Jay and Jon discuss The Book of Mormon Title Page, Introduction, The Testimony of Three Witnesses, The Testimony of Eight Witnesses, The Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and A Brief Explanation About The Book of Mormon.
Jay and Jon discuss Lehi and his family's departure into the wilderness, the brass plates, and the conversions of Lehi, Sariah, Nephi and Sam.
Jay and Jon discuss Lehi's vision of the Iron Rod
Jay and Jon discuss Nephi's vision, and interpretation of Lehi's vision. This episode includes a special narration of 1 Nephi 11.
This was first released inside S01E04, January 19, 2020. A dramatic reading of the vision of Nephi as recorded in 1 Nephi 11.
Jay and Jon discuss Lehi and his family's travel to the Promised Land.
Jay and Jon discuss Lehi's last words to his family and Nephi's separation from Laman. Additional discussions include whether or not there were indigenous people in the Promised Land, and how the terms black and white are used in the scriptures.
Jay and Jon discuss Jacob's sermon in 2 Nephi with some introductions to Isaiah.
Jay and Jon discuss the Isaiah chapters and Nephi's commentary.
Jay and Jon discuss Nephi's last words of prophecy and admonition
Jay and Jon discuss Nephi's final admonitions.
Jay and Jon discuss Jacob's sermons on pride, wealth and plural marriage.
Jay and Jon discuss Zenos' allegory of the Olive Tree, Sherem the Anti-Christ, and the remainder of Jacob's writings.
Jay and Jon finish their discussion of the Small Plates of Nephi. They discuss the four centuries that pass from the end of Jacob to the beginning of Mosiah. Further topics include: the passing on of the plates and sacred relics, the discovery of Zarahemla, and more.
Jay and Jon discuss the words of King Benjamin to his people.
Jay and Jon talk about the people's reaction to King Benjamin's speech.
Flashback! Jay and Jon talk about Zeniff's past expedition to settle in the land of Nephi, and Ammon's later expedition to find out what became of Zeniff's people.
Jay and Jon talk about the prophet Abinadi, King Noah and this priests, and Alma.
Jay and Jon attempt to tie together all the various stories in this section of Mosiah (King Noah and his priests, King Limhi and his people, Alma and his people, etc.).
Jay and Jon talk about the conversion of Alma the Younger and the Sons of Mosiah.
Jay and Jon talk about the Reign of the Judges, Nehor, Amlici and more.
Jay and Jon talk about Alma the Younger's sermons at Zarahemla and Gideon.
Jay and Jon discuss Alma the Younger's preaching in Ammonihah, Amulek becoming his companion, contention with the lawyers, and more.
Jay and Jon discuss the results of Alma and Amulek's preaching in Ammonihah, as well as some unexpected heroes.
Jay and Jon discuss the mission of the Sons of Mosiah among the Lamanites.
Learn how to bury your weapons of war in the episode with Jon and Jay!
Jay and Jon discuss Alma v. Korihor, and the Missionary Dream Team's mission to the Zoramites.
Jay and Jon discuss Alma's sermon on faith, Amulek's sermon on the need for Christ, and The Parable of Jay's Lawn.
Jay and Jon discuss Alma's advice to his sons Helaman and Shiblon.
Jay and Jon review Alma the Younger's counsel to his son Corianton.
Jay and Jon discuss the rise and fall of Amalickiah, as Part 1 of the Book of Mormon's "war chapters."
Jay and Jon discuss the Army of Helaman, the heroic Antipus, and much more, as we see the end of the war started by the Zoramites, and the end of the book of Alma.
Jay and Jon talk about the rise of the Gadianton robbers, the questionable wisdom of Coriantumr, the power of Nephi & Lehi, and much more!
Jay and Jon talk about the prophet Nephi, son of Helaman. He exposes the murders of the Gadianton robbers, closes the heavens through the sealing power, and much more
Explore the prophesying of Samuel the Lamanite with us this week.
Jay and Jon discuss the signs of the birth of Jesus Christ, Giddianhi (leading the wicked) vs. Lachoneus (leading the righteous), the destruction of the robbers (and their eventual return), the disintegration of the government, and more
Jay and Jon discuss the coming of Jesus Christ to America.
