Das Team landet auf einem Planeten, auf dem riesige Insekten und Spinnen beheimatet sind. Stacey und Ec'co werden zunächst vom Rest des Teams getrennt. Als das Team wieder zusammenfindet, steht es allerdings vor einem großen Problem. Denn Stacey hat eine der Riesenspinnen schwer verletzt und soll nun vor Gericht gestellt werden.
Arriving on a new planet, Stacey runs into a web and reveals she has a problem with her fear of spiders. Naturally, the local civilization are spiders and Stacey apparently overreacts, injuring one of them and endangering relationships between the two groups. Stacey insists she acted in self-defense but is placed on trial for her actions. Meanwhile, the Tlak'kahn warriors show up and attack. Stacey comes to terms with the spider she harmed, allowing it to heal. She and it team up to help the team bring down the Tlak'kahn and the team departs.
Dopo essere stata terrorizzata dalla scoperta di una gigantesca ragnatela su di un nuovo pianeta abitato da esseri di forma aracnoide, Stacey reagisce in modo eccessivo e colpisce uno dei nativi, ferendolo gravemente. Ora, la giovane deve subire un processo. Il procedimento viene però interrotto dall'ennesimo attacco perpetrato dai Tlak'khan.