Lina, Goury und Amelia wollen mit dem Schiff nach Sairaag reisen. Da ein Drache alle Schiffe auf See vernichtet, steht ihnen ein gefährliches Abenteuer bevor.
Lina, Gourry, and Amelia are getting closer to Sairaag. In order to outrun the tenacious pursuers they try to board a ship, however the ship is also watched by the bounty hunters. Gourry dresses up in women's clothing and our heroes boards the ship as sisters. On the ship, Volun, a self-professed "Braveheart", proposes to Gourry. Gourry freaks out while Lina and Amelia laugh hysterically. All of a sudden a dragon roaming the area attacks the ship which is then forced to return to the harbor. Lina fights a fierce battle with the dragon and finally defeats it, leaving the legend of "the Celestial Maiden who saves folks" behind. The next day when Lina and her friends board the ship, Volun shows up yet again. Gourry is no longer in disguise, however Volun does not care and persistently comes on to him...!
Los héroes están ya cerca de Cylor, pero aún les queda cruzar un último trecho de mar. Para no levantar sospechas durante la travesía, deciden vestirse de una manera distinta a como suelen ir, incluyendo hacer pasar a Gaudy por mujer, que levanta pasiones entre algunos mercenarios del pueblo costero.
수배자가 된 뒤 고난의 길을 피해 목적지 사일라그까지 얼마남지 않았다. 브루므군의 눈을 피해 여장한 것까지는 좋았는데 여장한 카우리에게 한눈에 반해 프로포즈까지 한 녀석이 있어 곤란한 처지를 겪는다. 고생끝에 사일러그에 도착했는데 앞으로의 여정은 어떻게 될까?