Stein ist mit den besten Schülern der Shibusen nördlich von Alaska zu der Insel Lost Island unterwegs. Hier soll sich das magische Werkzeug Brew befinden, das bei einer Explosion eines Hexenlabors vor 800 Jahren dort verschüttet wurde. Darauf hat es auch Arachnophobia, die Organisation der Hexe Arachne, abgesehen, und es kommt zum Kampf zwischen den beiden Gruppen.
BREW exists on a lost island north of Alaska where there used to be a witch’s tool development facility before it got destroyed from an accident. That accident resulted in a special magic magnetic field in the center of the island - BREW is inside of there - and staying in that magnetic field for longer than 20 minutes will result in a person’s body getting destroyed. A small army of Shibusen students and staff are already headed towards the island, and the plan is to have Sid’s force take care of the Arachnophobia forces while Marie, Stein, and the students head for the magnetic field. Once there, Marie and Stein will head into the field while the students stand by outside until the two return. Things start out according to plan, however Sid’s force is soon ambushed, and Sid finds himself facing off against Mifune.
Comincia la battaglia per il possesso del Brew in un'isola dell'Alaska. Marie e Stein entrano nel campo magnetico, però, quando passano 15 minuti, Maka, Black Star e Kid decidono di disobbedire agli ordini di Marie e di Stein e entrano nel campo, coperti da Ox, Kilik e Kim. Appena entrati nel campo, Maka, Black Star e Kid trovano solo immagini del fatto in passato che ha dato origine al campo magnetico.
Академия и Арахнофобия сражаюся за Брю — мощнейший магический артефакт.
Finalmente ha llegado la gran confrontación. Aracnophobia y el Shibusen están dispuestos a todo con tal de conseguir el Instrumento Demoníaco Brew y van a la Isla Lost, en Alaska, para ir a buscarlo ¿Quién ganará?