In a dimension called the Boscage Maze, Sonic runs into tree-dwelling versions of his friends who warn him of a monster that lives on the jungle floor.
As the Chaos Council searches for the Boscage Prism Shard, Sonic realizes there's only one way to stop the robots from destroying the forest: a battle.
The Chaos Council returns to New Yoke City more powerful than ever, forcing the rebels to come out of the shadows and bring a fight to their front door.
While Nine reassembles the Paradox Prism, Shadow and Sonic battle the Council to buy more time — but there's one big surprise they weren't counting on.
With the Paradox Prism in his hands, Nine begins building the Grim into his own personal paradise — unless Sonic and Shadow can convince him otherwise.
To get help in the fight against Nine and his winged lackeys, Sonic heads to New Yoke and forms an allegiance with the very last people he ever expected.
Reality will cease to exist unless a selfless hero makes the ultimate sacrifice. But will it be enough to reverse the damage Nine caused to the universe?