Jerry hat eine große Abneigung gegen die allseits verbreiteten Begrüßungsküsse. Leider hat Kramer die Idee, im Hauseingang von allen Mietern Bilder aufzuhängen. Auf diese Weise sollen sie sich besser kennenlernen. Daraufhin wird Jerry zu jeder Tages- und Nachtzeit von wildfremden Leuten mit einem Begrüßungsküßchen empfangen. Schließlich weigert er sich, Bussis zu verteilen. Mit dem Ergebnis, daß er nun von allen Mietern ausgesprochen feindselig behandelt wird...
Elaine's friend, a physical therapist, whom Jerry must "kiss hello," has an old style hairdo, that Jerry and Elaine want Kramer to comment on. Jerry's grandmother wants him to open a ketchup bottle and she tells a story about some money that Uncle Leo was supposed to give his sister. Jerry's father is anxious to collect the money and interest Leo owes. Kramer puts tenant pictures up in the lobby and soon Jerry is giving every woman in the building, the "kiss hello"; however, when he stops, he becomes unpopular. George gets his arm looked at, misses a follow up appointment and must pay for that visit. The therapist skips out on her patients, including George, and goes skiing with Elaine. After their trip, she drops Elaine off 3 blocks from her apartment. Elaine injures her shoulder carrying her equipment home, and can't get any complementary treatment. Jerry gets proof of his uncle's dishonesty.
Kramer haluaa edistää ihmisten välistä ystävyyttä, ja Jerry taas kaihtaa kosketusta. Elainen ystävällä on tukkaongelmia.
Jerry découvre que sa grand-mère a besoin de lui pour ouvrir une bouteille de ketchup. George et Elaine se retrouvent blessés dans un accident. Kramer se trouve une nouvelle passion
לחבר של איליין, לו ג'רי חייב לתת נשיקת שלום בכל פעם שהם נפגשים, יש עיצוב שיער מיושן, ואיליין וג'רי רוצים שקריימר יגיב עליה. ג'רי מאמץ את מנהג נשיקת השלום ומנשק כל אישה בבניין שלו, אך כאשר הוא מפסיק הוא הופך ללא פופולארי.
Jerry odia il fatto che quanto incontra Wendy, una psichiatra amica di Elaine, debba sempre salutarla con un bacio. Kramer convince tutti i condomini a mettere nell'atrio una loro fotografia, per rendere l'atmosfera più amichevole e ottiene un grande successo, infastidendo però Jerry.
Jerry insurge-se contra um gesto íntimo, enquanto Kramer tenta tornar o edifício deles mais agradável.
Jerry saluda "cariñosamente" a la fisioterapeuta de Elaine y pronto todas las mujeres del edificio querrán saludarle también. Elaine se hace daño en un hombro en un viaje de esquí.
Um terapeuta amigo de Elaine obriga Jerry a cumprimentar com beijinho. Então ele começa, com esta mania, mas quando desiste, acaba virando impopular. A avó de Jerry comenta com ele sobre o dinheiro que supostamente o Tio Leo deveria ter dado a sua irmã. Sabendo disto, o pai de Jerry fica ansioso para receber a grana. George acaba perdendo uma consulta e tem que pagar mesmo assim. O terapeuta resolve "abandonar" seu pacientes e esquiar com Elaine. Na volta ela a deixa a três quadras da casa dela, a fazendo andar com todo o equipamento nas costas.
Georgea razljuti pravilo o otkazivanju. Kramerov prijedlog za skladniji život u zgradi iritira Jerryja. Morty i ujak Leo posvađaju se zbog 50 dolara.