Retro Core is back with part 2 of the Dreamcast shooting Special. But before we get in to what's featured I must stress that this download version of the show is running with an odd frame rate making some games look a little jerky when scrolling. This is not how these games run in real life. Also a note that the game XOP that is featured is a very early in development version. The fully released game will go under a different title with a much cleaner look. So one with the listings for this Retro Core Special. In depth featured games Trigger Heart Exelica Radirgy Bangaoh Last Hope Twinkle Star Sprites Under Defeat R720 (bonus game from Segagaga) Karasu (Crows) XOP - World exclusive work in process DC version (as of March 1st 2007) Other featured games Border Down Chaos Field Gigawaing Gigawing 2 Gunspike Mars Matrix Psyvariar 2 Rainbow Cotton Shikigami No Shiro II Trizeal and Zero Gunner 2