Pollyanna steht an der Tür des Hauses von Mr. Pendleton, um ihn zu besuchen, aber seine Haushälterin läßt sie nicht herein. Doch sie hat Glück: Im Flur hört Dr. Chilton, der seinen Patienten besucht, dass Pollyanna an der Tür ist und erlaubt ihr, herein zu kommen. Er glaubt, dass ihr Besuch bei Mr. Pendleton wie Medizin wirken würde und läßt sie daher zu ihm. Zunächst heitert Pollyanna Mr. Pendleton auch auf, doch als sie sagt, dass sie die Nichte von Polly Harrington ist, ist Mr. Pendleton wie ausgewechselt und bittet Pollyanna zu gehen. Bedrückt verläßt Pollyanna das Haus. Später trifft sie allerdings erneut Dr. Chilton, der ihr rät, das nicht so ernst zu nehmen und sie wieder beruhigt.
After recovering herself from Ezra's decree of course reversal for all visitors, Pollyanna tries to explain her altruistic volition before Dr. Chilton intercedes on Pollyanna's behalf and leads her inside -- the sequence thereafter suggesting the presence of an indirectly linked collaborative prologue -- before Dr. Chilton directs one of his nurses Harold to lead Pollyanna to the Miser who is not quite ready to openly show his delight at Pollyanna's arrival and is fuming about being bedridden with a broken leg. Upon seeing the Miser prosecute a resounding belly laugh in response to Pollyanna's perspective of doomsday, Harold rushes downstairs to relay his observations to Dr. Chilton who describes Pollyanna's genetic prologue while likening her optimism to a mysterious tonic that could put him out of business; while the two men have a hearty laugh, Pollyanna divides her energies between exhorting the Miser for sampling the gratin that she brought with her and sharing her perspective of being stuck in bed as not being all bad but soon finds that she has really stepped in it when she refers to Ezra and Dr. Chilton as assets to celebrate along with letting the cat out of the bag about her relationship with Polly Harrington to the point where it is obvious about where the gratin came from. Pollyanna racing off with Chipmunk to appraise Jimmy's construction efforts obfuscates the very tense and awkward conversation Dr. Chilton is ultimately forced to prosecute with the Miser that suggests that there is an intricate and inflammable prologue of anguish spanning the last decade involving Pendleton-ke and Harrington-ke; while relieved to have explained that the Miser is merely frustrated by his unrealistic expectations about his recuperation, poor Jimmy is left holding the bag . . . or basket in this case . . . when Pollyanna decides for a carriage ride with Dr. Chilton!!!
Pollyanna si reca a far visita al signor Pendelton costretto a letto da un incidente. L'uomo e' molto contento di vedere la bambina ma quando gli rivela di essere la nipote di Polly Harrington, si chiude in un mutismo ostinato, lasciando perplessa la piccola che non sa spiegarsi le ragioni di un simile comportamento.