Aus den Dokumenten in der Tasche geht zweifelsfrei hervor, daß es sich bei jimmy um Jamie Kent handelt. Trotzdem kann Jimmy nicht mit Mrs. Carew abreisen, weil er den alten Mr. pendleton nicht alleine zurücklassen will...
Not much time has to pass before the issue of how to break the news of Jimmy's true identity as Jaime Kent rears its ugly head; if done incorrectly, the revelation would injure a lot of people who have no culpability for the present state of affairs. What is not widely understood about that which has prompted Jimmy to ride his horse long and hard for a solitary session of cerebral computation is that his biological father Edward Kent saw that things would end up an absolute circus if he were to pass on without giving Jimmy any final instructions about what to do next -- hence, the envelope John Pendleton has just opened; unfortunately, Edward did not plan for his death as a contingency that would render him unable to explain Jimmy his volition that he return to Wetherby-ke in Boston. Pollyanna eventually catches up with Jimmy with the epilogue of his hasty exit: Jimmy coming above-ground as Jaime Kent does not necessarily mean that James is doomed to a lifetime of negative independent locomotion any more than Jimmy would have to accompany Ruth back to Boston; in fact, Jimmy's misguided stewardship of those legal papers is the fundamental reason that he met both Ruth and Pollyanna along with John Pendleton!!! Even with a hybrid solution in mind designed for everybody's happiness whose crucial element is that James be kept in the dark, time is ultimately of the essence when Sadie decides to explore Harrington-ke on her own with James while Ruth begins to assume malice woven into John's intentions; getting Ruth on board with this hybrid solution is actually quite tame compared to the aftermath of Timothy's guided tour ending up a bit off course . . .