The battle between Kenshin and Saito continues after Kenshin is stabbed by Saito's Gatotsu Sanshiki. Kaoru is frightened to see Kenshin's Battousai persona begin to emerge and begins to lose hope that she will ever see the gentle Rurouni again. However, one of Saito's superiors appears and stops the fight just as it is reaching a climax and Kenshin returns to normal after punching himself in the face. Okubo explains to Kenshin that Shishio Makoto, the man who took over Kenshin's position as the Shadow Hitokiri for the Ishinshishi survived being burned alive and has begun gathering an army to overthrow the government, and hopes that Kenshin can defeat him, with the threat of Megumi being turned in for opium manufacture unless he complies. Megumi states she would rather die that be used as a pawn against Kenshin, and he is given a deadline upon which to decide.
Saito e Kenshin travam uma batalha sangrenta. Neste momento, uma carruagem chega ao dôjo. A luta é interrompida pelo ministro do interior, Okubo. O objetivo de Saito era despertar Battousai. Saito vai embora para matar Shibumi.
Kenshin y Saito continúan con su pelea la cual parece decantar a favor de Saito, pero en un momento dado, Kenshin (para terror de Kaoru), retoma su antigua personalidad de Battôsai y voltea la situación a su favor. Cuando están a punto de matarse, Kawaji, jefe de la policía interrumpe la lucha y le dice a Saito que su misión era probar las capacidades de Battôsai para la misión que había sido encomendado.
Le combat fait rage. Mais Saito est un adversaire redoutable et Kenshin ne semble pas être à la hauteur. Seul Battosai l'assassin pourrait vaincre l'ancien Shinsengumi. Alors que les deux combattants sont prêts à jeter leurs dernières forces dans le duel, ils sont interrompus par l'arrivée d'un nouveau personnage.
신선조의 사이토와 드디어 1 대 1 대결을 하게 된 켄신. 그런데 사이토와대결을 하던 도중, 켄신이 점점 예전의 피도 눈물도 없던 칼잡이 발도제의 모습으로 돌아간다. 이러한 모습을 지켜보며 가슴을 졸이는 카린. 그러나 위기 일발의 순간, 이들을 막는 사람이 나타나는데…