The battle between Ken and Vega continues. Vega easily has the advantage, as he breaks both of Ken's feet, and also causes Ken to lose a lot of blood because of his claws. Despite this, Ken manages to fare pretty well against the matador, and manages to score a few hard hits in on Vega before Vega wears him down. Vega jumps atop the chandelier to use his ultimate attack, while Ken prepares to use his ultimate attack, the Shoryuken on Vega. Just as the two are about to use their ultimate attacks on each other, the episode ends.
Quando Ken sembra avere la peggio nel combattimento contro Vega, il leader dell'organizzazione criminale Shadaloo, M. Bison, rivela la sua identità.
La batalla entre Ken y Vega continúa. Vega tiene la ventaja de fácil, ya que rompe los dos pies de Ken, y también causa Ken perder una gran cantidad de sangre a causa de sus garras. A pesar de esto, Ken logra sobrevivir embestida del matador, e incluso ha marcado algunos golpes duros en Vega (incluyendo golpeando su máscara) antes de Vega lo desgasta.