Jay and Jon discuss the Sermon at the Temple and the fulfilling of the Law of Moses.
Jay and Jon continue to discuss the teachings of Jesus Christ among the people in America.
Jay and Jon discuss Jesus quoting and restoring scripture, miraculously providing the Sacrament, and more!
Jay and Jon discuss the three disciples who should tarry, the rise and fall of a unified society of Christ, and more!
Jay and Jon discuss the life and times of the prophet Mormon and the end of the Nephite civilization.
Jay and Jon discuss Mormon's last words and Moroni's warnings to all of us today.
Jay and Jon talk about Jared and his brother, as they prepare (with their friends and families) to be brought to the Promised Land.
See the history of the Jaredite people as you've never seen it before
Join Jay and Jon as they discuss the destruction of the Jaaredite nation.
Jay and Jon discuss Moroni's last instructions pertaining to how the Church of Christ is to be run.
Moroni shares a special talk and two special letters from his father, Mormon
Jay and Jon discuss Moroni's powerful final words, and the importance of how one gains a testimony of God's truths.
Join Jay and Jon as they journey through the Doctrine & Covenants, the book with a preface written by the Lord Himself.
Jay and Jon discuss Joseph Smith's Vision of God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.
Jay and Jon discuss Moroni's visit to Joseph Smith, the obtaining of the gold plates, and Martin Harris
Jay and Jon about the lost 116 manuscript pages of The Book of Mormon and a special revelation received for Joseph's father.
Jay and Jon discuss the arrival of Oliver Cowdery and revelations directed to him, as well as a miraculous translation of a hidden writing of John the Revelator.
Jay and Jon discuss the Lord's plan for the missing 116 pages of The Book of Mormon Translation, and a very personal revelation to Hyrum Smith
Jay and Jon discuss a revelation to Joseph Knight, Sr., and the restoration of the Priesthood through John the Baptist.
Jay and Jon discuss revelations for the Whitmers (David, John & Peter, Sr.) and the Three Witnesses to The Book of Mormon
Jay and Jon discuss the worth of souls, the suffering of Jesus Christ, the printing of The Book of Mormon, and much more
Jay and Jon discuss the formation of the Church of Christ on April 6, 1830, the Articles and Covenants of the Church of Christ, Joseph and Oliver's role in the restored Church, the necessity of being baptized by proper authority, and much more
Jay and Jon talk about revelations given to Oliver Cowdery, Hyrum Smith, Samuel H. Smith, Joseph Smith, Sr., Joseph Knight, Sr., Emma Smith, and more
Jay and Jon discuss a revelation on the Sacrament, and a revelation clarifying authority, due to Hiram Page and his seer stone.
Jay and Jon talk about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the New Jerusalem
Jay and Jon introduce many new people that become part of early Church History, and that received revelations specifically directed to them, including Thomas B. Marsh, Parley P. Pratt, Ziba Peterson, Ezra Thayer, Northrop Sweet, Orson Pratt, Sidney Rigdon, and Edward Partridge.
Jay and Jon discuss the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible, the gathering to Ohio, James Covel and more
Jay and Jon discuss Newel K. Whitney, The Law, and more
Jay and Jon discuss the prophesied Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Jay and Jon talk about gifts of the Spirit, the importance of recording histories, and more
Jay and Jon discuss Leman Copley and The Shakers, discerning spiritual manifestations, and more
Jay and Jon talk about A. Sidney Gilbert, William W. Phelps, the Law of Consecration, the location of Zion, and much, much more
Jay and Jon discuss the struggles of settling in Zion, keeping the Sabbath day holy, and more
Jay and Jon discuss the leaders that were commanded to return to Ohio, their struggles, and the counsel the Lord gives them
Jay and Jon discuss the building of Zion, early critics of the Church, and more
Jay and Jon talk about dissension within the Church and the coming the Kingdom of Heaven
Jay and Jon talk about the Lord's revelation challenge, duties of a bishop, duties of parents, and... marshmallows
Jay and Jon talk about early apostasy, a second Bishop, inspired scriptural exposition, mission calls and more
Jay and Jon discuss The Vision. Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon see the Celestial, Terrestrial and Telestial glories
Jay and Jon discuss the revelation on...Revelation, the United Firm, missionary work, and more
Jay and Jon discuss the early forming of the First Presidency, what it means to be bound, and care for widows and orphans
Jay and Jon discuss the oath and covenant of the priesthood
Jay and Jon talk about One Might and Strong, steadying the ark, the parable of the sower, prophesying the US Civil War and more
Jay and Jon discuss this doctrinally-rich revelation that Joseph Smith called the Olive Leaf.
