As Toki pushes her body to the limit to look three turns into the future, she predicts Kuro is finally about to make her move. As Kuro is pressured into potentially discarding a dora, she recalls her friends and her late mother and decides to discard a dora, throwing off Teru's calculations and enabling her to earn some points off Teru, bringing the first match to an end. Just then, Toki collapses from her fatigue and has to be rushed to hospital. As Achiga prepares to move on to the next match, they finally run into Nodoka, both promising to do their best to reach the finals. With their resolve in place, Yū enters the fray for the second match.
Le 1er round des demi-finales va toucher à sa fin. Aidée par Toki Onjôji et Kirame Hanada, Kuro va tenter d'arrêter les mains bonus de la championne en titre, mais pour cela, il va falloir écarter de précieuses dora.
La segunda mitad de las semifinales, que acogió el aura con la abrumadora ventaja del campeón Teru Miyanaga. Rei hace la apuesta final en respuesta a los pensamientos de sus amigos. Apunta a un contraataque contra Teru involucrando a Glitter y Gen. En respuesta al juego de Rei, decidí tomar una decisión.
Toki sta spingendo i suoi poteri sempre più avanti, ma ormai il suo fisico è debolissimo. Per fermare la devastante progressione di Teru Miyanaga c'è bisogno di un vero miracolo. Possibile che la semifinale sia destinata a concludersi con la prima frazione?