Hao has finally reached the Shaman King and become a new god. His friends fall one after another in the face of his overwhelming power. As the countdown to mankind's extinction continues, Yoh and his friends, shamans who communicate with spirits, have not yet given up hope.
Hao scatena la potenza dei suoi nuovi poteri contro Yoh e gli altri, ma il gruppo determinato non perde la speranza.
Hao desata la fuerza de sus recién adquiridos poderes contra Yoh y los demás, pero el equipo de aguerridos luchadores se niega a darse por vencido.
Hao setzt seine neuen Kräfte gegen Yoh und die anderen ein, doch das rauflustige Team weigert sich, die Hoffnung aufzugeben.
새로운 능력을 손에 넣은 하오. 그 압도적인 힘 앞에서 무력한 요우와 동료들. 그러나 결코 희망의 끈을 놓지 않는다.