Nodoka has a dream where she meets up with Shizuno and the others and ponders about its meeting. Meanwhile, the first half of the vanguard match finishes, with Teru still ahead, although the Achiga girls manage to figure something out about Teru's play style which they pass on to Kuro. Teru continues to dominate the second half, managing to get a 100,000 point lead over Senriyama, when Toki recalls when she previously attempted to look two turns ahead and ended up collapsing. Having secretly practised at home, Toki decides to put her double turn peek into practice.
Les adversaires de Teru Miyanaga du lycée Shiraitodai craignent ses mains bonus ! Seul le pouvoir de Toki pourrait les sortir de cette boucle infernale, mais voir un tour à l'avance ne sera peut-être pas suffisant...
La primera mitad de las Semifinales Inter-High ha terminado. Campeón Miyanaga Teru que muestra un poder abrumador y sigue ganando. Rei Sonojoji, el as de Senriyama, también lee una ronda por delante para intentar detener el final, pero no puede alcanzarlo. Mientras tanto, Matsumi Gen de Achiga se mostró escéptico sobre el final de Teru en la primera mitad del juego Auras.
Due hanchan contro Teru Miyanaga possono davvero rivelarsi lunghissimi. L'asso della Shiraitodai sta mettendo a dura prova la resistenza delle sue avversarie. Nemmeno i poteri di Toki sembrano funzionare contro di lei. Chi riuscirà a fermarla... e a quale costo?