Der von der Königin verabscheute Kardinal de Rohan möchte Marie Antoinette treffen und Jeanne soll ihm dabei helfen. Jeanne versucht Oscar zu bestechen was allerdings erfolglos bleibt. Um noch mehr Geld zu erschwindeln, lässt Jeanne einen Liebesbrief der Königin an Rohan fälschen. Darüber hinaus findet sie in Paris ein blindes Mädchen, welches Marie Antoinette zum verwechseln ähnlich sieht und arrangiert ein nächtliches Treffen zwischen dem Kardinal und der falschen Königin. Oscar taucht unerwartet auf, doch Jeanne kann alles vor ihr verbergen.
Sleazy Cardinal Rohan tries to seek the Queen's favor but is hated by her to the point where she will not even talk to him. This is because he was a former Austrian ambassador who was fired by Empress Maria Theresa for his habit of fooling around with prostitutes. Rohan asks Jeanne for help. Oscar is visibly depressed by Fersen's leave, so she retreats with Andre and Rosalie to a beachside manor. Jeanne visits Oscar and tries to bribe her with gold, but she coldly refuses them, not trusting her. Jeanne lies to Rohan and says that she had accepted the bribe, and that their plan to use Oscar to get to the Queen had worked. She also pretends to be in love with him, and asks for 10,000 livres so she could meet with the Queen and introduce him to her, but she keeps the gold bribe and 10,000 livres for herself. She then lies to Rohan and tells him that she has met the Queen, forges a reply to a letter he wrote her, and asks for 50,000 more livres under the guise of donating it to the Queen.
Août 1781, le cardinal de Rohan est prêt à payer une fortune pour assouvir son désir de rencontrer Marie-Antoinette. La comtesse Jeanne de La Motte, toujours prête à saisir toute opportunité de richesse, lui annonce que c’est chose aisée si on s’adresse au bon endroit. Peu après, elle va à la rencontre d’Oscar qui galope sur ses terres en compagnie d’André et de Rosalie. Jeanne lui indique que son mari travaille sous ses ordres dans la Garde Royale et tente de lui offrir deux cruches de pièces d’or. Mais Oscar refuse et rentre chez elle. De retour à Paris, Jeanne annonce au cardinal que tout se passe au mieux…
Pur di estorcere denaro, la diabolica Jeanne riesce a far credere al cardinale di Rohan che avrebbe incontrato la regina, da sempre ostile alla sua dubbia reputazione. Dopo aver ricevuto migliaia di monete d'oro, il cardinale viene posto di fronte ad una sosia non vedente della regina. La truffa riesce.