With the sudden appearance of the yakuma, the recent great battle ended without a clear victor. While escaping into the woods, Yuzuki is injured and loses consciousness but is found by Kenshin Uesugi and taken back to his castle to receive treatment. Kenshin entrusts Yuzuki's care to his son, Kagekatsu but when her injury worsens Kagekatsu feels extremely responsible. It is during this time that information comes to light that the neighboring country is making suspicious movements so Kenshin decides to send a commander with reinforcements. He tries to task Kagekatsu with this mission, but having lost confidence in himself, Kagekatsu refuses and Yuzuki tries to get father and son to see eye-to-eye.
Yuzuki landet bei Uesugi Kenshin und kommt in die Obhut seines zögerlichen Sohnes Kagekatsu. Hideyoshi verzweifelt derweil an seiner misslichen Lage.
Con la repentina aparición de los yakuma, la reciente gran batalla terminó sin un claro vencedor. Mientras escapaba hacia el bosque, Yuzuki resulta herida y pierde el conocimiento, pero Kenshin Uesugi la encuentra y la lleva de regreso a su castillo para recibir tratamiento. Kenshin confía el cuidado de Yuzuki a su hijo, Kagekatsu, pero cuando su lesión empeora, Kagekatsu se siente extremadamente responsable.