Jay and Jon talk about the Word of Wisdom, the formation of the First Presidency, the Apocrypha, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the record of John the Baptist, the Spirit of Truth, the relationship of man to God, and more
Jay and Jon discuss the building of the Kirtland Temple, the building of Zion and more
Jay and Jon talk about John Murdock, the Lord's laws of retaliation, war and forgiveness, some reasons why the Lord chastens us, and more
Jay and Jon talk about Zions Camp, the dissolution of the original United Firm, and more
Jay and Jon talk about Warren Cowdery, Lyman Sherman, Melchizedek, the Priesthood and more
Jay and Jon talk about the dedication of the Kirtland temple, and the restoring of important Priesthood keys
Jay and Jon talk about a trip to Salem, the Kirtland Safety Society, Thomas B. Marsh, Isaiah, David W. Patten and more
Jay and Jon talk about the name of the Church, Adam-ondi-Ahman, Oliver Grainger, the dedication of the Far West Temple site, tithing, and more
Jay and Jon talk about Joseph Smith in Liberty Jail, and the powerful letter that became these three sections
Jay and Jon talk about the early Nauvoo period and a distant relative
Jay and Jon talk about Family History and baptism for the dead.
Jay and Jon talk about angels, the nature of the Godhead, eternal marriage. plural marriage, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the Appendix to the Doctrine and Covenants, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the beliefs of the Church in regards to government, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the martyrdoms of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, the migration of the Saints to Utah, and more
Jay and Jon talk about visions of the spirit world and vicarious work for the dead
Jay and Jon talk about the 13 statements of foundational beliefs in the Church, the end of the practice of plural marriage, the end of the priesthood restriction, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the importance of marriage and family and prophetic insights to this beloved proclamation to the world
Jay and Jon guest host on Emily Crapo's podcast "To Know Him"
Shalom! Jay and Jon introduce the Old Testament, by first studying scriptures from The Pearl of Great Price. They discuss the amazing visions of both Moses and Abraham.
Jay and Jon talk about the Creation of the Earth and of all living things
Jay and Jon talk about the Fall of Adam and Even, Cain and Abel and more
Jay and Jon talk about the priesthood descendants of Adam leading to Enoch
Jay and Jon talk about Enoch and the City of Zion
Jay and Jon talk about the Great Flood and the Tower of Babel.
Jay and Jon talk about Abram and Sarai (later Abraham and Sarah), Melchizedek, Hagar, Ishmael and more
Jay and Jon talk about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the birth of Isaac, Abraham's great sacrifice and more
Jay and Jon talk about Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Esau, the drinking capacity of camels, and more
Jay and Jon talk about Jacob, Leah, Rachel, handmaids, the formation of Israel and more
Jay and Jon talk about Joseph and his brothers, Judah's family problems, and even some about the chapters we skipped
Jay and Jon discuss how Joseph saved Israel, as well as Egypt, the death of Jacob, the prophecies of Joseph and more
Jay and Jon talk about the birth and call of Moses, the women who made sure Moses' mission would be successful, and much more
Jay and Jon talk about the Ten Plagues of Egypt, the first Passover, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the amazing Exodus of Israel from Egypt through the Red Sea, the miracles of providing food and water in a desert, and more
Jay and Jon talk about Jethro's advice to Moses, some of Moses' many trips up and down Mt. Sinai, and, of course, the Ten Commandments
Jay and Jon discuss the Law of Moses, the golden calf, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the Tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant, and much more
Jay and Jon talk about the Israelites wandering in the wilderness, manna, a talking donkey, and much, much more
Jay and Jon talk about the Second Law, looking back on Israel's journey through the wilderness, and looking forward to their entering the Promised Land.
