Mrs. Carew ist so enttäuscht über Jamies Zurückweisung, dass sie tagelang krank im Bett verbringt. Für Pollyanna dagegen gibt es eine gute Nachricht, Dr. Ames sagt ihr, dass sie wieder völlig gesund ist und schon in wenigen Tagen wieder zurück zu ihrer Tante in Beldingsville fahren kann. Eigentlich könnte Pollyanna glücklich darüber sein, doch sie ist traurig über Tante Carews Zustand und macht sich schwere Vorwürfe, dass sie Schuld daran ist. Della kann das schließlich nicht mehr mit ansehen und redet ihrer Schwester ins Gewissen. Und sie hat tatsächlich Erfolg: Mrs. Carew sieht ihren Fehler ein und will Pollyanna sogar ein Abschiedsfest geben und ihr bei einer Stadtrundfahrt Boston zeigen, weil sie in der ganzen Zeit immer nur das Haus und die Klinik gesehen hat. Pollyanna ist sofort begeistert von der Idee mit dem Abschiedsfest und will dazu auch Micky, Jamie und alle Kinder einladen, die in deren Haus sonst noch wohnen.
Seeing that he now has everybody's attention, James further elaborates on the rationale behind his refusal citing his defunct power-train and that Ruth is only looking at him as a consolation prize for her missing nephew Jaime Kent; in spite of Mickey and his mother pointing out that confirming a decisive genetic link is not the priority it was before, Ruth's umbrage is too great for their efforts to go much of anywhere. Ruth fuming alone in her room, the low-grade divergent concourse between Susie and Bridget over whether to assume arrogance or astonishment as the driving force behind James refusing Ruth's offer, James bawling his eyes out back at Murphy-ke . . . this is all quite tame in the face of Pollyanna being wracked with anguish at the illegal computation epilogue; after all, the goal was for Ruth and James to be happy!!! Setting aside Ruth and James's cerebral computations being the genesis of much speculation, the good news of her power-train running on all cylinders and that there is no longer any need for the rehabilitation quickly amplifies the guilt that Pollyanna feels even though Della explains that Ruth's cerebral configuration as an aristocrat has far greater culpability for the current state of affairs while Dr. Ames advises Pollyanna to think of the people waiting for her in Beldingsville -- Thomas and Polly's ecstasy a prime example of this counsel; frustrated by Ruth's parsimonious and puerile temper tantrum, Della decides that an acute jolt of insight to the caboose is sorely needed. Ruth prosecutes some cerebral computation over her prologue with Pollyanna that ultimately illuminates that she was far happier doing things for other people and decides for throwing a farewell party complete with a comprehensive sightseeing tour around Boston; while Pollyanna in her usual high spirits is nothing to mourn, one does have to wonder if Ruth and Pollyanna's guest lists mixing is a good idea.