Jaka Car in dr. Boštjan uživata na jadrnici. Ani se ne ljubi delati, zato raje klepeta z Niko. Ta ji pove, da ima uspešnega starejšega brata. Gaber se izven pisarne sreča s podkupljivim uradnikom. Penzla obišče Piksi, ki jo je tja napotil njun skupni znanec. Ana pride zvečer domov in zaloti v stanovanju vsiljivca.
Jaka Car et al. Boštjan are enjoying the sailboat. Ana doesn't like to work, so she prefers to chat with Nika. He tells her that he has a successful older brother. Outside the office, Gaber encounters a corrupt official. Penzl is visited by Piksi, who was sent there by a mutual acquaintance of theirs. Ana comes home in the evening and finds herself in the apartment of an intruder.