Au Japon, les savoirs traditionnels respectueux de la nature - aussi capricieuse soit-elle - se transmettent de génération en génération. Grâce à la résilience des femmes et des hommes, le satoyama dévoile la fascinante symbiose possible entre les êtres humains et la nature. Un documentaire en deux épisodes, des rizières enneigées de Niigata au site volcanique du mont Aso.
Der Begriff „Satoyama“ bezeichnet im Japanischen Orte, wo Menschen im Einklang mit ihrer Umwelt leben. Wertvolles Wissen darüber, wie man trotz extremer Naturgewalten in bestimmten Regionen leben kann, wird über Generationen weitergegeben. (Text: arte)
Nature is rich in blessings but can also be harmful to human life. People across Japan have been resilient, learning their lessons and passing them on for generations. Their countless efforts to cope with the harsh environment eventually created a world of bounty -- a world that's sustained by a delicate balance between diverse plants and creatures. Satoyama is a living history of humans, animals and the natural environment that have survived together for centuries. This 8K documentary series captures the supreme beauty of the Japanese countryside -- a place where gentle slopes left by landslides have been carved into rice terraces, where meltwater from heavy snow is used to nurture colorful carp, and where lush grasslands have been created on volcanic ash. And it shows how people can rediscover traditional, sustainable agriculture and benefit from the unique satoyama ecosystem.
- Satoyama IV
- Shin Eizoushi Satoyama
田んぼ、小川、雑木林…日本人が長い時間をかけて作り上げてきたふるさとの自然・里山は、驚くほど多様性に富んだ、生きものの宝庫だ。その美しい共存の風景を斬新な映像で描く、「映像詩 里山」。新シリーズでは、豪雨、豪雪、噴火など、荒ぶる自然の力を手なずけ、恵みに変える知恵に迫る。