Chris ist es gelungen, Eggman von den Metarex zu befreien. Gleichzeitig hat Dark Oak Sonic gefangen genommen. Um Sonic befreien zu können, brauchen die Freunde neue Energie. Knuckles hat den rettenden Einfall, wie sie mehr Energie erzeugen können: es muss ihnen gelingen, den Master Emerald zu aktivieren. Dafür will Eggman die Energie seines Schiffes auf den Blauen Taifun übertragen. Es gelingt ihnen mit der Sonic Power Kanone ein Energiefeld zu erzeugen, durch das sie Sonic befreien können.
Amy tries to rescue Sonic from the watery planet, but everyone else keeps her back, trying to come up with another plan. Then, Rouge comes up with a brilliant idea: use the Master Emerald to cut off the energy supply to Dark Oak! The team charges up the Sonic Driver with the Master Emerald and fires it at Black Narcissus and Pale Bayleaf, destroying them. Unfortunately, after this is done, the Master Emerald shatters, and it is revealed that the Metarex have sucked up all the Chaos Emerald's energy!
Dark Oak's beast head becomes extremely weak because of a hit from the Sonic Driver, and finally ceases movement. The planet expands, taking Dark Oak along with it. Inside the planet, Sonic sees what happens after the Forestation process is complete. He manages to fight a bunch of sand monsters and plant-like tentacles, only to find out he's fighting in a dream. Suddenly, Amy spots Sonic inside the planet is able to get Sonic out of there, crashing through the roots into the water to rescue him but is knocked unconcsious. However as Amy and Sonic are going down an energy sphere surrounds them, protects them and heals them. They fly out of the planet and Amy hugs Sonic in relief and happiness.
Suddenly, the planet condenses into a giant seed-like object. Sonic stares at it, probably in despair.
Amy tente de sauver Sonic de la planète aquatique, mais tous les autres la retiennent, essayant de trouver un autre plan.
Amy intenta rescatar a Sonic del planeta acuático, pero todos los demás la retienen, tratando de idear otro plan.