Dr. Chilton will für Pollyannas Genesung unbedingt ein großes Fest geben, bei dem alle eingeladen werden sollen, die großen Anteil an Pollyannas schneller Gesundung gehabt haben. So sind denn außer Jimmy und Mr. Pendleton auch alle Hausangestellten eingeladen: Darkin, die Köchin, ihr Mann, deren Sohn und natürlich auch Nancy, das Hausmädchen. Doch während alle in fröhlicher Runde beisammen sitzen, klingelt draußen im Flur das Telefon, was zunächst niemand hört...
Unable to depersonalize Jimmy's agitation at the mere mention of the name Jaime or to realize that this will be of interest to Ruth and Della, Pollyanna tries to analyze for her error before resuming her home commute where Tom points out that Jimmy is more interested in how the rehabilitation has been progressing along with hearing about Pollyanna's sentiments about Boston; while Pollyanna divides her energies between chasing Chipmunk and recounting how she got lost in Boston, Polly's umbrage at Thomas's remark about Pollyanna being a miracle drug prompts a divergent concourse over the wisdom of that reference and its probable epilogue whose fruit is throw a party to celebrate Pollyanna fully recouping her groove. Meanwhile, Jimmy is in his bedroom regretting his earlier outburst when Mr. Pendleton announces Harrington-ke's intention to host a party; upon having the situation explained to him, Mr. Pendleton declares his perspective of Jimmy as a very ill-tempered but honest person that he hopes will have the courage to apologize for the right reasons. Polly and Thomas find it delightful that the stay in Boston has been a net positive in spite of the fact that Pollyanna has a tough time processing the reality of such stark inequities that render null utility of people's economic efforts in some cases and that this dynamic is an intractable pandemic; back at Harrington-ke, Nancy and Mrs. Durgin prosecute a speculative analytical concourse as to who will be attending the nine-guest party after having identified five of the guests. Once Jimmy wraps his mind around Pollyanna having shrugged off his earlier outburst, he and Mr. Pendleton are pleasantly surprised that the ultimate truth of Thomas and Polly's cerebral computations about the guest list is that Nancy along with Timothy and his parents are the four remaining guests; once the party gets underway, the phone starts ringing as if to herald somebody else wanting to celebrate Pollyanna's completely restored power-tr