in Mann, der aus dem Gefängnis entlassen wurde, wusste sofort, wo er als erstes hingehen wollte.
Nachdem er Musho Yakumos Interpretation des Shinigamis sah, die ihn sehr beeindruckte, entschied er sich, der Lehrling von Yakumo zu werden. Yakumo hat bisher noch nie einen Lehrling angenommen, weshalb es mehr als überraschend war, dass er den Ex-Insassen als Lehrling akzeptierte, dem er den Spitznamen Yotaro gibt. Yotaro bedeutet so viel wie "Anit-Held" oder auch "Begriffsstutziger Mann".
Bundled with the special editions of the manga's 7th and 8th volumes. When a certain man is released from prison, he knows exactly where he's heading first. After falling in love with a traditional comic storyteller's rendition of the story called "Shinigami," he is determined to become his apprentice. The performer, Yakumo, has never taken an apprentice before, but to everyone's surprise, he accepts the eager ex-prisoner, nicknaming him "Yotaro." As Yotaro happily begins his new life, he meets others in Yakumo's life, including Yakumo's ward Konatsu. Konatsu was the daughter of a famous storyteller, and Yakumo took her in after her father's tragic death. Konatsu loved her father's storytelling, and would love to become a performer in her own right—but that path is not available for women.