Obwohl Nancy und Tante Polly Pollyanna versichern, der Doktor habe sich ganz bestimmt geirrt und ihre Lähmung wäre nur vorübergehend, merkt Pollyanna, dass das nicht stimmt und ist völlig verzwiefelt. Sie weint viel und will nichts mehr essen. Alle anderen im Haus leiden mit ihr. Auch Jimmy ist verzweifelt, und er macht sich große Vorwürfe, dass er den Unfall nicht verhindern konnte. Mr. Pendleton versucht ihn zu trösten, aber Jimmy hört nicht auf ihn. Währenddessen kümmert sich Mrs. Harrington rührend um Pollyanna und versucht alles erdenkliche, um es Pollyanna möglichst gut gehen zu lassen. Doch die meisten Bemühungen sind vergebens, Pollyanna denkt immer wieder an ihr schlimmes Schicksal und fängt an zu weinen.
In spite of not doing much to insure a soft landing onto the floor, Nancy is quick-minded enough to plausibly exhort accommodation of human fallibility of the distraught Pollyanna for Dr. Mead and generally clean up the train wreck aftermath of the leaked data prior to placing Pollyanna back in bed; as if to renumerate Nancy explaining Pollyanna her temporary unavailability yesterday, Polly isolates a few roses as she converses Tom her guilt of the deception she has used to which Tom points out the reality of there being no productive alternative that will secure Pollyanna's continued cooperation. Unfortunately, Pollyanna waking up to have the negative function of her power-train objectively confirmed for herself quickly nullifies this strategy and forces the anguished Polly to compute an alternative which is drawn from a time in her prologue when a reclusive old lady repulsing Jennie's humanitarian overture becomes the preamble for Jennie to explain how she has steadily worked below-ground to practice compassion for her neighbors; while Polly goes to gather the data necessary for her next attempt, Jimmy does not respond well to the news of Pollyanna's immobility as he delivers Mr. Pendleton a courtesy copy complete with the circumstantial background leading up to the accident along with the affirmation that he deserves to remain without family government. In spite of really having done their homework, Polly and Nancy's collaborative operation to bolster Pollyanna's spirits ultimately flies well but lands poorly when it ignores the fact that Pollyanna wants to confirm whether her condition is as serious as was described; even with Polly having foregone her fear of animals as evidenced by Chipmunk sitting on her hand, it seems that the damage to Pollyanna's power-train involves both hardware and software.