothécaire du coin.
Yeo-reum erwacht pleite und mit einem Kater. Zusammen mit einem einheimischen Bibliothekar versucht sie, herauszufinden, was am Tag zuvor passiert ist.