The newbies from the Equestrian Club have their first jump class, but Hachiken is the only one who fails to have his horse jump an obstacle, bringing some unpleasant memories of his past to surface. Claiming that it needs more than words to have him figure out the reason why, Mikage takes him to a competition where he sees some jockeys and horses in real action.
장애물 넘기에 도전하게 된 하치켄과 승마부 부원들. 모두들 쉽게 장애물을 넘는 가운데 하치켄만 번번이 실패하고 마는데. 이에 중학교 때의 안 좋은 기억을 떠올린 하치켄은 점점 더 자신을 책망하기 시작한다.
Los chicos de la granja van a cabalgar y Hachiken se encuentra con un pequeño inconveniente. ¿Podrá superarlo?