Bison orders Ryu to focus his ki to do the Hadouken. Ryu keeps doing the Hadouken for quite a while, and Guile and Nash infiltrate the fortress to get inside and rescue Ken from Bison. Ken slowly but surely summons enough rage to use the Hadou-Shoryu to break the wall between him and Ryu. Ken, after breaking the wall, tries to convince Ryu to come with him, but Ryu doesn't answer, and stands there glaring evilly at Ken. Ken notices something is wrong with Ryu, but doesn't know what. The episode ends after that.
Sotto il controllo di Bison, Ryu fa il suo ingresso nell'arena. Intanto, alla base, Guile e Charlie decidono di dividersi per coprire più terreno.
Continuando desde el episodio anterior, Ken observa como Chun-Li rompe el cuello del guardia. Ryu entra entonces, ahora bajo el control de bisonte a través de la cyberchip. Se miran el uno al otro brevemente antes de Chun-Li sale de la habitación. Ryu se queda y ataca a Ken, que se da cuenta de que algo debe estar mal con Ryu.