Jay and Jon talk about Joshua, Israel's entrance into the Promised Land, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the Judges of Israel: Deborah, Gideon, Samson and more
Jay and Jon talk about Ruth, Boaz, Hannah, Samuel, and more
Jay and Jon talk about Saul, the capture and return of the Ark of the Covenant, David, Jonathan, Goliath, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the reigns of King David and his son, King Solomon.
Jay and Jon talk about the divided kingdom of Israel, the prophet Elijah, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the prophet, Elijah, his translation, and the amazing life of his successor, Elisha
Jay and Jon talk about the later kings of Israel and Judah, the Assyrian conquest of Israel, the Babylonian conquest of Judah, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the return of the Jews from the Babylonian Exile, the restoring of Jerusalem and the Temple, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the brave Esther, the heroic Mordecai, the wicked Haman, and the beginning of the holiday Purim
Jay and Jon study the poetic tragedy and triumph of Job
Jay and Jon talk about the first 48 Psalms, the hymnbook of ancient Israel.
Jay and Jon continue their discussion of the Psalms
Jay and Jon finish up their lessons on Psalms.
Jay and Jon talk about the rest of the Wisdom Literature.
Jay and Jon start The Isaiah Chapters. Come learn about Isaiah's prophetic call, the prophecies around his name and the names of his sons, and more
Jay and Jon discuss more of the writings of Isaiah, including the Lord's burdens or judgments of the nations, a prophecy of the coming of The Book of Mormon, and the latter-day gathering of Israel.
Jay and Jon continue their journey through Isaiah, talking about prophecies, Handel's Messiah, and more
Jay and Jon continue their discussion of Isaiah, his prophecies of the coming Messiah (Jesus Christ), the Last Days, and more
Jay and Jon finish the book of Isaiah, talking about keeping the Sabbath day holy, fasting, the Last Days, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the prophet Jeremiah and the wickedness of the people of Judah, leading up to them being conquered by Babylon.
Jay and Jon further discuss Jeremiah, including two unlikely heroes: Ebed-Melech the Ethiopian and Baruch the scribe.
Jay and Jon talk about Ezekiel's amazing visions and warnings.
Jay and Jon talk about Daniel, his interpretations of visions, and his friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego
Jay and Jon talk about two prophets, Hosea and Joel. They talk about Hosea's relationship to Gomer as a symbol of God's relationship to His people, Joel's prophecies that have been fulfilled and have yet to be fulfilled, and more.
Jay and Jon talk about the prophecies of Amos and Obadiah, the importance of prophets, the multiple fulfillments of the famine of the word of God, being a Savior on Mount Zion, and more
Jay and Jon talk about Jonah and his call to preach to the Assyrians...that got a little side-tracked; also, the great prophesies of Micah
Jay and Jon talk about the prophet Nahum's prophecies warning of the destruction of Nineveh, Habakkuk's conversation with the Lord, Zephaniah's prophesies of the Last Days, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the prophet Haggai and his message to consider your ways; also, they discuss the great visions and Messianic prophecies of Zechariah
Jay and Jon talk about the teachings and prophecies of Malachi, his emphasis on tithing and sincere worship, and his prophecies pertaining to the Last Days
Jay and Jon talk about the four centuries of time between the writings of Malachi in the Old Testament and the birth of Jesus Christ at the beginning of the New Testament
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John each had a distinctive portrait they were painting for their respective audiences. Although we are studying them together as a harmony, there is great value in looking for the theological messages that make each Gospel unique.
Jay and Jon talk about the importance of taking individual responsibility for our own spiritual education; they also go over many study resources to help in the coming year's study of the New Testament
Jay and Jon introduce the Gospel writers: Matthew and Luke; they talk about the coming birth of John the Baptist, the genealogies of Jesus, His coming birth, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the birth and early years of Jesus Christ.
