Urara, who seeks to get rid of anyone standing between her and Mio, attempts to dispose of Momoka, only for her plan to backfire when Momoka's fear of praying mantis' lands her in the group's favor. Momoka gets her revenge, only for Urara to develop a masochistic side and latch onto her. Later, Maya asks the other to help her train how to eat natto for a commercial shoot, receiving harsh training from Momoka, who is jealous of her breasts, resulting in her developing an acute fear of natto. Afterwards, Momoka spends time with the silent Kaya, who seems to change her cosplay whenever she isn't looking. The two soon engage in a survival game, which the other members soon join, after which Kaya reveals she just wanted to have a conversation about cosplay.
En plus d'avoir été forcée à intégrer le club, Momoka doit se coltiner l'entraînement du matin. Jalouse de l'intérêt que porte Miô à la nouvelle recrue, Urara profite de la séance d'exercices pour tenter de l'évincer...
Urara begegnet Momoka beim morgentlichen Training feindselig. Die Natto-hassende Maya wurde für einen Natto-Werbespot ausgewählt. Es läuft darauf hinaus, dass Momoka allein mit der stillen Kayo im Clubraum ist.
★「沈黙のKILL or DIE」
En esta entrega Momoka descubrirá por qué el club tiene tan pocos miembros. Por otro lado, tratará de hablar con Gotokuji-san, quien siempre permanece callada.