After a brief respite at the highland plant, Ip and his friends once again take on the priest Karim. During the resumed mortal combat, the darkness that Holoholo has been harboring is finally revealed. ...... And finally, that man stands in the way of Yoh and his friends as they trudge through the remaining plants!
Durante a batalha contra Kalim, as trevas que têm atormentado Horohoro são finalmente reveladas.
Durante lo scontro con Kalim, la sofferenza che ha schiacciato Horohoro è infine svelata.
La carga que atormenta a Horohoro finalmente sale a la luz durante el combate contra Kalim.
Beim Kampf gegen Kalim kommt die düstere Vergangenheit, die Horohoro belastet, schließlich ans Licht.
칼림과 사투를 벌이는 호로호로. 이 소년을 둘러싸고 있던 어둠의 정체가 마침내 밝혀진다.