Jay and Jon talk about the beginning of John's Gospel, including a discussion of logos, John the Baptist, the disciples' discovery of Jesus, and more
Jay and Jon talk about Mark, John the Baptist, the baptism of Jesus and more
Jay and Jon talk about the temptation of Jesus, His declaration as Messiah in Nazareth, and more
Jay and Jon talk about Jesus turning water into wine, His teachings to Nicodemus, His declaration that He is the Messiah to the woman of Samaria, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the first part of the Sermon on the Mount, including the Beatitudes
Jay and Jon finish their discussion on the Sermon on the Mount
Jay and Jon talk about Jesus healing the paralytic man carried by his four friends, healing the Centurion's servant, the importance of John the Baptist, the stilling of the storm, and more
Jay and Jon talk about demon-possession, the healing of the woman with an issue of blood, the raising of Jairus' daughter, and more
Jay and Jon talk about more of the Savior's teachings, including yokes, houses divided against themselves, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the women supporting Jesus' ministry and about several parables, including the Parable of the Sower, the Mustard Seed, the Fig Tree and more
Jay and Jon talk about the healing at the Pool of Bethesda, the martyrdom of John the Baptist, the feeding of the 5,000, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the healing of a Gentile woman's daughter, the testimony of Peter, the Mount of Transfiguration, and more
Jay and Jon talk about forgiveness, the parable of the unmerciful servant, the parable of the Good Samaritan, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the story of the woman caught in adultery, the miraculous healing of the man born blind, Jesus' teaching that He is the Light of the World, the Living Water, the Good Shepherd, and more
Jay and Jon discuss many parables of Jesus, including the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son; also the raising of Lazarus and more
Jay and Jon discuss Jesus' teachings on divorce, children, and wealth. We also meet a persistent disciple named Bartimaeus.
Jay and Jon talk about Zacchaeus, the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, the denouncing of the Pharisees and Sadducees for hypocrisy, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the widow's mite, the Olivet Discourse, the Parable of the Ten Virgins, and more
Jay and John talk about the Last Supper, Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, a new commandment, and more
Jay and Jon discuss how Jesus is the vine and we are the branches, Jesus' teachings about the Holy Ghost, His great Intercessory Prayer, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the Atonement, Jesus' suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter's denial of Jesus, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the crucifixion of Jesus, the suicide of Judas, the Seven Statements the Savior gave while on the cross, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the greatest triumph of human history: the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ
Jay and Jon talk about the earliest days of the Christian faith, the Day of Pentacost and the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, the miracles performed by the Apostles in the name of Jesus, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the stoning of Stephen, the missionary efforts of Philip, the subtle introduction of Saul (Paul), and more
Jay and Jon talk about preaching the Gospel to the Gentiles, Peter's miraculous (and somewhat humorous) escape from prison, the Jerusalem Council, and more
Jay and Jon talk about Paul's second missionary journey, the entrance of Luke into the story, Paul's sermon on Mars' Hill, and more.
Jay and Jon talk about the testimony of Paul before Felix, Festus, and King Agrippa; his hardships and triumphs; and more.
Jay and Jon discuss the first six chapters of Paul's epistle to the Roman saints; it's Paul's longest epistle and, as some have called it, a manifesto for receiving the atonement of Christ
Jay and Jon discuss Paul's teachings about what it means to suffer with Christ, to overcome evil with good, a possible missionary trip to Spain, and more
Jay and Jon talk about Paul's _second_ letter to the Saints in Corinth, how the natural man cannot know the things of God, and more
Jay and Jon talk about faith, hope and charity, as Paul's letter to the saints at Corinth continues
Jay and Jon finish their discussion of 1 Corinthians by discussing baptism for the dead, resurrection, Anathema Maranatha, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the first half of Paul's next letter to the saints in Corinth, the pleadings of our modern prophet, and more
Jay and Jon talk about giving, gratitude, ancient emojis, and more
Jay and Jon talk about Paul's epistle to the saints in Galatia, including teachings about how man is not justified by works alone, the fruits of walking in the spirit, the law of the harvest, and more
Jay and Jon talk about Paul's letter to the saints in Ephesus, including teachings about foreordination, unity in the Church, the armor of God, and more
Jay and Jon talk about Paul's epistle to the saints in Philippi and Paul's epistle to the saints in Colossae; look for teachings about the Admonition of Paul, seasoning our speech with salt, awesome Greek names, and more
