Minghui begs Yinsi to divorce her but he refuses. After much grief, he agrees. Meanwhile, Ruoxi wakes up at last. Qiaohui tells her that Yinzhen was the one who looked after her while she was delirious. Yinzhen brings Ruoxi out for a walk in the garden. Ruoxi confesses to him that she is in fact, Zhangxiao from another era. She's afraid that one day, she might be forced to leave, just the way she was forced to arrive in the first place. Yinzhen reassures her that if she is ever forced to leave, he'll find her no matter where she is. Later, Ruoxi finds out that Yinzhen ordered Yinsi to divorce Minghui. With the help of Yinxiang, they convinced Yinsi to look for Minghui, but they were too late: Minghui had hung herself and burnt the house she was in. Mingyu sees Ruoxi and begs her to tell the Yinzhen to grant them death instead of continuously torturing them.
没了孩子,若曦觉得接受册封更没有必要,她对四阿哥说,怕自己终究有一天,会离开这个地方,就像她本不该来到这个世界一样。 八阿哥抗旨拒不休妻,明慧深知再抗旨下去,八阿哥不会有什么好下场,她自己拟好了休书,求八阿哥在上面盖印,八阿哥恸哭,被逼无奈终于将刻印盖上,心里却知道明慧为她做出了最大的牺牲,而此前自己还一直不珍惜。若曦得知四阿哥要求八阿哥休妻,和十三阿哥一起赶到八王府,刚进门就得知八阿哥已经依旨行事,若曦大叫“糟了”,知道明慧一定会做傻事,果然,宁为玉碎不为瓦全的明慧选择了自焚身亡。面对火海,八阿哥才明白到一生所爱从来就在身边,无奈伊人已逝,一切已是太迟。八阿哥心灰意冷,故意处处与雍正做对。 因为十阿哥在张家口抗旨不进京,皇上下令削其爵位,押回京城终身监禁,明玉哭着去求若曦请她帮忙,若曦眼见曾经的故友们一个个落得如此下场,心下不忍,答应明玉一定设法救出十阿哥。 十三阿哥也求皇上放过十阿哥,从轻发落,四阿哥却不想徇私放纵任何人,十三让皇上顾念若曦的心情,毕竟十阿哥是从小跟若曦一块儿长大的。此时,若曦突然端了酒进来,对他们说出当年事,若非她对八爷的提醒警告,他也不会设计当年的四爷,十三也就不会被连累。