A day in the dojo where Yahiko is training, Yahiko is training with Misao and she's deciding it's about time she leaves. Omasu, Ochika and Aoshi arrive and are ready to take Misao back to Kyoto. Misao changes her mind and decides she doesn't want to go back, and then the females decide to go shopping. The females leave and Sanosuke and Yahiko are up to something, they believe that they are going to go and eat something without them so they tag along. The girls go shopping and bump into a pick pocket, they beat him up and get back their money. The pick pocket went and got all his men but they were defeated, meanwhile Kenshin and Aoshi talk and drink tea, they decide to take a walk and they see the girls.
Misao e Yahiko treinam quando duas companheiras da Oni chegam para levar a garota para casa. Aoshi aparece e entrega a Misao uma carta de Okina. As mulheres vão às compras. Sano e Yahiko as seguem. Kenshin e Aoshi ficam no dôjo e tomam chá, uma antiga promessa entre os dois guerreiros.
Un día en el dojo donde Yahiko está entrenando, Yahiko está entrenando con Misao y está decidiendo que es hora de irse. Omasu, Ochika y Aoshi llegan y están listos para llevar a Misao de regreso a Kioto. Misao cambia de opinión y decide que no quiere volver, y luego las mujeres deciden ir de compras. Las hembras se van y Sanosuke y Yahiko están tramando algo, creen que van a ir a comer algo sin ellas, así que lo acompañan.
Alors qu’Aoshi arrive pour ramener Misao chez elle, Kaoru et quelques amis la rejoigne pour une dernière virée shopping. Cependant, les efforts de Sanosuke et de Yahiko pour garder un œil sur leur amis les amènent à être confondus avec un groupe de voleurs.
도쿄에서 놀고 있는 미사오를 데리러 가기 위해 연지와 화영, 그리고 아오시가 도쿄를 찾는다. 하지만 미사오는 아오시가 자신을 위해 데리러 온 게 아니라며 투정을 부리고 교토에 돌아가지 않겠다며 고집을 부린다. 결국 카린의 설득으로 마음을 고쳐먹은 미사오는 도쿄에서의 마지막 추억을 만들기 위해 친구들과 시내 구경을 가기로 하는데…