Ana se prestrašena ustavi, kot bi se zaletela v zid. Vasja pa je sproščen, kot bi se nič ne zgodilo in se začne mirno z njo pogovarjati. Brane se spet pospešeno pripravlja na nove izpite, ki jih mora na fakulteti še opraviti. Katja bi si želela, da imata več časa zate, kot je že kazalo, da bo po zadnjem izpitu, ki ga je naredil. Ana je vedno bolj obupana, saj se boji, da je družina nikoli ne bo sprejela za svojo, Jaka pa jo neuspešno tolaži. Penzlu je to, kako mora poslovati podjetje popolna neznanka, kar predstavlja kar nekaj težav za Pio, ki mu želi pri vsem poslovanju kar najbolj pomagati.
Ana stops in fright, as if she were crashing into a wall. Vasya, on the other hand, is relaxed, as if nothing had happened, and begins to talk to her calmly. Brane is again preparing for the new exams that he has yet to pass in college. Katja would like them to have more time for themselves as it already seemed to be after the last exam he did. Ana is increasingly desperate, fearing that her family will never accept her as their own, and Jaka unsuccessfully comforts her. Penzl is a complete stranger to how the company operates, which presents quite a few problems for Pia, who wants to help him as much as possible in all his business.