With most of the students on leave at Golden Week, Hachiken, Aki and their classmate Ichiro Komaba watch a Ban'ei horse race together, and despite the horse bred at Aki's farm do not win, she gets some relief learning that he gets well placed enough to have a chance of not being killed for livestock. After returning to the school, he pities a piglet that is the weakest and smallest among its siblings and decides to take care of it, just to later know that it will be sent to the slaughterhouse in three months.
実習で子豚を飼育することになった八軒。 競争に負けた小さな子豚に自分を重ねた八軒は、将来食肉になる運命と聞かされながらも、その子豚に名前を付けてしまう。
돈사에서 8마리의 새끼돼지들을 돌보게 된 하치켄과 친구들.
하치켄은 갓 태어난 귀여운 돼지의 모습에 마음을 빼앗기고 만다.
친구들은 하치켄에게 정을 붙이면 나중에 식용으로 만들 때 힘들다고 충고하지만...
Empieza la Golden Week, pero no hay descanso para Hachiken, quien tendrá que aprender algunas cosas no muy agradables sobre los caballos y ni siquiera su interés en un pequeño lechón lo salvará de la peculiar vida en la granja.