Jay and Jon talk about Paul's letters to the saints in Thessalonica, including teachings about being a living example of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, prophecies of the Great Apostasy, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and more
Jay and Jon talk about Paul's letters to Timothy, Titus and Philemon, including teachings about the Last Days, requirements of a Bishop, forgiveness, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the first part of Paul's letter to the Jewish Saints, including teachings about the nature of Jesus, His role in our worship, the importance of authority, and more
Jay and Jon finish talking about Paul's letter to the Jewish Saints, including teachings about the priesthood, the symbolism of the Mosaic law, the importance of faith, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the general epistle of James, including teachings about the importance of asking God for wisdom, that faith without works is dead, anointing the sick with oil, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the general epistles of Peter, including teachings about rejoicing in affliction, Christ's mission to the Spirit World, having one's calling and election made sure, and more
Jay and Jon discuss the general epistles of John and Jude, including teachings about the physical reality of Christ's mortality, death and resurrection, the importance of loving each other, the importance of earnestly contending for the faith, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the Revelation (Apocalypse) of John, including a discussion on interpreting symbols, the Lord's counsel to the seven churches, the book with seven seals, and more
Jay and Jon discuss the Revelation of John further, including teachings about the Four Horsemen, the Two Witnesses, other prophecies concerning the Last Days, and more
Jay and Jon finish their discussion of the Apocalypse of St. John, including teachings about the Millennium, the New Jerusalem, and more
Jay and Jon discuss the Title Page of The Book of Mormon, the Three and Eight Witnesses, the Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith, and more
Jay and Jon talk about Lehi and his family's journey into the wilderness, retrieving the plates of brass, the family's spiritual journey, and more
Jay and Jon talk about the importance of the Small Plates of Nephi, the journey back to Jerusalem to pick up Ishmael and his family, Lehi's Vision of the Tree, and more
Jay and Jon discuss Nephi's vision, and interpretation of Lehi's vision. This episode includes a special narration of 1 Nephi 11.
Jay and Jon discuss Lehi and his family's travel to the Promised Land.
Jay and Jon talk about Lehi's dying words to his children, including prophecies of the Messiah and the coming of a prophet named Joseph
Jay and Jon talk about Lehi's words to Joseph (including prophecies of Joseph Smith), the use of white and black in the scriptures, Nephi's separation from the Lamanites, and more
Jay and Jon discuss Jacob's sermon in 2 Nephi with some introductions to Isaiah.
Jay and Jon start their discussion of the Isaiah chapters
Jay and Jon finish their discussion of the Isaiah chapters and include Nephi's commentary
Jay and Jon discuss Nephi's last words of prophecy and admonition
Jay and Jon discuss Nephi's presentation of the doctrine of Christ
Jon and Jay Fullmer of the Fullmer Gems sit down with us to share how they got started, where their love of the scriptures come from, and where they are headed. Kenny has loves sharing some of their thoughts on our own podcast and so we thought, why not have them on the show. These two brothers not only love the scriptures, The Lord, and the gospel, but they love each other. It's easy to see they enjoy each others company and make a great team in presenting "gems" they find in their study of the scriptures.
Scripture Gems provides additional insights to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints as they study Come, Follow Me for Individuals and Families.
A brief trailer to announce a live broadcast on the Come, Follow Me Principle Challenge Live Facebook page.
Jay and Jon broadcast live on the Come, Follow Me Principle Challenge Live Facebook page.
Mini-Episode: Jay and Jon have some thoughts to share about General Conference and Easter. Hope you all enjoy what time you can spend with your loved ones.
Coming up is our largest episode ever but perhaps our most exciting. Prepare to explore the "war chapters" like never before. Coming August 2nd.
Jay and Jon pull back the curtain and talk about how they put the show together as well as some of their favorite scripture study tools.
What happened before the restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter-days. This is the story you've been wondering about.
Jay and Jon get some unexpected help while they take a break for General Conference and Easter
Jay and Jon talk about how we got The Bible, from Hebrew to the King James Version and even beyond.
Merry Christmas everyone. May the glorious light of our Savior Jesus Christ bless each of you.
The Old Testament was written in Hebrew so let's have some fun this year by learning a little... through song. These two short songs are fun to sing and share with family and students. Sing along!
After finishing the weekly Come, Follow Me reading schedule, Jay and Jon travel to the Museum of the Bible, the Church History Museum, and the Church History Library to help inspire ideas to enhance your scripture study