Hana's mother always bought clothes for her, but now she's going to choose her own outfit for the first time. The problem is she can't imagine what kind of clothes would suit her. When Hana goes to her friends for advice, Eiko proposes they all go out shopping the following day. Tamate is also excited about helping Hana choose an outfit that would look good on her, while Kamuri is more interested in having post-shopping parfaits. When she gets home that day, Hana ponders over the kind of clothes that would be her style.
いつも母親に洋服を買ってもらっていた花名だったが、初めて自分で選んでみることに。けれども一体どんな服が似合うのか、まったく想像がつかない。みんなに相談したところ、栄依子から明日ショッピングに出かけようと提案される。たまても花名に似合う服を選ぶと興奮気味。冠は買い物後のパフェに興味津々の様子。 自宅に帰ってからも「私らしい服ってなんだろう?」と考える花名。一体どんな服が見つかるのか……。
Hana's mother always bought clothes for her, but now she's going to choose her own outfit for the first time. The problem is she can't imagine what kind of clothes would suit her. When Hana goes to her friends for advice, Eiko proposes they all go out shopping the following day. Tamate is also excited about helping Hana choose an outfit that would look good on her, while Kamuri is more interested in having post-shopping parfaits. When she gets home that day, Hana ponders over the kind of clothes that would be her style.
방학 동안 엄마의 편지를 받은 하나는 고민에 빠진다.
그동안 엄마가 늘 옷을 골라줬는데, 이제 고등학생이니 직접 옷을 골라보라는 내용 때문이었다.
하나가 소집일에 친구들을 만나서 고민을 털어놓자 친구들은 흔쾌히 같이 쇼핑을 가자고 제안한다.
나다운 옷차림이 뭘까 고민하는 하나를 보며 에이코는 급하게 생각하지 말고 천천히 고르라며 조언해준다.
하나는 친구들과 어울리며 점점 나다운 게 뭔지 찾아가는데…
La mère de Hana a toujours acheté des vêtements pour elle, mais maintenant elle va choisir sa propre tenue pour la première fois. Le problème est qu'elle ne peut pas imaginer quel type de vêtements lui conviendrait. Quand Hana va voir ses amis pour obtenir des conseils, Eiko propose qu'ils sortent tous faire du shopping le lendemain. Tamate est également ravie d'aider Hana à choisir une tenue qui lui irait bien, tandis que Kamuri est plus intéressée à avoir des parfaits après le shopping. Quand elle rentre à la maison ce jour-là, Hana réfléchit au type de vêtements qui serait son style.
La mamá de Hana ha decidido dejar de comprarle la ropa, así que tendrá que escoger ella misma qué tipo de ropa quiere comprar.
A mãe da Hana sempre comprou as roupas dela, mas agora ela vai escolher suas roupas pela primeira vez.